HPB 08-15-1990 4
WEDNESDAY AUGUST 15, 1990 5 : 00 P.M.
Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the Historic Preservation Board with respect to any
matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will
need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such
persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not
provide or prepare such record..
1 . Roll Call
2 . Public Hearing: Variance 88-17, 102-106 North Swinton
Avenue, Michael Weiner, Owner.
3 . COA 8-111 102-106 North Swinton Avenue, Michael Weiner,
Design approval for restoration and new addition
to 102 N. Swinton. Windows, doors, siding,
roof, colors, fence, sign, landscaping, parking.
4 . COA 8-131 234 North Ocean Blvd. (Nassau Point) , Towers
Financial Services, Inc. , Owner. Randall Stofft
or David Poist Authorized Agent.
New construction. The approved COA 8-012 has
expired. No change to exterior plans from
original COA.
5 . COA 8-123 137 South Swinton Avenue, Winston Condominium
Association, Richard D. Kirk Authorized Agent.
Paint exterior with change of color.
6 . COA 8-124 54 Marine Way, Martha and Charles Barrett,
Owners .
Repair and rehang existing windows, install new
windows and door to front of house. Paint
exterior white with dark green shutters .
Recover existing awning with dark green canvas .
Relocate tool shed.
7 . COA 8-125 112 N.E. 1st Avenue, John & Joan Baccari,
Owners .
Rear of property: Relocate fence and create
a parking area. Recommend change of use for
rear building to accommodate a professional
architect' s office. Property is located in R/O
zoning district.
8 . COA 8-126 203 N.E. 1st Avenue, Arthur and Rosetta Clark,
Owners .
Repair 3 windows and install a fourth window on
north side of building. Paint exterior white.
9 . COA 8-127 123 N.E. 1st Avenue, Jerome Vanhille and Gabe
Banfi, Owners .
Rehabilitation and restoration of single family
10 . COA 8-128 101 N.E. 5th Street, William Ayers, Owner or his
Authorized Agent.
Replace windows, paint exterior with change of
color, install driveway, repair garage, upgrade
11 . COA 8-129 228 S.E. 7th Avenue, Kathleen Patterson, Owner.
Re-roof house and cottage, paint exterior, new
fence and gate, install carport.
12 . COA 8-058 Continuation: 503 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Gerald
Kunze, Owner.
Paint stain color selection for existing fence.
Finalization of design for west facade.
13 . COA 8-130 223 N.E. 1st Avenue, Gene Fisher, Owner.
Paint exterior with change of color, install
picket fence, re-roof, awnings, shutters,
14 . Progress report Delray Beach Historic Preservation Design
Guidelines Manual, Clemmer Mayhew III .
15 . New Business .
16 . Unfinished Business .
A. Dedication of the S.S. Inchulva State Historic Marker,
Tuesday, Noon, September 11, 1990
Meeting will adjourn and reconvene at 840 E. Atlantic Avenue.
17 . COA 8-119 Continuation: 840 East Atlantic Avenue, Boyd
Building and Bridge Restaurant, Bertram
• Handlesman, Owner, or Demetris Tomasis,
Authorized Agent. Paint with change of color,
awnings, deck.
18 . Adjournment.
DATE: AUGUST 9, 1990
1 . Roll Call
2 . Public Hearing: Variance 88-17, 102-106 North Swinton
Avenue, Michael Weiner, Owner
This variance will allow the applicant to add 397 square feet of
office space to the "Clark House" at 102 North Swinton Avenue.
Please read the letter sent to 300 ' radius property owners if you
need additional information.
One phone call, in favor, has been received from a property owner
on N.W. 1st Avenue. No other public comment.
Recommend approval.
3 . COA 8-111 102-106 North Swinton Avenue, Michael Weiner,
Design approval for restoration and new addition
to 102 N. Swinton. Windows, doors, siding,
roof, colors, fence, sign, landscaping, parking.
