HPB 05-05-1989 AGENDA
Special Meeting
Friday, May 5 , 1989 at 8: 15 a.m.
First Floor Conference Room, City Hall
1. Roll Call
2 . Old School Square: Location of Air Conditioners
3 . Spencer Pompey: Historic Markers for Designated Sites
4. Clemmer Mayhew: Proposed additional uses for property in •
5 . David Nathanson: HPB Ordinance relating to P&Z
1. Approval of minutes of April 21 , 1989 meeting
2 . COA 8-015 (continuation) Old School Square: Placement of air
3 . COA 8-052 McNab Roofing: To replace roof at 14 Lake Court
4 . COA 8-045 Murray, 701 SE 1st St: To approve of new color
5 . Spencer Pompey Designation Markers
6 . Unfinished Business
7. New Business
8 . Adjournment
` `
MAY 05, 1989 AT 8: 15 A.M.
Patricia Healy, Chairperson Lula Butler, Director of Community
Clemmer Mayhew Improvement
David Nathanson Jerome Sanzone, Building Department
Spencer Pompey John P. Johnson, Director, Historic
Alice Finst Palm Beach County Preservation Board
Diane DeMarco Susan Ruby, Ass ' t City Attorney
Pat Cayce, Historic Preservation
Dave Martin Donald J. Moore
Scott Pape
Marty Greene
Marvin Eiseman
Bob Curry
1. The Chairperson called the workshop/meeting to order at 8 :21
2. The recording secretary took the roll.
3 . The chairperson called for motion to amend agenda to read
as follows: 2 . Spencer Pompey, 3 . Clemmer Mayhew, 4. David
Nathanson, 5. Old School Square. Mr. Nathanson motioned to
amend agenda. Seconded by Mr. Mayhew. Approved.
4. Spencer Pompey: Five locations were sited for markers. One
additional marker will provide the history and a map
indicating where each marker is located. Changes were made
to the original text for this marker and it reads as
In recognition of these Organizations ' contributions to the
cultural development of Delray Beach, the City Commission desig-
nated these locations as historic sites on April 11, 1989.
Late in the 19th century, a group of black settlers established a
community in this area that became part of the Town of Linton and
later the City of Delray Beach. These hardy pioneers established
the cultural organizations necessary to foster education, fellow-
ship and spiritual needs, despite difficult environmental
conditions and isolation.
This historic marker was erected by the Delray Beach Historic
Preservation Board on June 25, 1989.
Ms. Ruby recommended the Board go before the City Commission
for approval. Ms. Finst and Mr. Pompey will represent the
Board at the City Commission Tuesday 5/9/1989. A C.O.A.
application will be submitted by the Board.
5. Clemmer Mayhew: Addressed the Board regarding additional
uses in the Old School Square Historic District, (maps were
provide for each Board member) . The uses apply to the RO,
RM6, and RM10 (Old School Square Historic District) . Mr.
Mayhew wants the Board to make recommendations to Planning
and Zoning. No formal changes are to be made, just
additional uses in said district. Personal Health services
will be deleted from original list (list was issued for
additional uses) .
The Chairperson stated if a COA application is not completed
it should not be submitted. Ms. Ruby agreed.
6. David Nathanson: In the interest of time Mr. Nathanson deferred
until next workshop.
7. Old School Square: Location of Air Conditioners.
Mr. Curry addressed the Board with revised changes to
plans presented at April 21,1989 meeting. The plans
presented are considered the best solution for OSSHD.
The chairperson called for a motion to adjourn the workshop.
Mr. Nathanson motioned to adjourn the workshop. Seconded by
Diane DeMarco. Approved.
SPECIAL MEETING of May 5,1989.
1. The special meeting opened at 9:34 a.m. , the minutes of April
21,1989 meeting were reviewed. The chairperson called for
approval of said minutes. Mr. Nathanson motioned to approve
the minutes. Seconded by Mr. Mayhew. Approved.
2. Old School Square: Placement
of air conditioners/ Mr. Curry
COA 8-015 (continuation)
Based on the discussion at workshop, the chairperson called
for a motion to approve said COA. Mr. Nathanson motioned to
approve said COA-. Seconded by Mr. Pompey. The vote was as
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst No
Dave Martin Not Present
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Yes
3 . McNab Roofing:
14 Lake Court/Mr. McNab
COA 8-052
Mr. Mcnab addressed the Board and presented samples for
approval. Ms. Finst motioned to approve said samples in
white and grey. Seconded for discussing by Mr. Mayhew.
