HPB 04-07-1993 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD PUBLIC HEARING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1993 LOCATION: FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 100 N.W. 1ST AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 1. ROLL CALL: The Chairperson (Daniel Carter was acting Chair) called the meeting to order at 6 : 00 P.M. Board Members : Christine Bull Present Margie Miller Absent Daniel Carter (Vice Chair) Present Sandy Jamison Present Pat Healy-Golembe Present Buck Miller (2nd Vice Chair) Absent Rose Sloan (Chair) Absent Staff Members Present: Jeff Costello, Planning & Zoning Department Pat Cayce, Planning & Zoning Department Diana Mund, Planning & Zoning Department 2 . COA 8-204-A: 114 S.E. 1st Street; Old School Square Historic District; Sharon Leakey, Owner; James Chapman, Contractor, Authorized Agent The Board approved COA 8-204-A, subject to the following conditions: 1 . That the existing driveway along the west side of the property be utilized and widened to 15 ' ; or, the 15 ' may be reduced to a width which would not encroach on the existing palm tree and water meter. 2 . That a vertical railing be installed on the ramp and that a hedge be planted and maintained to the height of the railing. Pat Healy-Golembe moved for approval of COA 8-204-A, seconded by Christine Bull. The vote was as follows: Christine Bull - Yes; Daniel Carter - Yes; Sandy Jamison - No; Pat Healy-Golembe - Yes. Said motion passed 3-1. AGENDA HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1993 6 :00 PM FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Historic Preservation Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide or prepare such record. Pursuant to F.S.286.0105. 1. Roll Call 2 . COA 8-204-A 114 S.E. 1st street, Old School Square Historic District. Sharon Leakey, Owner; James Chapman, Contractor, Authorized Agent. Construction of a driveway and handicapped access ramp which is visible from the street. 3. COA 8-197-A 48 S.E. 1st Avenue, Old School Square Historic District. Ninan Cherian, Owner. Installation of a free standing sign for the Mariposa Adult Care facility. 4 . COA 8-183-A 60 Palm Square, Marina Historic District. David Clitter, Owner Approval of site plan and landscape plan. Recommendation of waivers to the CIty Commission 5. Reports from Historic districts. 6 . Unfinished Business. 7. New Business. 8. Approval of the minutes for March 10 and March 17, 1993. 9 . Adjournment. Alternatively, after discussion, the Board approved the location of the driveway and the ramp configuration proposed on the plans dated March 18, 1993 with the following conditions: * That the existing driveway to the west be removed and replaced with a walkway. * That a vertical railing be installed on the ramp and that a hedge be planted and maintained to the height of the railing. * That the color and finish of the driveway surface be approved by staff. 3 . COA 8-197-A: 48 S.E. 1st Avenue; Old School Square Historic District; Ninan Cherian, Owner The Board approved COA 8-197-A the sign for the Mariposa Adult Care Home with the following condition: * The background color for the sign, which was only specified as red, be approved by Pat Cayce. The Board recommended burgundy or a color relating to the awning color. Sandy Jamison moved for approval of COA 8-197-A, seconded by Pat Healy-Golembe. The vote was as follows : Christine Bull - Yes; Daniel Carter - Yes; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - Yes . Said motion passed 4-0. 4 . COA 8-183-A: 60 Palm Square; Marina Historic District; David Clitter, Owner The Board moved to recommend to the City Commission approval of the waiver from Section 4 .6 . 16(H) (3) (d) , to reduce the required 5 ' wide landscape strip to 3 ' between parking spaces and abutting properties for the north parking area only. Sandy Jamison moved for approval of COA 8-183-A (Waivers) , seconded by Christine Bull. The vote was as follows: Christine Bull - Yes; Daniel Carter - Yes; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - Yes . Said motion passed 4-0 . The motion for the Board to recommend to the City Commission denial of the waiver requests to Section 4 .6 . 