The HPB voted conceptual design approval at the July, 18, 1990
meeting. The plans are enclosed and have not changed. The roof
will match the existing roof and a color sample will be available
at the meeting. The windows, doors and siding are indicated on
the plan and are deemed to be appropriate. I have concern about
the window glass being tinted gray. Pat Healy-Golembe has
information about a new type of glare retardant which is
colorless .
The location and height of the picket fence is not specified on
the plan and will need to be addressed at the meeting. Janet
Meeks is the planner on this project and she will be at the
meeting to suggest that a fence or hedge be installed on the
north property line. This is required by City Code as a buffer
to the adjacent residential property to the north.
Aesthetically, I believe a hedge is the solution to the problem.
Having two different styles and heights of fencing will look
cluttered and will detract from the visual impact of the
building from N. Swinton Avenue.
The parking meets all city requirements . One parking space can
be removed and I recommend that the space, nearest to N. Swinton
A 7•
be removed and replaced with appropriate landscaping.
The location and style of the sign can be approved. Due to the
current zoning change from RO to OSSHAD the size of the sign
cannot be approved at this time.
Approve a hedge, rather than fence, for north property line.
Eliminate the parking space nearest to N. Swinton Ave.
Deny tinted glass windows.
Approve everything else.
4 . COA 8-131 234 North Ocean Blvd. (Nassau Point) , Towers
Financial Services, Inc. , Owner. Randall Stofft
or David Poist Authorized Agent.
New construction. The approved COA 8-012 has
expired. No change to exterior plans from
original COA.
In August of 1988 the HPB approved COA 8-012 . COA 8-012 has
expired and COA 8-131 replaces it.
COA 8-012 gave approval for the plans and elevations as
presented, subject to approval of the applicant's variance
requests . On April 21, 1989 HPB approved the variance requests.
With the exception of the location of the steps in the four
swimming pools, the exterior site plan and elevations are the
same as approved by the HPB in August, 1988.
The original COA 8-012 did not address, color of barrel tile
roof, samples of paint for exterior, material of balcony railing,
color of paving tile, fencing size and design or a detailed
landscape plan. The applicant was requested to return for final
approval of all the above.
Staff recommends approval of COA 8-131 including changes to
swimming pool steps. Applicant must get HPB approval for all
detailed above.
5. COA 8-123 137 South Swinton Avenue, Winston Condominium
Association, Richard D. Kirk Authorized Agent.
Paint exterior with change of color.
The condo association requests approval to paint the building.
Mr Kirk will bring paint samples and will welcome the HPB
6 . COA 8-124 54 Marine Way, Martha and Charles Barrett,
Owners .
* 7•
Repair and rehang existing windows, install new
windows and door to front of house. Paint
exterior white with dark green shutters .
Recover existing awning with dark green canvas .
Relocate tool shed.
Everything done by the previous owners of this contributing house
was done without building permits. The new owners are making
every effort to correct the situation. I approved a building
permit application to allow four sets of existing French doors,
not visible from the street, to be removed and rehung in the same
location. The boarding-up which you will see on the front facade
was an emergency situation which I authorized.
The applicant is requesting approval to restore the front bay
facade with double hung wooden windows to match existing windows.
She plans to install a new wood front door. The upper panel of
the door will consist of an antique stained glass plaque
depicting a lighthouse, the lower panel of the door will be wood.
Approval is requested to temporarily relocate an attractive wood
tool shed mounted on skids, which is located smack dab in the
center of her back yard, to the northwest corner of the lot. The
shed is so close to the house that the contractor cannot get a
wheel barrow between the main house and the tool shed.
The house is to be repainted white and will have dark green
shutters . The existing front awning will be recovered in dark
green canvas .
Recommend approval.
7 . COA 8-125 112 N.E. 1st Avenue, John & Joan Baccari,
Rear of property: Relocate fence and create
a parking area. Recommend change of use for
rear building to accommodate a professional
architect's office. Property is located in R/O
zoning district.
