01-12-25 Regular R ~,yo CO~PTCLL CHAMBER January 12, 1925. The Council met in regular session, the A.iayor presiding. Councilmen Sandy, Scott, O'Neal, and h7alone and City Attorney Byrd and City Engineer Taylor were present. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. The Mayor announced that, owing to the resignation of Mr. Byrd, there existed a vacancy mn the Council, and that the ballot mould now be prepared for the elegy#.ion of a Councilman to fill the anexpired term , o f -.~ ~xd . , 3 On counti7g the ballots, A4r. W.O. Jelks was , unanimously elected, and was given the oath of offioe, by the P~,ayor. The P~Iayor appointed i?r. Je1ks to take the, posi- tion of ~"r. Byrd on the standing co~nittees, the persona~~l of these committees now being as follows: Finance: B.F. Sandy, Chairman E.V. ~~talone, W . 0 . Je lks . Ws.tsr 8c Light: T. ?vT. O'Neal, ChSrmaxi, C.O. Seott, E.V. Malone, STREETS: E.V. Malone, Chairman, W. O. Jelks .~ 7. T.M. O'Neal, POLICE. 8c SANITATION: G.O. Scott, Chairman y B.F. Sunder, E.V.' Malone, ORDINANCES: ~9. O, Jelks, Chairman, E.T'. Malone, B.F. Sandy, On motion of rdr. Sandy, Chairman of the Finanoe'~~=. Committee, second by Mr. O'Neal, the cash ba]anee of ~~•. ~2~305.15 due T..Miller & Company on thee°1924 street ~*~ paving contract was ordered paid. On roll`~eall the vote `~ was unanimous. ~^ At this point Mr. Malone appeared and sat with , .the Council during the remainder of the evening. It was moved by Ear'. Malone that the followi g. permits for: ~truetion in the Fire Znne be granted. ~' J. Sterling, Bl'+85; Lat3" Store building.:, ~~~ , 1'.H. O'Neal, Bl." 7T, Lo't' 15, Repairs to dwelling.; '~~". O'Neal's Garage, Bl. 84, Lots 8 Fc9, maaquiae J. T~4. Southard, B1. 109, Lot 16, New roof &c. On motion of t~1r. Lundy, second by Mr. Malone,. current bills were referred to the Finance Commmittee for audit. Having been audited, the bills sere ordered back to the council on motion. .of rflr. Sundy, and the Treasurer instructed to pay 'said bills. lChe Pdayor announced Lhe appointment oP Bar.' v ~ Chas. L. Bier, on the Police P'orce. It was moved by Mr. . Scott, Chairman of the Committee on Police and Sanitation ~* that this a `~% ppoiz~tment be confirmed, and that Mr. Bier be ~: allowed a salary of X150.00 per month, and that arrange- ~.~~' ments be made with Idr. A. L. B3iller, Director of the Band, whereby the City would be allowed X4.00 per band concert for service rendered by Mr. Bier. ' At this point Bor. Neil, Chief of Police placed , 4 his resignation before the Council to take effect,~'eb.:~~ ~~; 1st. The Council deferred action on this resignation ~+'~' until the next regular meeting. "~'' ~:~r: The Clerk presen ed to the Council a plat oi~z-'a` } i - 4• Y ~y re-subdivision of .Block 54. On motion of Bqr. Pdalone, ~=~ . , ~` , ~ ,, ~ h;. i r second by Mr. O'Neal, Council acoepted the plat. On roll ~ ~~; ' xr call, the vats was unanimous. ~~ It wea moved by Mr. Jelks,, seconded by B&r .. .fir ti O'Neal that the City Engineer be instructed to establish`'` the grade on Dimas Street between,5aginaw 8c, Perry Sts., ;,e.~>. The vote was unanimous on roll call. S ~'"` ~~ z, ~~ ;; E4r. 0. Helland was present and addressed the ~ ~`'~~ } ~ Council, asking permission to put in s drain from his ice ' xN , ? factarg to th~4 Canal, the City to obtain permission from, '; ~ , t the t?ailroad Company for the placing of this drain under the tracks. On motion by Mr. Sundt', second by Mr. Jelka, the request was granted. On roll call the vote was ,unanimous. Council adjourned. ___!~ C City Cle k.