16 (H) (3) (a) , to reduce the required 5 ' wide landscape strip to 3 ' between the parking spaces and Palm Square; and Section 4 . 6. 16(H) (3) (d) , to reduce the south parking spaces and the abutting property based on a failure to make a positive finding with respect to Section 4 .5 . 1, that he requested waivers are not necessary to maintain the historic character of the residence was denied. - 2 - 4/7/93 Sandy Jamison moved for approval of COA 8-183-A (Waivers) , seconded by Christine Bull. The vote was as follows : Christine Bull - No; Daniel Carter - No; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - No. Said motion was denied 4-0. The Board moved to recommend to the City Commission approval of the waiver from Section 4 .6 . 16(H) (3) (a) , to reduce the required 5 ' wide landscape strip to 3 ' between the parking spaces and Palm Square; and recommend to the City Commission denial of the waiver request to Section 4 . 6 . 16(H) (3) (d) , to reduce the required 5 ' wide landscape strip to 3 ' between the south parking spaces and the abutting property based on a failure to make a positive finding with respect to Section 4 .5 . 1, that the requested waiver is not necessary to maintain the historic character of the residence. Daniel Carter moved for approval of COA 8-183-A (Waivers) , seconded by Sandy Jamison. The vote was as follows : Christine Bull - Yes; Daniel Carter - Yes; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - Yes. Said motion passed 4-0 . In summary; the Board recommended all requested waivers except that abutting the south property line. Pursuant to Section 4 .9 .6(D) (8) (a) , the Board approved the use of a pea rock parking surface for 4 parking spaces and the use of paver blocks or an approved equal for the driveway. Sandy Jamison moved for approval of COA 8-183-A (Parking Surface & Driveway) , seconded by Pat Healy-Golembe. The vote was as follows : Christine Bull - Yes; Daniel Carter - Yes; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - Yes. Said motion passed 4-0. The Board approved COA 8-183-A, the associated site plan and landscape plan by making a positive finding with respect to Section 4 .5. 1 subject to the following conditions: 1. That a revised site plan be submitted addressing the requested waivers . 2 . That if the Seagrape tree to the north is ever removed it will be replaced with 2 Pigeon Plum trees . One to be located at the northeast corner of the parking area and one centered on the north parking area property line. 3 . That a note be provided on the landscape plan that sod and irrigation will be provided within the unpaved portion of the right-of-way, between the edge of the pavement and the east property line. - 3 - 4/7/93 Sandy Jamison moved for approval of COA 8-183-A, seconded by Christine Bull. The vote was as follows: Christine Bull - Yes; Daniel Carter - Yes; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - Yes . Said motion passed 4-0. 5. REPORTS FROM HISTORIC DISTRICTS: Mrs . Cayce informed the Board Alieda Riley was working on signs for the Marina Historic District. 6 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Mr. Carter inquired about the enlarging of OSSHAD. Mrs. Cayce stated that she had completed a preliminary study and would present it to the Board at their next meeting. Mrs . Golembe inquired about the color of the Naussau Pointe Project. Mrs. Cayce will check the file as to what the Board had approved. 7 . NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Golembe went to Washington D.C. to lobby for the tax credits for historic homes and for more government money for historic programs. She felt things had gone well. Mr. Carter spoke to the City Commission at their Goal Setting Meeting in March in reference to the tax credit for historic homes . Mr. Carter inquired about the Swinton Avenue Beautification Committee and the Board expressed a desire to view the plan. Mrs . Cayce stated that she would speak with Nancy Davila about presenting the plan to the Board. 8 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 10, 1993 & March 17, 1993 Christine Bull moved for approval of the minutes for the March 10 & 17, 1993 meetings, seconded by Pat Healy-Golembe. The vote was as follows : Christine Bull - Yes; Daniel Carter - Yes; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - Yes. Said motion passed 4-0. 