03-23-25 Regular.~_.,,e ...... -.. _ ,_. ~~~.° ~' ~. m1 couNCIL CHAMBER .. -~:.:. March, 23, 1925. . '~ Cougoil met in regular session, the Mayor presiding. Oounailmen Jelks, Malone, Scott, and Sundy.„- were present.. Couf3cilmen O'Neal was absent. W~s~ The minut®s of the previ©ns meeting were rb~d~;j " ~ . a,.,. and approved. ~ ~k It was moved by Mr. Jelks that Dr. C.D. J ,, "€^. Y}r Y ~ £y personal assessment of ~20O.Op be_ehanged to ~lOd. 't Y~~a ~ .::._ apparently being a double assessment. Motion was '~~ . . ~ ; "~a - It was moved by Mr. Jelka, seconded by Mr:~ ~ ;{ , ~ ;,V that banks in which City funds are deposited esoh be~, ,~ . . e, required to furnish a bond of ~5000.S©. Motion ws"~U, It was moved by Mr. Jelke seconded by ' ~ that the fo~.Iawing requests for building permitsJf"tnx ~, fire zone be granted. '=h~ Lon Burton, on Lots 23 & 24 Bloek 88 ,+'3 , Ocean City Lumber Co. Lots 2 to 6, BZQB~' ~ -~ Mr. Jelks,Chairmanof the: Comm~~ee u ~~~ tt anees Qalled ups pending ordinance entitle d '~~~r ~ , . PROVIDING FOR THE ISSIIANCE OF BONDS OF THE f3I~'Y ~, FLOAZDA, Tfl'SE HNO~NudND DE$IGNATHp A$ '~G~*; ~ BONDS OF T$E CITY OF DELRAY FLORIDA,'. I$$UE;' ®Fgl ' , NATING THE PIIRPOSE FOR WHICH BANDS SHALL BE'33SUE~~ 3 HOW THE PROCEEDS ARISING FROM'THE SALE OF SAID BfiBA~ BE E%PENDED, PRESCRIBING THE FORBd OF' THE'BONDS` PARTICULARS THEREOF, AND. CREATINE AN'LNTEREST ANDS; FUND AND PROVIDING FOR THE PANT THEREOF; ~' and mt~„ " _ ~` 3 it be placed on its third reading sud final paeel4lg~s, tt Y: r' h ~ ~)~" ~ Svi #.. i »~ k -. #* ~ t~ , .. t ~r' ~ ~. l' . , ~~ a'V~ ~, ~ i X YQ ~ .. Y ~'~. ~,~..~., ..T _~ ~,~, `: ~. motion having been sustained, the ordinance waa read they third time and in full, and on its final passage, those voting in the affirmative on roll call were Mr. JelkA; Mr. Malone, Mr. Scott and Mr. Sundt', ~/ .»-_@---='" -~I! ~ Mr. Herd,.-City gttorney presented to the Counci3. ~; the b to be introduced in the State 7,egfalature t© ~; ~~ ~- validate the X80,000. of Improvement Bonds recently vcxt~dy `` ~j It was moved by Mr. Sundt', and seotinded by-_I~r: Scott that the Council 8~en record as a t g pproving sai3 bile and that the Council respectfully request the legislature s,F of the State of Florida to consider this bill. On roll a call, the vote. was unanimous.. _~~~ E, s ~4., t It waa moved by Mr. Jelks, seconded, by Mrx ='~.rti `~~', Sundt' that. the Mayor appoint '&,a Committed, the BGayor;~~}-~`%i .~_M. ~~ se1F to ba Dhairman, to ixitervie~lr ~di'. John ~Y. Hall tos se ',~; ~,. ,~ }, if he would give the East 6 Feet of his property in. $7~'at , ~~ ~,T lOl to the Public For street pnrposas, pro9icted~~li property owners. in Blocks 1©1" and ZC9, „~hoee~prol5ex~~~ ~~~~ ~ abntts on Boynton 3tree~twoul8 alsoagree.,~o give ~$~„ ~. The motiowas .passed. The-Mayor appoihto~. Mr..