HPB 04-21-1989 AGENDA
Friday, April 21, 1989 at 8:00 a.m.
Commission Chambers
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of minutes of Special Meeting 4/14/89
3. COA Mr. Jacobson for M&A Development, Inc. for the building
at 95 N.E. 1st Avenue
4. COA A&A Fences, Inc for fence at 19 S. Swinton Avenue
5. COA Tropical Awnings for 101 NE 6th Street
6. COA for Echols, new construction at 120 SE 7th Avenue
7. 9: 00 a.m. Public Hearings for Variance Requests
#88-5 Ennis, 524 NE 3rd Avenue
#88-7 Moss, 126-130 SE 1st Avenue
#88-6 ST. Paul's Episcopal Church , 188 S. Swinton Ave.
#88-8 Echols, 120 SE 7th Avenue
#88-4 Stofft, 234 S. Ocean Blvd.
8. Old School Square
9. Tri-County Commuter Rail Kiosk: Mr. Howard Henking
10. COA continuation, Goranson
11. COA continuation, Hysong
12. Reports from Local Historic Districts
13. Report on Bronze Markers, Spencer Pompey
14. Proposed additional uses for OSSHD, Clemmer Mayhew
15. Old business
16. New business
17. Adjournment
r t
APRIL 21, 1989 AT 8: 00 A.M.
Patricia Healy, Chairperson Herb Henking, Tri-County Commuter
Clemmer Mayhew Rail Organization, Station Coordinator
David Nathanson Jerome Sanzone, Building Department
Spencer Pompey John P. Johnson, Director, Historic
Alice Finst Palm Beach County Preservation Board
Diane DeMarco Susan Ruby, Ass ' t City Attorney
Dave Martin Pat Cayce, Historic Preservation
Lula Butler, Director of Community
Diane Simpson, Tropical Awning
Steve Echols
Allan Jacobson, M&A Development, Inc.
1. The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 8: 05 a.m.
2. The recording secretary took the roll.
3. The Board reviewed the 4/14/89 minutes of the Special Meeting,
the Chairperson called for motion to approve minutes of 4/14/89
meeting(after correction were made) . Mr. Nathanson motioned to
approve the minutes of 4/14/89. Seconded by Mr. Martin.
I. M&A Development, Inc./ Mr. Jacobson
95 N. E. 1st avenue.
C.O.A. Application
Mr. Jacobson addressed the Board, a detail list and photos were
handed out to each Board Member, regarding various modification
to said site. Mr. Nathanson suggested to address the list
individually to expedite it. Each item was addressed accordingly
to allow Board members questions.
There being no further discussion the chairperson called for
motion. Mr. Nathanson motioned to approve. Seconded by Mr.
Martin. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew No
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Yes
Ms. Healy moved to amend the agenda, she preferred to have
item #6 moved to occur after the variances. Item six being
COA for Echols, who also has Variance #88-8 on the agenda.
Seconded by Mr. Mayhew. All member agreed.
II . A&A Fences, Inc./ Mr. Aaron
19 S. Swinton Avenue
C.O.A. Application
Mr. Aaron stated A&A Fences was contracted to install a
fence at said location. Mr. Aaron addressed the Board with
details and description of proposed fence.
There being no further discussion, the Chairperson asked for
a motion. Mr. Nathanson motioned to approve the COA
application as submitted. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco RE
Alice Finst yes
Eremmer rWhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Yes
III. Tropical Awnings / Diane Simpson
101 N. E. 6th Street
C. O. A. Application
Ms. Simpson addressed the Board, she represents Tropical
Awning. Description of awning was presented for the
Boards approval.
The chairperson called for motion to approve. Ms. Ruby
indicated that Tropical Awnings was representing the owner
as well, Mr. Robert Ellis. Mr. Nathanson made motion to
approve. Seconded by Mr. Pompey. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Yes
Ms. Healy suggested to amend agenda to items below Variance.
After reviewing the agenda it was decided that the Old
School Square would be set up for a workshop meeting
for May 5,1989 at 8 :15 a.m. . Mr. Mayhew wants
recommendation & or memo sent to Planning and Zoning or the
Building Dept. for applicants who are interested in said
location, to let them know it will settled at said meeting.
Ms. Ruby indicate a motion should be made to set up said
dual workshop because a vote cannot be taken at a workshop.
Mr. Nathanson made said motion. Mr. Martin seconded. The
vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Yes
Ms. Healy suggested discussion be made regarding item #13
Bronze Markers, Spency Pompey. Mr. Nathanson spoke on behalf
of Mr. Pompey. The Board received copies of said marker, Mr.
Nathanson express the urgency of settling this issue today.
Ms. Cayce also gave details around time factor on this
issue: Ms. Healy called for motion to delay discussing the
Bronze Marker until May 5th dual workshop. Ms. Finst
motioned to continue discussion on item #13 for today.
Seconded by Mr. Nathanson. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy No
IV. Variance request: #88-5
Ennis/Troy, Howard E. , Gail K.
524 N.E. 3rd Ave.
The applicant was requesting a variance under section
173 . 095 (A) (5) of the zoning code. A letter of
justification was read for the record. Mr. Nathanson
made a motion for approval of said variance. Seconded by
Mr. Mayhew. The vote was as follows:
Ai1lce PTRECO Yes
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey RE
Patricia Healy
V. Variance request: #88-7
Moss/ 126-130 SE 1st Ave.
