01-14-24 Regular-,: S ~.`, Council Chamber January 14, 1924. The Gounoil met in regular session, the Mayor z;: ,~ '~ ~,. r ~,"_ ~, t 2t'.: ~`~~ ~, ~ . 3 < presiding. Counoilmen Johnson, Malone, and GYslker were present. Councilmen Ranson and Sandy were absent. The minutes of the previous meeting were read-e approved. In the abeenoe oY Mr. Sundt' and Mr. Ranson, me~b( of the Finanoe Committee, the 19ayor named Mr. Johnson. +~iil~ Mr. Malone as members pro tem. The Clerk laid before the Gonnail ourrent which on motion of Mr. walker seoonded by Mr. Malone'; referred to the.Finanoe Committee. After being audi~e bills were reported beak to the Council with the reo~ that they be pa1d. Cn roll oall the dills were orde~,i by unanimous vote. A oommunioaticn form Mr. Diggane, Pies Delray Horee Shoe_Glub was referred to the Finan Dewey Morris was named by the Mayor ae Eire Department vioe 0. $ellartd resigned. The oath a~ oi! iras administered to Mr. Harris by the City Clerk; and h creased the Council requesting th6rthe Connoil~,prov,~,~ siren or other alarm for the nee of the sire Departmenf? Ehat some ordinanoe be emoted granting-right-oY-way to gars oooupied by firemen. The request relating to, providing;of an s~.arfe~~l; ~1'~F y; i ,: I :, ~~ C4 " referred to the Water & L1ght Committee; the request for an vrdinanoe bearing on trafic rights of Firemen was re- 4erred to the Ordinanoe Committee. Both committees were direoted to report to the nett regular session of the Counoil.. A motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Malone, authorised and directed the City Treasurer, to pay t© J.F. Rios the sum of Twenty-three Hundred Dollars, the sam® being the fall purohase price of Lot 14, Bloak 101,, pur- W.,,. ohased 4or the use of the Munioipal Building and shied :., purposes, when proper warranty deed shall have bean delivered i was on roll Dull adopted by unanimous vote, those voting in { ' the affirmative being Mr. Johnson, Mrs Malone, and Mr. Walker Mr. Walker offered. the following preamble and, ;. s m resoultion: WHEREAS the City of Delray has purchased a lot on °' whioh will be erected a Municipal B~lding in whioh will be: ` provided a polioe station, and ~. ,`^rP~< WHEREAS the pity now owns s lot:. (lot lb, Blov~_`,, ,~~~ e "~ ' 100) on whioh is lvoated an inaeanre and. antegnated poly#oe,`~< station for whioh the city will have no further use when ~~'' the proposed new station is available, and ~ ~ ` WHEREAS the Ynnd whioh may be realised from n sale s; of lot 15, blook 100, 'on whioh the present polioe station is now basted Dan be need to the b®st interests of the oity._ ~r . in the oonatrnation and equipment o'~`the new station; Therefore be it RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEbRAY, <. FbOHIDA: - ~.. ,~ .: ' ~ ~- 1st That the City Clerk be authorised and dieoted -- ,. z3 , ~m >. to offer at public sale to the highest bidder for sash lot 15 ,' blcok 100, and that after the sale he shall report to the Oouncil his lotion in the premises. 2nd That notice of the axle shall be given by pub- i lioation in The Delray l~ewe for four consecutive weeks.; 3rd That the City Clerk may require a cash deposl~t of the person who shall make the highest and best bid, as evidence of intention to comply with the terms of sale. ', nth That when the terms of sale shall have bean complied with, the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorised and directed to execute the necessary conveysnoe in behalf - i of,the city. The resolution was seconded by Ms. Malone, and ~ j was adopted on roll Dell, those voting in the affirmative being Mr. Johnson, Mr. Malone and Mr. Walker. The Council adjourned subject to the osll of the Mayor. Clerk. ;~~.~_