HPB 08-29-1990 AGENDA HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 , 1990 , 5 : 00 P.M. FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Historic Preservation Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these proceeding, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide or prepare such record. 1 . Roll Call 2 . COA 8-132 708 S.E. 2nd Street, James Cobban Owner. Install 6 foot chain link fence. Fence to be screened from view by existing hedge. Install two 6 foot double wooden gates at driveway entrances, gates to be painted white. 3 . COA 8-111 Continuation. 102 and 106 N. Swinton Avenue. Michael Weiner, Owner. Review change in exterior plans. Changes are a result of structural engineering report. 4 . COA 8-125 Continuation. 112 N.E. 1st Avenue, John Baccari, Owner. Additional plans for rear building. 5. Consider changes in Certificate of Appropriateness approval procedure. 6 . COA 8-129 228 S.E. 7th Avenue. Kathleen Patterson, Owner. Paint or stain exterior. Re-roof with same material. Install carport. A variance from side setback requirement may be necessary. 7. Unfinished Business. 8 . New Business . 9 . Adjournment. 9 . COA 8-131 234 S. Ocean, Nassau Point, New Construction, Randall Stofft, Architect; Authorized Agent. Consider roof, fence or walls , balcony railings, paving material, exterior paint colors and landscaping plan. 10 . COA 8-119A 840 East Atlantic Avenue, The Boyd Building, Dimitrios Tomaras, Authorized Agent. Paint exterior, awnings and signs. 11 . Review and comment regarding Reikse Plat, 325 S.E. 7th Avenue. 12 . Approval of Designation Report Drafts: The Arcade Building, 411-417 E. Atlantic Avenue The Colony Hotel, 525 E. Atlantic Avenue The Flamingo Service Station, 301 E. Atlantic Avenue. 13 . Establish a time for a Special Meeting regarding the Design Guidelines draft early in the first week of October, 1990 . 14 . New Business 15 . Unfinished Business A. Consider COA Approval Matrix B. The non-contribuiting cottage, which housed the Sunday School at the Christian Science Church, S.E. 7th Avenue and S.E. 2nd Street, is now available for relocation. The Church is giving the building to anyone who will move it. The City has declined the offer. 16 . Adjournment