9 . ADJOURNMENT: Pat Healy-Golembe moved for adjournment at 7 :35 P.M. , seconded by Christine Bull. The vote was as follows: Christine Bull - Yes; Daniel Carter - Yes; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - Yes. Said motion passed 4-0. - 4 - 4/7/93 The next meeting is scheduled for April 21, 1993 . The undersigned is the Secretary of the Historic Preservation Board and the information provided herein is the Minutes of the meeting of said body for April 7, 1993, which were formally adopted and approved poved bey the Board on May 5, 1993. liana Muni If the Minutes that you have received are not completed as indicated above, then this means that these are not the Official Minutes . They will become so after review and approval, which may involve some changes. - 5 - 4/7/93 4 STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 2 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1993 COA 8-204 A 114 S.E. 1st Street, Old School Square Historic District. Sharon Leakey, Owner. James Chapman, Contractor, Authorized agent. BACKGROUND This is a noncontributing ( 1947) single family home in the Old School Square Historic district. It is located on the south side of S.E. 1st Street, between S. Swinton and S.E. 1st Avenue (east-bound bypass) . The applicant is requesting approval to install a new driveway and handicapped access ramp to accommodate her mother, who uses a wheelchair. The HPB heard COA 8-204 at its meeting of March 17, 1993 . The location and design of the ramp proposed by the applicant was not recommended by staff (see staff report for the March 17, 1993 meeting for details) . After the meeting was called to order and the staff comments were made, the applicant and her contractor, presented the HPB with a revised design for the access ramp. The revised design differed considerably from the design of COA 8-204, which was before the Board. It indicated a paved parking or handicapped drop-off area in the R-O-W; staff had not had the opportunity to review the new proposal. It was decided that COA 8-204 should be postponed till the next meeting in order to obtain staff comments. The planning staff reviewed the new plan and concluded that the paved parking in the R-O-W created an unsafe handicapped drop-off area and that the ramp and access walkway were not compatible to residential properties located in historic districts. Richard Hasko, Asst. City Engineer commented that as there was sufficient space to accommodate vehicular access on-site he could not support the proposed plan (see attached memo) . ANALYSIS On March 18, 1993 the applicant submitted a revised plan to supersede the one which was presented at the March 17, 1993 meeting. This plan (COA 8-204 A) which is attached, proposes a concrete driveway cut and apron and a parking area 12 ' 6" x 20" and approximately 6 ' from the east property line. A 5' x 13 ' concrete walk runs from the southwest corner of the parking area to the foot of the ramp. The ramp is parallel to the front porch from east to west, the west being the top of the ramp. The existing asphalt driveway on the west of the property is to remain. COA 8-204-A 114 S.E 1st Street Page 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the existing driveway along the west side of the property be utilized and widened to 15 ' . The additional width will allow for better access by wheel chair from the passenger side of the car than the 12 ' 6" which is proposed. The ramp would run parallel to the porch from west to east with the top of the ramp located to the east. This has the effect of creating a larger parking and drop-off area and more direct access to the ramp, while adding only a minimum number of square feet of additional paving to the front yard. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Approve COA 8-204 A as presented. 2. Approve COA 8-204-A, subject to the conditions : * That the existing driveway along the west side of the property be utilized and widened to - . * That a vertical railing be installed on the ramp and that a hedge be planted and maintained to the height of the railing. 