Ms. Finst retracted her first motion. The chairperson
called for motion to approve. Mr. Nathanson motioned for
approval. Seconded by Mr. Pompey. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Not Present
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Yes
4. Mr. Murray/New color
selection. (continuation)
701 S. E. 1st Street
COA 8-045
Pat Cayce spoke on behalf of Mr. Murray. Ms. Cayce
Presented the Board with color selection for Mr.
Murray. The color presented was 4/d 692 dark green,
which was used for trimming. Ms. Ruby stated since
Mr. Murray' s COA was approved before no further vote was
5. Spencer Pompey Designation Markers: Mr. Nathanson motioned
for approval based on discussion during workshop. Seconded
by Mr. Pompey. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Not Present
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Yes
( 3 )
6. Unfinished Business: Mr. Mayhew motioned to send on to
Planning and Zoning the additional uses within Old School
Square Historic District. Seconded by Mr. Pompey. The vote
was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Conflict of interest
Alice Finst Yes
Dave Martin Not Present
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
PatriciaHealy Yes
7. New Business: Mr. Mayhew spoke to the Board regarding
the impact fees imposed on new construction within
the downtown area. These fees are not City impact fees,
they are County fees. Mr. Mayhew stated the state of
Georgia placed a freeze on all property taxes for anyone
owning a historic home or in a district fifty (50) years
and over, if they spend an amount equal to their property
taxes. Mr. Mayhew suggests the County should consider
the action taken by the state of Georgia. Ms. Healy
suggested additional research be done before any action
is taken by the Board.
Spency Pompey will not be present for May 19,1989 meeting.
Ms. Healy spoke regarding the Workshop meeting with Ms.
Ruby, Mr. Spence and Ms. Butler. This meeting will be
scheduled sometime within the next three week. Ms. Healy
informed the Board that there are four (4) opening on the
CRA. As soon as these four( 4) appointment are made, a
representative from the Board will get together with the
CRA, DDA, and the Atlantic Ave. Association.
Mr. Eiseman, from Merrill Lynch, addressed the Board
regarding the Chevron station (which/is up for sale) .
The Board has concerns regarding demolition of said area.
Mr. Nathanson left the meeting at 10:15 a.m. .
Ms. Cayce spoke to the Board regarding Nassau street,
Mr. Mayhew want a memorandum sent to the engineering
department regarding problems on Nassau street.
Ms. DeMarco motioned to adjourn at 10: 34 a.m. . Seconded
by Mr. Pompey. Approved.
Special Meeting
Friday, May 5, 1989 at 8: 15 a.m.
First Floor Conference Room, City Hall
(11 Roll Call
, 2. Old School Square: Location of Air Conditioners
3. Spencer Pompey: Historic Markers for nesignated Sites
14) Clemmer Mayhew: Proposed additional uses for property in
5;' David Natharo 10-(p/LA,(. �H Oi di��ngp L
elating to P&Z ( /�SPECIAL MEETING G
1. Approval of minutes of April 21, 1989 meeting .
2. COA 8-015 (continuation) Old School Square: Placement of air
3. COA 8-052 McNab Roofing: To replace roof at 14 Lake Court
4. COA 8-045 Murray, 701 SE 1st St: To approve of new color
5. Spencer Pompey Designation Markers
6. Unfinished Business
7. New Business
8. Adjournment
The undersigned is the Chairman of the Historic Preservation
Board and the information provided herein are the Minutes of
the Meeting of said body of MAY 5, 1989 , which Minutes
were formally approved and adopted by the Historic Preservation
Board on MA
Board Chairma
This draft of the MAY 5,1989 meeting of Delray Beach
Historic Preservation Board is provisional upon it' s approval by
the Board at the Board' s next scheduled meeting.
,egze _ee-r.
a .`/// i , tJ7Ld FRIDAY MAY 19, 1989
TS 98 8: 00 A.M.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval ,of minutes of May 5, 1989 meeting
3 . COA 8-053 Josephine Taylor, 102 N.E. 5th St.
4. COA 8-055 Gary Buzen, 214 N. Swinton
5 . COA 8-056 Victor Zachovay, 218 N.E. 5th Ct.
