11-23-25 Regular16 CCLT;CIy CIL'_l."=>:St rdovember 23ru.1925 The council nret in _e~ Lr s~ssion,the Tr"ayor siding. Councilmc;n Je1xs,Sundy,and C'2'eal were present, ounc~lmen :vans and Scctt were absent. The r.~inutes of tiro previous rne.etin,~ vrere read ap?rroved . It was moved by ifs.0'Ideal, and seconded by ltr. brat an amendment to an ordinance crsatin~ a omrnission on plunioinF„ and electric ~;iring and soforth e arrerided by strikin„ out that part of Section 5,Chapter 3, hick refers to the Bond. The motion was carried, iris nt was to u,~ writtan un and presented to tae council oz its first reading at the nexa regular meeting. '~wo communications f-rcm ioropert holders on Tlorth inton 1.ve. here read to the eouricil. The first ~oetition regara to eater.:: ion of streets •~:nd tie establishing of s vans referr:;d to th•.~ street committee; t'rre second . prr:: vras disposed of by tiie follo~^airi; method; that tine city 11 4~-ree to reimburz... Ir'.-r.Bost•, ick r:.nLL other developers join him in advancing r!:one~,- nor fire construction oi' ~, " waiter main from i.orth 'east 4th.St. to Culf tres.m :state. r.Bosttviclt was reilu•r:sted to report to the eounci7. at a later ate and final arrange.~rents rzade at that time. The motion aS appr OYed b~' ~._r, O''eal , SeCOnded b~j :, `.Y'.JelnS,c^.nd On ~- -4- roll call was carried. It ti^aas moved b~- I;''s.<Telks,seconded by '_.'r.0'Ideal and carried on -roll call that the plat of Southridge as submitted bS i:`"r.?~.t.3enjamin be approved provid:;d the easement across the-: rear of the lots be changed from 5' to 6'. It was moved by ;i`r.Jelks,secor!ded by I~?r.Sundy and carried or_ roll call that a plat of a subdivision of Block 15 be accepted. It was moved, seconded, and carried that a plat of a subdivision known as Bedford Heights be approved with tine followinC conditions, that a 10~ eassn;er_t be allo;;ed across th:: rear of all lots, that 9aainton lave. be 66 feet wide, and that th~.; rtr.me of Falmouth Rd. be ch,~r_ged to North Svainton in~ conformit~F with the present s~~stem of naming. It was moved,scconded,and c~irried, that a pl:~t of a subdivi:~ion kr_ovrzi as I,:iramar b approved on condition that an easement of at least G' be at tire rent of all lotw. :'r.Lrowr_ and .Tr"s.Pett it, representing the "ast Coast Railr;a~ Co. were pre~cnt ar:d discussed •o:ith t:e council at ingth the ir_stallation of safaty measures at til-~ Rtlantic '.ve. and 2T.~.Secor_d r;t. crossings. it was moved by T,"r.0'Iieal, and seconded 'oar I:~.Jelks, that t'r.e ~of<~er of the L?ailcray Co. to install doable si-,;~c~~l 3.. • ~ %. `.: 1V -a- lights at Atlantic Ave; and North ~:~-.st Second "t. be accepted as a tentative proposit;~or., ank subject to the final apprcvrl of the eounci The rnotior. etas carried. LTr.piggans ,iresident of thc_ Chamber of Commerce, togeth:r with a committee from that organization were present and requested the council to deed baci: to tae Chamber of Com~:ierce all or part of ,,:e property recently bought from it in bldck 101; after some discussion the ivlayor• referred the proposition to a committee as follows: Pflr.Jelks,Ohairman, P+ir.Sundy, Itir.O'Ncal. t;:r.C.~.:~cott~s resignation. .~s councilman was laid before the council.."~ motion wi.: maae,seeorded and ":~' carried that it be accepted. The i,'ayor then appointed I:.r.h.h.Bax^,~~icic to fill tYie unexpirec term of "rt?r.Scott The council. approved t'xic :ne~r#ri-er by ~.. unanimous ballot. i The Y::a;;~or appointed ~:?r.parwic;: to ~~_tomatically assume the place of Trir.Scott on all the st: ndir~; cormiittees. It tuns moved by '"s.C'T_;eal,..cconded by T!Tr.Jelks '' -~' that taxes be refunded to, G~.or„e r-reer_ for pad-•ment of same or: the north 2~' of I,ot 5,hloe 27, for the year°a 19 p4, 193,192.2, and the valuation _~or t':?ese three years x be fixed at the 19?5 valuation namely [156.00. Current bill;; being audited b;;~ the finance cemr::ittee t^aere referred bar, to the counci7_ and ord;red W~< paid . .~'~ ~`~-' ;;~ ~.,. ~, -4 - 19 The fclloering buildirg permits for construction in th:; fire zone t^rere refused: G.1°..~err - a^hoe Shine Parlor- alautic Ave. ~'J.L.Clevelaiid, Refreshment Stand T:rs.kate Li~,z_oski, Pell '',sts=te Cfficc. A Cor;immnication frori ;`-r.T~.ll in regard to 1925 Tai: 1~ssessn:ent on Lots 9 and 10,;31ock 107 ,was l~i.id before the council. Tire codicil took no action. The council adjourned. The T;ayor. ~ ~~ City Clerk ?rx. r.