3. Deny COA 8-204 A based on a failure to make a positive finding to Section 4.5. 1(E) (7) , with respect to compatibility standards of noncontributing buildings within historic districts; and Section 4 .5. 1(E) (8) (f) , with respect to the rhythm of entrance and porch projections. RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve COA 8-204-A, subject to the conditions: 1. That the existing driveway along the west side of the property be utilized and widened to 15' . 2 . That a vertical railing be installed on the ramp and that a hedge be planted and maintained to the height of the railing. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MEMORANDUM TO: JEFF COSTELLO PLANNING TECH II FROM: RICHARD C. HASKO, P.E. (\ ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER DATE: MARCH 22, 1993 SUBJECT: 14 S. E. 1ST STREET HANDICAP ACCESS FACILITY I have reviewed the proposal for construction of a handicap access ramp and paved swale drop-off area at the subject location. It appears from the plan submitted that the required wheelchair access and vehicular approach can be accommodated completely on the applicant's property. Under this circumstance we cannot support the paving proposal within the S.E. 1st Street right-of-way which will create an improved on street parking area. DH:kt cc: Ralph E. Hayden, P.E. , City Engineer Pat Cayce, Historic Preservation Planner File: Memos to Planning/Zoning DHJCM22-KT _ 22 1993 f jJ�3i;,.t a &LCrYiNG S 0 :L A T �'i S T,?E ,T • 64 t. �� OP iT — - - • /z-6 • . . I44 •i_ e. a CO i �1 • c, ry i c. 1. ti �3� ._ ., . i x \ . 1. y - .1. cAL GccAR L RAIL . \ . ! Q , • . tj. )r- 0 o r rr !� _ ;OT�G FtE7E 1'0 'o Ti up ri - • E LEVEL .win! +� MS 'xi IT! rVG_STLP RAfi :xisrlgs STEPS IY.E. E.xrsr'Nc Col.ctM .3 1 • . rEPs - ~EXISTlnli PORCH i ' \'. dRH (mu- Dory/ . sl aEs -- s r47--1 C--C-44I416-711 /1-1-7c"\--) I \ . \ .. I 1 I t I 1 , • \ ' I (NO \ ... . . ..... k --, i \ . 1 . 1 \ I I 1 I NscsalgED . . i ; MAR 18 1993\ i PLANNING & ZOO:411\1G ti 6� 4 APPLICATION FOR A STAFF APPROVED CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 407-243-7284 Address of Property 1 67 5 / 7 VC: lGregy COA-S Affix one clear picture • i i r • e_J•..t.. 3 fin` N '' .. .. ., ;fir _ AGENDA ITEM 3 This has been approved by the building department's sign review committee. Recommend approval by the HPB /DfNT/rlroni3O'J Jfb :`' flit "\ ► • � J� l4S /tA � S / 6 / C+ A, L � V f ' s/ i I <Cb,„'t, O f1K, IvOU Sf✓l.i ?F " 0--'''' (--4 Acvwfnh✓.� r a f 4� 'f' ,. . , �J l Pl.vn,riuw rcr MA R!S O A /�('�'J NONE w ��h '�F'.K .'?C .. QL?a �-.4 4 44 .. /".? SIGN REVIEW N 1 L/ IZ �� L ,`�► I PEE ECT`tIC CAB TN . ! ticr �' 7~ I .5/ //,SIGN REVIEW Z pal • a i I a Mpc C rag K/%1 Q S16."I cD Z rik . r./41 % D . r u 1- ) .....-7 k . ,t, .v.bi . . -. .. . W h 7 q • SeraAtew a / , [ M 1 k1 : S K-r a,A(It KK ov, P/L 0 104INA ie 0 , So. • s s 1 =T f,.,r STAFF REPORT HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD APRIL 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM 4 COA 8-183-A 60 PALM SQUARE DAVID CLITTER, OWNER CONTRIBUTING MAIN RESIDENCE AND ACCESSORY BUILDING; NONCONTRIBUTING RENTAL COTTAGE, MARINA HISTORIC DISTRICT ITEM B E FORE THE BOARD The action before the Board is that of approval of COA 8-183-A for a site plan and landscaping plan; and a request for a recommendation to the City Commission regarding waivers from certain landscape requirements. The site plan includes the construction of a swimming pool, patios, walkways, a 4 ' high wall to screen the pool, a fence to the south and 2 parking areas to accommodate a total of 4 cars. The parking spaces will have a pea rock surface and the driveway is to be paver block. The parking area is located in the front of the property; 2 spaces to be provided on the north; and 2 spaces to the south. BACKGROUND The property consists of three buildings; a single family Mission Revival style main house and accessory building built in 1928, and a rental cottage which is noncontributing. It is located in the Marina Historic District in the RM zone. On June 17, 1992 the Historic Preservation Board approved COA 8-183 for the exterior renovation of all three structures. The nonconforming accessory building had been condemned by the City when the applicant purchased the property. Upon recommendation of the HPB, because of the historic nature of the accessory building, the Chief Building Official allowed it to be rehabilitated and brought up to code. The rental cottage is currently vacant but the applicant wants to retain the option to use it as an income producing unit; as a result, 4 on-site parking spaces are required. The applicant had not completed his site plan and landscaping design at the time of the 1992 meeting. ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting special action from the HPB to recommend to the City Commission that waivers be granted for relief from certain landscaping regulations to allow the site to be developed as presented on the site plan. The request for waivers is as follows: COA 8-183-A 60 Palm Square Page 2 Perimeter landscaping adjacent to a public right-of-way (east) . * Pursuant to Section 4 .6 . 16 (H) (3) (a) , a 5 ' landscape strip between the parking area and a public right-of-way is required. A waiver is requested to allow a 3 ' landscape strip between the north and south parking areas and Palm Square. A 5' landscaping strip between Palm Square and the 2 south parking spaces can be provided by moving the 4 ' high stucco wall 2 ' to the west. This will -not interfere with the location of the proposed swimming pool as 4 ' are provided between the wall and the pool and 3 of the 4 ' feet are devoted to a planter. A 5 ' landscaping strip between Palm Square and the 2 north parking spaces can be accommodated by moving the parking area 2 ' to the west. This will create a 7 ' foundation planting area as opposed to the proposed 9 ' . Perimeter landscaping abutting adjacent properties (north/ south) . * Pursuant to section 4 .6 . 16(H) (3) (d) , a 5 ' landscape strip between the parking spaces and abutting properties is required. A waiver is requested to allow a 3 ' landscape strip between the 2 parking spaces which abut the property to the north and the 2 parking spaces which abut the south property. The required 5' landscaping buffer between south parking area and the abutting property can be provided by reducing the length of the parking spaces from to proposed 22 ' to the standard 18 ' . In order to preserve to the visual impact of the unusual arched front door and its decorative surround, it would be appropriate to recommend the waiver to allow a 3 ' landscape buffer between the 2 north parking spaces and the abutting property. The additional 2 ' gained by granting the waiver will place the cars out of the sight-line from the street to front entrance. The applicant has provided a letter of justification and explanation for the request, which is attached. Parking and Landscaping The basic parking configuration and design for the entrance court is attractive and appropriate. Utilizing 2 parking areas lessens the impact of a parking lot. The use of pea rock and paver block is consistent with the residential character of the COA 8-183-A 60 Palm Square Page 3 neighborhood. The site plan calculations meet development standards including the non-vehicular open space which provide 3, 115 square feet; 2,500 are required. The 4 ' masonry wall which screens the pool is completely compatible to the Mission style main building. Extensive landscaping is provided throughout the site. However, the only area which is a concern for the purpose of this review is the proposed parking lot area. The landscape plan indicates screening of the parking areas with a Cocoplum hedge. In order to meet the requirement to provide shade trees every 30 ' on center adjacent to the right-of-way [Section 4 .6 . 16(H) (3) (a) ] , the pigeon plum tree at the southeast corner of the site will need to be located further to the north and an additional tree will need to be provided within the landscape strip adjacent to the existing Coconut Palm. Pursuant to Section 4 .6 . 16(H) (4) (b) , sod and irrigation must be provided within the unpaved portion of the right-of-way, between the edge of pavement and the east property line. This has not been indicated on the plan. ALTERNATIVE ACT I O N S Waivers 1. Recommend to the City Commission approval of the waivers to LDR Sections 4.6 . 