6. David Nathanson: Total floor area exceeding 5,000 square feet
require site and development plan approval
7 . Unfinished Business
8 . ' New Business
9 . Adjournment
file a:agendal9
MAY 18, 1989 AT 4: 00 P.M.
Clemmer Mayhew Jerome Sanzone, Building Department
David Nathanson Susan Ruby, Ass ' t City Attorney
Spencer Pompey Dorothy Ellington, Community
Diane DeMarco Development Coordinator
Josephine Taylor
Gary Buzen
Gene Fisher, Co-President Old
School Historic District
Ann Fulton, Co-President Old
School Historic District
Dave Martin - Excused
Patricia Healy - Excused
Alice Finst - Excused
1. Mr. Mayhew, Vice Chairperson, called the May 18, 1989
meeting to order at 4: 00 p.m. . The meeting was changed
from May 19,1989 at 8 : 00 a.m. , to May 18, 1989 at 4 : 00 p.m.
because Ms. Healy, Chairperson and Mr. Mayhew, Vice
Chairperson would not be able to make the May 19, 1989
2. The recording secretary took the roll.
3 . The Chairperson called for motion to approve the minutes of
May 5,1989 . Mr. Nathanson motioned to approve the minutes
of May 5 , 1989 . Seconded by Ms. DeMarco. The vote was as
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Not Present
Dave Martin Not Present
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Not Present
The May 5 , 1989 minutes were approved.
Mr. Pompey was present for the May 18,1989 meeting due to
the change in date and time. Mr. Pompey stated at the May
5 , 1989 meeting he would not be present for the May 19, 1989.
( 1)
4. Josephine Taylor,
102 N. E. 5th Street.
C. O. A. 8-053
COA application calls for paving walkway on the Eastside of
lot, pave the existing driveway with cement (replacing the
asphalt that is present now) . Photos were passed out for
each Board member to review. Mr. Nathanson had concerns
regarding permits being issued before applicant comes before
the Board. The Chairperson called for motion to approve
COA-8053 . Mr. Nathanson motioned to approve. Seconded by
Mr. Pompey. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Not Present
Dave Martin Not Present
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy No Present
5 . Gary Buzen:
214 N. Swinton
COA 8-055
COA application calls for chain link fence in the rear and
sides of said property, 27 ' across front and behind existing
wooden fence. (The existing wooden fence will always be
wooden, applicant must replace with wood) . Applicant seeks
approval to pave backyard with asphalt. Mr. Sanzone stated
a pervious area must be maintained (about 40%) .
The chairperson called for motion to approve COA8-055. Mr.
Pompey motioned to approve. Seconded by Ms. DeMarco (with
discussion) . The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Not Present
Dave Martin Not •Present
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Not Present
6. Mr. Victor Zachovay,
218 N. E:- 5th Ct.
COA 8-056
The COA application calls for replacement of front door,
replacement of barrel tiles over front window, these same
barrel tiles will be placed over the front porch area as
well. Paint white with light brown trim, with landscaping.
The chairperson called for motion to approve. Mr. Nathanson
motioned to approve. Seconded by Ms. DeMarco. The vote
was as follows:
( 2)
i -
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Not Present
Dave Martin Not Present
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Not Present
7 . Mr. Fisher and Ms. Fulton, Co-Presidents of Old School
Square Historic District submitted an emergency item not
listed on the agenda. Ms. Ruby suggested the Board accept
or not accept this item as an emergency item and amend the
agenda accordingly. The Board accepted the item as an
emergency and the Board voted to amend the agenda to include
it. Mr. Nathanson motioned to amend the agenda. Seconded
by Ms. DeMarco. The vote was as follows:
Diane DeMarco Yes
Alice Finst Not Present
Dave Martin Not Present
Clemmer Mayhew Yes
David Nathanson Yes •
Spencer Pompey Yes
Patricia Healy Not Present
Mr. Fisher and Ms. Fulton expressed their concerns regarding
Old School Square Historic District alleys. A letter was
submitted to each Board Member as a formal statement from
both Mr. Fisher and Ms. Fulton regarding their concerns. Mr.
Fisher, and Ms . Fulton want the Comprehensive Plan to
include the following:
1. "The existing alleys running North/South .in the Old •
School Square Historic District not be abandoned
and that these same alleys be preserved for future
development. "
They want the Board to send a representative to the
Commission meeting Tuesday 5/23/89 and address the issue.