~`un~'~~we ~ ~~ sot with .him on this Committee. ,~ .,'~`'~p'° d scheme For re-naming, the streets was, pr®se~ntT~ 4~ ~ to the Council, and the Council requested:+to take'"Fin : ~~ ~r~v T x. action whether they would adopt some other system br"' ~ •_ continue the present one. &Fter some dissuasion at P moved .by Mrr Malone, sec©nded by4rMr,; ~rlndythat 'the s~~1~~' ~ ~~ ~- ~. ~' ~~ . as..p~esented b~~dop$ed. ©xt ~ t~#e~;vote@ r~ _ ~ ,~ , ,, ~ x ~ .,r ^.=+e. ...a,7., ~_..._.._--. .. . _ .+~ follows; er o e session.. It was moved andaeoonded that no tar be taken into the City limits NortB"of the oxx-.: ' tE. Beach and East of the Coast tans Canal. Mot~dn''. ;:} Carr®nt bills were. 'then refexr'efl to a' Committee,.~pr audit. On motion of Mr. Sandy, $a~~ Mr. Jelks, the bills ware referred bank to the C~ and ordered paid as indicated on the various- bih Motion was passed. At this point Mr. C'Neal appeared snd e the Council during the remaind f th ~- In the affirmative; Pdr. Malone, Mr Scott & Mr. Sandy. In the negative ; Mr. Jelks. At this point Mr. John W. Hall appeared to disouss with t~le+ Council the widening of Boynton Stre`e,t`,~~, Afte- onsiderable diso~cssion, i"t waa moved by Mr. 9nnd'`~;` `~-t seoondeii by TlY Malone, that Mr. Hall be granted a pe; for a building on his property in B1ook 101. In grant"'"' Y ?« . f, ie this permit~it was understood that Mr. Hall would net ~~ build to hs~oparty line and that he would farther s enter into a disouasion with the Counoil in regard to they widening of Bo;pnton Street. fan roll call: the vote wa~a~.~ ~: ~.. unanimous: n~„ ,' . mss.:: ~ ~5 ~~ "AN ORDINANCE GaEATING 1~E OFFICE CF: OF THE CITY CF DELRAY, F7ARIDd, AND DESCEIBING'~ AND DUTIES" was laid before the Council with a:r it be.plaoed on itm first reading. Regueat havP.k grante8 by unanim©a8 voi;s, the ordinance was rea time 'ax~8 in fall, ~" ~ ~` ,^^~'^ "` ~ ~- ~~ x ~" a '~ ~` ~~ ~, ~~. JUNE 23RD, 1924,3ES~TABLISHINGLA~FIRE ZONE, AN~1 ZONE, AND A RESIDENTIAL ZONE IN THE CITY OF DET~ PRESCRIBING THE LIMITS OF EACH, AND THE CHARACT CONSTRUCTION @0 BE PERMITTED GPITHIN SUCH ZONE; CRIBING THE MANNER OF OBTAINING A PERMIT TO BUI THE PURPOSES FOR PIHICH BUILDINGS MAYBE ER~CT~A THEREIN, ESTABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR PERMI'P PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE ORDIN: was (~1^id before the Council by Mr. Jelke, Chairi ,;, the Committee on Ordinanoes with a request tha'~~ plaoed on its first reading. The request haviit€ granted, the ordinanoe was read the firatitime full. On motion of Mr. Jelka, second by Mr. Opt Council granted request that the rules be suapez the ordinance be read the second time by aaptio The ordinance was then read by oaption only. .Tb nanee reciting that it wag sn emergency orddl7ian® Jelka moved that it be placed on its third reads final passage. Motion having p&ased the ordinaf read the third time and fn $ull. On its final' P-.-' 3~q' those voting in the affirmative were Mr. , dblks`'~: Malone, Mr. O'Neal, Mr.;soott and Mr. Sundt'. Caunoit adjourned ~