16(H) (3) (a) and 4 .6 . 16 (H) (3) (d) , based on a positive finding from Section 4 .5. 1, that all of the requested waivers are necessary to maintain the historic character of the main residence and its relation to the streetscape. 2. Recommend to the City Commission denial of the waiver requests to Section 4 .6 . 16(H) (3) (a) and 4 .6. 16(H) (3) (d) , based on a failure to make a positive finding with respect to Section 4 .5. 1. 3. Recommend to the City Commission that a waiver from Section 4 .6. 16(H) (3(d) , which requires a 5 ' landscape strip between parking spaces and abutting properties be granted for the north parking area. Site Plan and Landscaping Plan 1. Continue with direction 2 . Approve COA 8-183-A and the associated site plan, landscape plan and pursuant to Section 4.9 .6(D) (8) (a) approve the use of a pea rock parking surface for 4 parking spaces and the use of paver blocks for the driveway. 3. Deny COA 8-183-A and the associated site plan, landscape plan and pursuant to Section 4.9 .6(D) (8) (a) deny the use of a pea rock parking surface for 4 parking spaces and the use of paver blocks for the driveway. COA 8-183-A 60 Palm Square Page 4 RECOMMENDED ACTION A. Recommend to the City Commission approval of the waiver from Section 4 . 6 . 16 (H) ( 3) (d) , to reduce the required 5 ' wide landscape strip to 3 ' between parking spaces and abutting properties for the north parking area only. B. Recommend to the City Commission denial of the waiver requests to Section 4 . 6 . 16 (H) ( 3) (a) , to reduce the required 5 ' wide landscape strip to 3 ° between the parking spaces and Palm Square; and Section 4 . 6 . 16 (H) ( 3) (d) , to reduce the ?required 5 ' wide landscape strip to 3 ' between the south f parking spaces and the abutting property based on a failure -1 to make a positive finding with respect to Section 4 . 5 . 1, � that the requested waivers are not necessary to maintain the historic character of the residence. C. Pursuant to Section 4 . 9 . 6 (D) ( 8) (a) approve the use of a pea rock parking surface for 4 parking spaces and the use of paver blocks for the driveway. cc- , D. Approve COA 8-183-A and the associated site plan and landscape plan by making a positive finding with respect to Section 4 . 5 . 1 subject to the following conditions : 1 . That a revised site plan be submitted addressing the requested waivers . 2 . That, on the landscape plan, the pigeon plum tree at the southeast corner of the site be located further to the north and that.—an additiona--i—tree be=--provided within—the lanlcape strip ad}ac-ent- to the existing Coconut Palm__. 3 . That a note be provided on the landscape plan that sod and irrigation will be provided within the unpaved portion of the right-of-way, between the edge of pavement and the east property line. APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 100 N.W. 1ST AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 The Historic Preservation Board meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month. This application must be filed 15 days prior to the next available meeting. Address of Property 6 0 P A-1-0' -s 4t4 IE Co' -/gg Affix One Clear Picture a p- ; ii. fiftl. _, s : a^ - ';;z ..terq t c r--' A&PAPS 1rz26 • : 0011110 / Faunal' rE1,cL i ,e%\/r'- — I I $. fo 5-4.1,-- 10' /.. 5a� 4,...0 GNE51 --) "'a WOOD I i.0 G 9t WArt[ 1 it I Ill Ft' Erb. .. - _-_. ---- -- I `,1 6KAVEL li (III ° "T '� ''AaKIN(a IIIII 1 .1.80 ,M NA • r?,y . P'q 4 • I YicIGK g .._ jj? •,.: . • . . x 4 .1 _. ._ I 13: • l --\ I IA 4_.v -,) i / \' • • \• ''' '\ ‘.9 # .. " ` I Y" 14'4'4 a p. a•a� rtmrIbt _ E,1511 N(o °IADAy., PALW, ( '/ //Y �/ Q / r I 51'LGIAI .5.0� '1.1T �,�� PAVIWCCq . 1'LAU1L¢ c. ..,. G.5 xe 1_ ,.,r - •may. GIRLULAK a �0' �, I I i �IO0-Ch-1 r001- 19,1,0 1 1 DI2 `\\\i \ • \ry .,� /` COVER GO .1.2 I I • \/• • I ' R�` PIAUrlQr�';' I C—OVlR HEM) I I� -y nC k"A : .1 ' ,_s AWJr.14 I. •N' I D I. •i" �a1cic POOL �--.' a i n I II y' .JALKWAT ;, 3 .1.4�-4:(,4.S..•1. PATIO - _ �._. Y✓ '1 OW eNER 50'�. OEICK VA110- -•% - --- ----(1 \ X Gt . _ �� tool\\J �'a `-��( 'P j 'i "�•4 I , 4 G'Pr$CNAL. CCLtIM4S (--- 5rA t'fJUL ern_ I n ,y nVrcrs. .1' NT .LAn1.awt• ,I 'VOL Ludo I . fir,-4'111 •1uU0 WALL• GtlrvLWAY EJTQA ES I HOUSE. P .