02-23-25 RegularCOUNCIL CHUMM-
February 23, 1925,
vounoil mst in regular session, the Mayo,
eliding. Councilmen 7e1kiiii, Malone and Oineal were,:
A resolution entitled "A-Riesolution f3�nse
d Agreeing to Enter into an Agreement frith
ailway Company for Crossing the Right of;l7ay of skid
with pipes as set forth in said Agroemb;at acid AuthS
Directing the Mayor to execute same" was laid before:
orncil, and on motion of Mr. O'neal, second by
me adopted by unanimous vote on roll oall.`
The hour of 7:30 braving arrived, the`G�
s a Board to hear complaints against str66.Vpao"
tints as adopted in the ordinance enttlotl'"
of the City Council of the City of m,r
asses ing the coat of certain street mprsv
he abutting property and declaring a ;lia�C'"
ng property and fixing the dates, of "'Pa,
There being no complaints= enter Ill
treet paving assessment, the assessments wdtrs "C!,
remain as specified in.-the resolution,
"$n Ordinance establishing, On'-s
925, rules and rates for water service, was;brou
to second reading, On motion, of Mr# delks,, aeco-'b
'near, the rulss were ordered sumpercted tanctc�
a placed; e}i `ti - seoone- readinx bve maim ht,' .
suspended and the ordinance was read b
ordinance was then called up for -its th,ir resin +�
Final passage. On its final passage; t]i ®se voat3; ,
affirmative were Mr. Jelks, Mr. Malone aric
The certified list of bond Oleotors�
special bond election of February 24, l wasg�
to the Council by the Clerk, and it was moved b
second by Mr. Malone that the Council bed p1� ",
as approving said 1 iat and that tha` li st b`
Ballot Box. On roll call, the vote'* '
It was moved by Mr. 0,1
that the official ballot for saip
and placed in the 91911ot- boa.
u �aous
The Council then prooee%e`d° t�3{'
box, which was sealed and made readg .'o "`�
election inspectors.
It was moved and seconded .that t r�
changing the alley in Block f08 be adogtick
call the vote was unanimous
In -the-absence of
On its final
passage, those voting. in the aPYirmatiYe
Mr. Jelks, Mr. Malone and Mr. O'Neal$
"An. ordinance Prohibiting Motor Vehiclee,anfl
others from parking on the streets for more than tti'rt
Minutes between the Hours of 12: 0 0 ffifd -night arsd 6;.
e .
was 10d before the Council for its second readings " b
motion of Mr. Jelks second b Mr. Malone 'the N