The applicant was requesting a variance under section
173 . 772 (A) ( 3 ) . A letter of justification was read for
the record. Mr. Mayhew, and Ms. Healy both suggested
demolishing this structure.
Mr. Nathanson motioned for approval of said
variance. Seconded by Dave Martin. The vote was as
I .
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst
Dave Martin Yes Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Yes
VI. Variance request: #88-6
St. Paul Episcopal Church
St. Paul Episcopal Church is requesting a variance under
section 173 .773 (D) . A letter of justification was read for
the record. Mr. Mouw represented St. Paul Episcopal Church.
Mr. Nathanson made motion for approval of said variance.
Seconded by Spencer Pompey. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew yes
David Nathanson Yes
Patricia Healy Yes
Mr. Pompey left the meeting at 9:54
VII. Variance request: #88-4
Stofft/Towers Financial, owner
234 S. Ocean Blvd.
The applicant is requesting a variance under section 173 . 225
(A) ( 1) , section 173 .225 (A) ( 2) , section 173 .225 (A) (3 ) ,
section 173 . 225 (A) ( 4) , section 173 . 225 (E) , section 173 .
773 (A) ( 2) (C) , and section 173 .773 (A) (3 ) . Mr. Stofft is
representing Towers Financial. A letter of justification
was read for the record. Representatives who opposed the
variances were present and letters in opposition were also
read. Representatives in favor of said variances were
present too.
The motion to approve said variance was made by Mr. Mayhew.
Seconded for discussion by Mr. Nathanson. The vote was as
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst No
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Not Present
Patricia Healy Yes
VIII. Variance request: #88-8
118 1/2 S. E. 7th Avenue
The applicant is requesting a variance from section 173 . 095
(A) ( 3 ) . A letter of justification was read for the
record. The Public Notice was properly advertised. The
public hearing was opened.
Mr. Echols addressed the Board. He indicated that the
purpose for variance is to maintain the building, without
the variance the building would be destroyed.
The Chairperson called for motion. Ms. Finst motioned to
approved said variance. Seconded by Mr. Nathanson. The vote
was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Conflict of interest
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Not Present
Patricia Healy Yes
IX. Stephen Echols
122 S.E. 7th Avenue
C. O. A. Application
Ms. Cayce reported that the COA application was for new
construction. Mr. Sanzone has no problem with new
construction. Ms. Finst requested some parking to rear,
Mr. Echols agreed.
Ms. Finst motioned to approve with adjusted parking. Ms.
Ruby stated that the motion is to approve with suggestion to
adjust the parking to the rear. Seconded by Mr. Nathanson.
The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Conflict of interest
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Not Present
Patricia Healy Yes
X. Old School Square
Mr. Curry architect on behalf of Old School Square addressed
the Board. Plans were presented to the Board, the Board had
various question and suggestion regarding the said plans. A
C.O.A. will be filed, no formal vote was taken.
Ms. Healy left the meeting at 11:10, Mr. Mayhew chaired the
meeting in her absents
XI. Tri-County Commuter Rail Kiosk:
Mr. Henking addressed the Board and submitted a completed
C.O.A. . Tri-County' s Board feels location of structure is
Mr. Mayhew asked for a motion. Mr. Nathanson made a motion
for discussion. Seconded by Mr. Martin.
Ms. Healy returned to meeting
Ms. Ruby suggested agenda be amended to accommodate
Tri-Rail. Mr. Nathanson made motion to amend the agenda,
to include on item #9 to read TRi-County Commuter Rail
Kiosk: C.O.A. Seconded by Mr. Mayhew. The vote was as
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Not Present
Patricia Healy Yes
Ms. DeMarco motioned to approve C.O.A. for Tri-Rail for
nine( 9) months. Seconded By Clemmer Mayhew. The vote was as
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Not Present
Patricia Healy Yes
XII. Goranson
C.O.A continuation
Ms. Goranson addressed the Board and presented colors
regarding her previously approved C.O.A. Motion to amend
previous application as presented by Ms. Goranson, by Mr.
Nathanson. Seconded by Mr. Mayhew. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Not Present
Patricia Healy Yes
XIII .Hysong
C.O.A. Continuation
Ms. Hysong addressed the Board regarding her previous C.O.A.
Ms. Hysong request approval of aluminum structure. Motion
to approve with modification by Mr. Mayhew. Seconded by Ms.
Finst. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Not Present
Patricia Healy Yes
Ms. Hysong is representing the Del-Ida Park News
Association. Ms. Hysong invited the Board to consider
putting a column in the Del-Ida Park News.
The Chairperson requested, item 12 and item 13 from the
agenda be put on the May 5th meeting. The chairperson called
for motion to delay to the 5th. Motion made by Mr.Mayhew.
Seconded by Mr. Nathanson. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Yes
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Not Present
Patricia Healy Yes
Ms. Finst motion to adjourn at 12: 05 p.m. . Seconded by Mr.
Mayhew. Approved.
The undersigned is the Chairman of the Historic Preservation
Board and the information provided herein are the Minutes of
the Meeting of said body of APRIL 21,1989 , which Minutes
were formally approved and adopted by the Historic Preservation
Board on MAY 5,1989
714, L T, V. e. .
Board Chairman
This draft of the APRIL 21,1989 meeting of Delray Beach
Historic Preservation Board is provisional upon it' s approval by
the Board at the Board' s next scheduled meeting.