�.Ol 6'Ott. .� 1 PAINr to MA1GN NODSE• PAIStD 50E !2' _-•1 'I • I WIru L,1-1. ._. _..._.__.__— .• ., aQLVLL ' r7 .. I Pn15lo Iti i 1 I , i 9AIAKIW(,1 I. 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G( 'CIVAG�� FEu`� .._I.�r� '/ lam' I HS I Hh1Asm,,,op.'S•mlroMPw'MtrlKw Sl.nd ) 1� - I I end l' I �/` i ..i- II __--c .,s�-�_ I i! I • PL 1. ;�M4�Mor ml.u151rwik ware IGua B&B.' .:1 'c__:---t= e I IOumm lingo) IIyM.,1'•p..sal..0.e -•t:Kn, wCl SIDGTAaD *lir• � ISHRUBS,GROUNDCOVERS,BACCENTS NOWA ' -I A2V a AbM4 cerumb•r Oadpeu'(Vatpaled shell o.non) ' - \ heavy cwsprs 76•sp..IA 7 I _ WA L _ ! I • Bo G Barodmn..b.aF»nw(wm.aae,) V 1;l �i H ir.a.1 ( sill C.IFAVEI at M.,n.itd,lnbbwsl,lul.mb6Nmm— -1 f1G' �I r ►Ah KINp ( I eRo se O^piU•12'o.d sppaAawnM Bromeliads) _._ !' s' I I 50 CA 3 CAP..a.Incuml Criurn Py) !�- -- „�VERED t 7 ---- I 2o•M..00-,pr..ful,min7O I' PATIO 0 a es Chrywbalanus kw.(R.Apmcopwm) ��,. 1, V _-- f • �y LM I u•m.u•.p..wl,2o•ec. 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I •I • N•rwm oleander(OrgM PIrA OM•nhr Suedud) T4 At,NA,MMsd ---1 M Iir 1 r'(-.`: I Ill tin r 'w •Ifjpe LA/Ott" _I 5'r' \ •I' I cia 1(WNW Ar _1 c . S SI»N 4rpinalBvd olPu.dis•) ;i•hi SF U� I ! i ` 21d.,. spa,IA minDppp _ •—• s50 2 $rGSS,G GGltno PMyllp, Cj(Ix1(,ao .) ` 0 / - ._.-_ ':. / , • I 12'lU at. hf NOTES " , /- NOTE ANT MATERIAL LOBE FIC • r .- 1 VIl!I\ ._ I dull +D bast • sod w w sr.A.war.Fwt.uT.c ` -PP \ •9 Poo.. \ .I / '\ Iri 1.TS .Re sod aM bed Rapeipic •ne tD:'.1` � . . • ` a. ♦ . . _I7nulfi•frunku.vpeppovd wow „ti y I •Cenlncler n•PonforI .I IAREG SEArE. PNukhhtop all,and loIolbslA.. l �'ODI • �•_,._•.___. 2r� SPECIFICATIONS I' _ I-y}- I✓� �y)coil.. LILai ,(-q'(11. �iTUCCL' klAll• I '-"'<. •NOMENCLATURE:All plant male(It� � f1 6UEZT (ZA� s�� Q 6)_0.Me pP,ll�1 TO `.••A1U{ NW',E.,�.�I I Nurserymen.Grsd•s and Su.dr:+ 1! 1 (` I HOUSE. • '(�� (I• IIfTf.ltl•" 1 I-I Fp.cA[albm will not be accepted • l FAis CD SPA j2 -yl 1 •PUNT LISTS:Guwh•s,sun.,•. I 1 ..... ..._.._..__-_.._ ____.... T J - y I Ouant�,plant shell Ishown a NwA.pecedent/rnMver m.,r (AiI'EL �,�-- W115 LWLFI• t}a 'II I •1.. I vtr�lnlbnM.dual0uanlrn u'•: t I S, ._.. Pit• AIS FD PATIO 1 pA1:�•N(,1 rl Landscape ArcheKl I r _ •SUBSTITUTIONS:No subssivl. /�\ /�� iii\\\iii--- • '�'' �.- :I II 7: 1 I NI•M•d sub.Mdonl foal lot dna, r t I. , 1 - •+ ' �, / i .0 PODL•S� •AGK: •-~��r.% .\ j FI. __- rS. the1D TDI•mM wen.m�e„-�..b.i n /`. 'T _ - -. -• :Ire" rows. ••. Q1t , / I -I�• • I es,aNI mood m J 4 MEMORANDUM TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEMBERS FROM: PAT CAYCE, HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLANNER DATE: APRIL 2, 1993 RE: AGENDA ITEM #4 - COA 8-183-A 60 PALM SQUARE - MARINA HISTORIC DISTRICT DAVID CLITTER, OWNER Attached is the letter of justification for the requested waivers associated with the above referenced project. The letter was inadvertently omitted from your April 7, 1993 Board Packet. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. PC/dim Attachment * Letter of Justification DRAFT Historic Preservation Board City of Delray Beach ••1 00 N.W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach , Fl =3444 Subject: Waiver Support Action Requested for Property at 60 Palm Square A preliminary site hardscape plan has been submitted to the Planning Department for review and- the results relayed to me by Pat Cayce. I believe that all items needed to be considered have been addressed and that the plan is now ready for review and ap- proval by the Department , with one exception. When I retained the landscape architect and gave them my require- ments for the hardscape and landscape plan , we discussed the need for the total plan to complement the aesthetics of this Mediter- ranean Revival-style historic house. As a result , the plan allows only for a 3-foot landscape strip between the public right-of-way and the parking areas, and between the abutting properties and the parking areas. Because the code requires 5-foot landscaping • strips, I have been informed that I will need a waiver granted by the City Commissioners for the plan to be approved in its present form by the Planning Department and for a permit to be issued. I