Pat Cayce was designated as said representative for the
Board. However, Mr. Pompey feels a Board official should
undertake the task. It was decided by the Board Member that
Ms. Healy or Mr. Mayhew will represent the Board at said
Commission Meeting Tuesday 5/23/89 .
8. David Nathanson: Total Floor area exceeding 5, 000 square
feet require site and development plan approval.
Mr. Nathanson expressed concerns regarding the Site Plan
Review Process . In his opinion the Historic Preservation
Board should have Site Plan Review powers regarding new
construction within the Historic District. After Site Plans
are reviewed by the Planning Director and the appropriate
departments, the Historic Preservation Board should
ultimately make recommendations to the City Commission
regarding Site Plans within Historic Districts.
( 3 )
Ms. Ruby stated, the Board can make a
recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Board, requesting
the zoning code be amended within Historic District giving
the Historic Preservation Board an active part in this
process. Mr. Nathanson suggested this matter be discussed
during workshop with Mr. Spence, Ms. Butler, Ms. Ruby, Mr.
Sanzone and Ms. Ellington. The above item for discussion
during the work shop will read as follows:
1. Site planning review for renovation and new
construction. The eliminating of the 5, 000 square
foot requirements for construction in the Historic
2. Explore the possibilities of becoming part of
legislative body that advises the City Commission on
changes in land and zoning uses in Historic
9 . Unfinished Business:
Subject: 201 N. W. 1st Street,
239-239 1/2 N. W. 1st Street.
Pat Cayce addressed the Board regarding demolition of 201 N.
W. 1st Street and 239-239 1/2 N. .E . 1st Street. Ms. Ruby
stated the agenda be amended to include both items. Ms. Ruby
stated a consensus from the Board would be appropriate
instead of a formal vote. The Board feels demolition of 201
N. W. 1st Street is appropriate under the circumstances.
Ms. Cayce stated on August 18, the Board approved a COA for
239-239 1/2. However, nothing has been done according to
the COA. The COA is granted for 18 months, Ms. Ruby informed
the Board this is true only if the existing structure is
safe The Board does not want this structure demolished.
Mr. Nathanson wanted to know the: status of the CLG Grant,
Ms. Cayce stated she spoke to Ms.LaCivita and she wanted
information regarding who would receive the said check.
Mr. Nathanson gave information regarding funds available for
bronze markers. Funds are available, however, the printer
has yet to produce any positive results. Mr. Nathanson
suggested Ms. Cayce and Mr. Pompey use another company
instead of Mr. Little. Mr. Pompey stated the small markers
will be purchased by the individuals and not the Board.
10 . New Business.
Mr. Nathanson addressed the Board regarding financial
incentive. Mr. Nathanson suggested a program be developed
for preservation of contributing structures to give
incentive. This procedure should take place over a five
year period.
( 4) •
The Board is investigating the Georgia law recently
incurred. Mr. Mayhew does not agree with a program which
will involve the Board. Mr. Mayhew suggested that it should
be done on a county level. Mr. Nathanson wants this item on
next meeting agenda. Mr. Mayhew requested Ms: Cayce to
insure this item be on the next agenda.
Mr. Nathanson stated there were two new books regarding
guidelines on new construction. Mr. Nathanson wants both
items purchased for the Board. Mr. Nathanson informed the
Board of the two Consultant firms responsible for these
publication and suggests the Board keep them in mind for
future references. Ms. Ruby stated a vote to purchase said
books should go on the next agenda because it is not listed
on this agenda.
Ms. Cayce stated Pompey Park will be celebrating its 10th
anniversary on May 27th, Mr. Pompey will be speaking.
There being no further new business the Chairperson called:,
for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Nathanson motioned for
adjournment. Seconded by Mr. Pompey. The meeting was
adjourned at 5: 45 P. M. .
( 5 )
The undersigned is the Chairman of the Historic Preservation
Board and the information p ov ded herein are the Minutes of
the Meeting of said body of /8'/191 , which Minutes
were formally approve an d p"' by the Historic Preservation
Board on /
Board Chai i
This draft of the -Mat /4 /fi meeting of Delray Beach
Historic Preservation Brd is p ovisional upon it' s approval by
the Board at the Board' s next scheduled meeting.