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10-31-25 Special
ii Oct.3lst.l°25. ?;r. l.. G. Evans , de I':"r.T..'.CTTdeal ISr.C.O.Scott :=r. B . F . ~ izrxdy You are here~bg notified that there will. be ~~. special meetin~~ of the Council of the City of Eelray at 8 oT clocii -°.~r-. Cet.30th.1925, to give tl:e i:;ayor an~_ Clerk the authority to barrovr money for the constx^action of a sevrer system and for the completion of the ~;olf course. Crdered_ by: T_.w,~ Or ~~. ~T'1'.. , _. , U'1 U ~j` e 1:K .. 4: lE CCU~'.CIi CY_!1; DER Oct.31st.1925. Ti:e council met at tl.e call of the '_:"ayor, Ccr_cilmen '"vo:ns,Jclks,undy,an "`a;,ror "with ~cere present. Councilmen O'14ea1 and Scott were aY,serit. The fcllo~~ri}i~ resolution Baas laid before the ccuncil. ,~; r.~R~AS the council is orderin. the construction of a sewer system , and -';l',~'r?T',;; t':e Gity ~~rill coristruet this system itself, and issue Lier_ Certificates or 3onds to cover t're cost of installation after the installation has been completed, and, ':;il,RAS it is necessary tint money be obtained to Finance eonstr~retian of said system :'0~"" 3I~RI: ~Cf,_r T~ I.. .,~ :OLV_ by the Council cf `tYf~ ,,it;; of Delray Florida tY~.at the Y;ayor and City Clerk be authorised to issue 10 '.`arrants totalling ~lOS000. in denominations ai' G v~ '~1~000. each. The ':`~arrante. to bear interest at 8~ from date a~,.d. to be payab7,e on 0 befcre one rear°ron~, date. It aJa,s moved by >:`r.Surlcy ,seconded by i.:-r.';vans .end ea-rried_ on rc;ll call t?--at t'r.~ abo<re resolution be adopted. Tile foll Ot9lri^ resohzti On waS laid bEiOre the CO'UriC ll. "'''". - It 1G nP.CB.ial'~" t0 O}'t a~r~ . C:Pt it P,r ~[2Sld-E. ~FUY' the co:acletion cf t?~e first nine Y~oles of the Colf ccL~r;e, %,,,. anc., ,. ~~. t" 1 lb Dr.Roy Webb then appeared before the counpil and took oath of office as Bond Trustee. The path being ~;dministerei e the Mayor. ~§> ~ ~,. It wsa moved by Mr.Jelks,segonded ~y I~dr.Sund~ that ligation be made for Surety Bonds of y~~7000 for each the Bond Trustees. The motion was carried. It was moved by Mr.Jelks, seconded by Mr.Sundy that bid of the Delray lYews for the pity's Offipial Advertising be aooepted. The motion was parried. It was moved by Mr.Jelks, seconded by ~Ir.Evans that Dr.Cason's bill for medipal treatment to A~G.Ranson be paid. The motion was parried. It was moved by NIr.Jelks,seeonded , that the plat of Crest bake Park be approved by the counpil provided Santa Cruz Ave. be extended through lot 10, blopk 1. The motion wax parried, A RESOLUTION galling a spegial elegtion for the Issuange of X900.000. worth of bonds was laid before the counpil. It was moved by Eir.Sundy, seconded by Mr.Jelks,that resolution be adopted - on roll gall the vote was The gounpil adjourned. Clerk. ~RAYOR. ;r~ ~ __ _ _ _ _ BYRD 8 PORTER-- i ATTORNEYS AT LAW CROMER BVII-ING '. DELRAY, FLORIDA ~ BTNO R. ~r_ aoureR December 4th. 1925. isr. Bostwiek, Dear iSr. eostwicY: AaL1:ng under authortg oY the tatty Couaoil of ~ the Citg of italray. 2 am hereby directed to noti~,q you that ss soon ae the property cwnars owning property aging gcrth and i along Swinton Avsanue sactanded, ~rcm E[srket Street to the Barth flitg limits D$ the City of 1Dalrag, have deposited with the C1tg dark of the Citg of palrag, a sum o~ monag sufficient to build and oonstruat a 6-inch water main from said Markst Street to the Aorth line of the Qttg of Delrag, work will ba oommenbad mmedi-'; ately by and under the supervision cf d. ~. bong, Gity Manager of the Citg of Ilelray. At the xe~tlar meeting of the Council of the City cf i}elray bald on the night oP pavember E~rd, 18E6, it was e~-ved~' .and ~adoptad that the CStg of Deirag would rafnnd the scat of the feria}, and labor for the eanstruaton of said water main at as r].y a date as pasaible~ taking in c©nsderafion.s£the aeming nd issue which will provide ample funds to Dover 1~ia eicpensa nueated with said conetr~tion of said water main, in the ant the coming bcrtd issue does not pass the gnali3tad electors, in that avant. the Citg Council will issue time warrants payable on or before 1. E and S gears. for the pagmant of said Cdv~S~ruLf[JYI ~JOYI~ t _ ;t;~l Yip 2 aAq-' ~ L: ~l51h:.. ~. .. j4