10-19-256 October 19th.1925 ,r; 1 , '~ ~' i;_r. A. G. Evans , ice. 'zF.O. JeII~_s, Isir. C.O. Scott, I:Tr. B.F.Sundy, You are hereby notified that there will be a special meeting of the City Council at 8 o' elocY. P.I!?. October 19th. at the City I?a11 to ,- (1) Organize and receive the appointments of the I~~ayor for the new fiscal year. (2) To pass upon re quests. for building permits in the fire zone, and to tape aaiy action in regard to the above propositions vahich the ::ouncil may deep: necessary. STRVIG` ACI~YIO"'7,F;=GFD• ORDEI~F.D BY: 'i~AYOR gmmraT: ~~~ CITY CI;ERK.