am therefore requesting that the Historic Preservation Board agree that meeting the code would impact detrimentally on the overall aesthetics of the property, and support the waiver re- quest by recommending to the Commission that the it be approved. This request is based on the consideration that a major function of the •front area of a property is to show the house to the best advantage of passers-by. This function becomes an important goal when the house is historic and when the purpose of developing and landscaping . this "public" area is to enhance the architectural style and design of the house, while maximizing its overall aes•-- thetic_s. A challenge was presented to the landscape architect because the property is a duplex and related codes apply. (A small efficiency apartment , separate from the man house, was rented when I pur- chased the property. It is no longer rented , and while I probably will not rent it after I move in to the house, I want to retain the option to do so again. ) Among these codes is the requirement to provide off-street parking space for four cars. Grouping four cars together in one parking area and thereby creating a parking lot appearance would certainly not be acceptable aesthetically. The architect therefore provided parking areas for two cars each at the north and south sides of the property. This arrangement also allows the driveway entrances to serve as walks leading directly to the front door and to the pool deck gate. y ` k " To position the two cars in the north parking area as far From the house as possible and to allow for a full range of planting that would show the house to best advantage, the architect needed to use every possible foot of space around the parking areas. They therefore included the use of two feet of the five-foot landscape strips required by the code. Without the use of this space, the north parking area would have to be positioned start- ing at the corner of the front steps. The cars then would be parked almost entirely in front of the large, architecturally important north front window. Visually, this parking area would then unnecessarily crowd the house and the cars would clearly be a distraction to viewing its overall symmetry of design , an architectural feature of this house. Also, the resulting loss of planting space adjacent to the house would cause crowded planting , the softening effect of the rounded bed corners would be lost , the planting bed south of the front steps could no longer wrap around the pool deck wall , and the two ' planting beds and front steps would be aligned creating one uninteresting unit across the entire front of the house. If the pool deck wall is relocated two feet to the west as a part of a solution to satisfying the code requirement , the wall would extend this alignment. To offset any possible detrimental impact this waiver could cause to the City or to the abutting properties, there would be four- foot-high hedges between the north and south parking areas and the abutting properties. Also, since there is a six-foot-wide city swale between the street and the property, I would landscape whatever portion of this area the City would prefer with City- approved planting that would complement the planting as planned. This could result in a nine-foot landscaped strip between the parking areas and the public right-of-way, and a twelve-foot-wide landscaped strip in the center area (street parking in front of this property is prohibited) . This Mizner-style historic property will be seen by the public passers-by as a single-family residence, not as a duplex . It will be my home. The fact that it is a duplex should not causa the site plan to be changed in a manner that would unnecessarily compromise the overall appearance of the property. Granting this waiver will allow the property 's aesthetics to be maximized and the house to be shown to best advantage. Delray Beach is recog- nized as a small sample of old Florida, and I am proceeding with the renovation of this property so that it will contribute to this recognition. I hope that the Board and the City Commission- ers agree that the plan as developed is in the public interest ' Respectfully Submitted , David A. Clitter