You can see this better if you drive into Cason Cottage parking
The request is for approval to move an existing fence 20 feet to
the east of the rear property line. This will create parking
spaces for four cars with entrance and exit from the alley. The
surface is to be shell rock base with pea or river rock topping.
Wheel stops are to be of wood. If it is determined that one hard
surfaced space for handicapped parking is required, approval for
that should be granted at this time.
Recommend approval.
8 . COA 8-126 203 N.E. 1st Avenue, Arthur and Rosetta Clark,
Owners .
Repair 3 windows and install a fourth window on
north side of building. Paint exterior white.
A tenant installed three windows on the north side of the house
without the owner' s consent and without a building permit.
Applicant is requesting approval to repair the three improperly
installed windows and to add a fourth window, to the east, along
the same wall.
Applicant requests approval to paint the house white with gold
trim. Applicant will bring trim color.
Approve repair of three existing windows .
Deny installation of fourth window.
Approve white paint but specify exact trim color.
9 . COA 8-127 123 N.E. 1st Avenue, Jerome Vanhille and Gabe
Banfi, Owners.
Rehabilitation and restoration of single family
A stop work order was issued on this project because all the work
was being done without building permits or COA approval.
All of the windows are scheduled to be aluminum. The three small
windows facing N.E. 1st Avenue will be awning style. I believe
that all window glass is to be tinted. The applicant plans to
paint the house in one of the three shades of green at the top of
the attached color chart. Trim to be white.
The three windows on the enclosed front porch should be enlarged
and the lower level of the windows should extend to what was
originally the porch rail .
The shutters on the south front window should be denied.
At a minimum all windows facing N.E. 1st Avenue should be wooden
and have clear glass panes .
10 . COA 8-128 101 N.E. 5th Street, William Ayers, Owner or his
Authorized Agent.
Replace windows, paint exterior with change of
color, install driveway, repair garage, upgrade
Bill Ayers will install custom made wood windows. The house is
to be painted the same color as Old School Square, using the
lighter shade of blue for the trim. Metal awnings to be removed.
Batten and board wood shutter will be installed.
Recommend approval.
11. COA 8-129 228 S.E. 7th Avenue, Kathleen Patterson, Owner.
Re-roof house and cottage, paint exterior, new
fence and gate, install carport.
I am unclear about this project. The application came by mail
and I have been unable to contact the owner. The paint colors
can be decided if the applicant brings samples, or chooses one of
ours . I don't know what roof material is planned.
The carport will need a variance before it can be installed. The
roof of the carport looks to be aluminum. Stan Weedon suggested
that the roof could be painted and that a 12" canvas drop could
be added to the front and sides to give the appearance of an
appropriate canvas covered carport.
12 . COA 8-058 Continuation: 503 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Gerald
Kunze, Owner.
Paint/stain color selection for existing fence.
Finalization of design for west facade.
Mr. Kunze will bring fence paint/stain color samples to the
Mr. Kunze wants to finish the west facade in the style that the
HPB originally approved. I will bring the plans to the meeting.
13 . COA 8-130 223 N.E. 1st Avenue, Gene Fisher, Owner.
Paint exterior with change of color, install
picket fence, re-roof, awnings, shutters,
Paint samples will be available at the meeting. The front chain
link fence will be removed and replaced by a white picket fence.
Aluminum shutters will be removed. A canvas awning is requested
for the front porch.
14 . Progress report Delray Beach Historic Preservation Design
Guidelines Manual, Clemmer Mayhew III .
15 . New Business .
16 . Unfinished Business .
A. Dedication of the S.S. Inchulva State Historic Marker,
Tuesday, Noon, September 11, 1990
Meeting will adjourn and reconvene at 840 E. Atlantic Avenue.
17 . COA 8-119 Continuation: 840 East Atlantic Avenue, Boyd
Building and Bridge Restaurant, Bertram
Handlesman, Owner, or Demetris Tomasis,
Authorized Agent. Paint with change of color,
awnings, deck.
The restaurant will be closed due to renovations . Staff felt
that an on-site visit was necessary before approval of the COA.
18 . Adjournment.