01-28-24 Regular~~ Council Chamber January 28, 1924. -~ The Council met. in regular session, the Mayor a. '-~; zs; presiding. Councilmen Johnson, Malone, Ranson and Balker.........._; were present. Councilman 3undy was absent. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. ~.'! ..:k ~ M Z A motion by Mr. Ranson, seconded by Mr. Balker, that the Council ratify the aotion of the Counoil taken ~`~ on January 18th relevant to the purchase of lands for park purposes was adopted on roll Dell. Those voting in the: affirmative were Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ranson, and. Mr. Balker. Mr. Malone voted in the negative. ,~ ;. The Clerk presented a communioation Yrom Mr t,,C.~,; B. Zook with reference to the oity removing oertapinea °> ._t i along the west side of Bloot 111 on Boynton atreea in con :. '3 neation with his plan of development of that blook. On: tion of Mr. Ranaon,aeconded by Mr. Balker, oom®nnioi tion was. referred to the Committee on 3tree ~s with anth~ to sot. '*r A request from the Delray Band that the city make' .. *l4, an appropriation to the band was presented by the Clerk. Treasurer pay to the hand the sum of Two Hundred Dollars was adopted on roll Dell by una~imoue vote. In the absence oP Mr. Sandy the ltnytlr, named lir. F` ~ .~.~r. r Johnson as ,a member of the Finance Committee pro t~e~ikf~ ~ ;,. The Clerk laid before the Cotmoil ourren~t` bi1T~~,_ A motion by Mr. Ranson, seconded by Mr.- ~y .~ ,; ~y~ M )P. which on motion of Mr. walker, aeoonde~ by Mr. Ranson, were referred to the Finance Committee. After being audited the bills were reported book i to the Conneil with the recommendation that they be paid, jand on roll call they were ordered paid by unanimous-vote. .~~M i A motion by Mr. Malone, Chairman of the Street `• lCom®ittee, seoonded by Mr. walker, was adopted on roll gall £' a~, .~ Abu unanimous vote, authorising the City Clerk to have the '~' j!lity attorney prepare an ordinanoe providing for the paving ~~": ;~ of the following armed streets for a width of 18 feet: Lowry street, Ait~ek attest to Railroad R`~ght- ~, of-way; ,,,~ .5 Bay street, ?sing to Market attest;~ Dade street, Laing to Market street; ~ ~ •• "~ DeE~e street, Ingraham avenue to wateon street. .eY I~,,. Also the following named alley for a width of ~ 16 feet: ~ The Allay tanning Salt and west through°blook«tf!]i~ h.~ ~.,~~_,; Also the following name streets fcrr a width of 9 feet u . Market street, Bay to Gaillard street; ' .~ "., ~. Watson street, Dade to Boynton street. ~~~w ~2 r V y..n~~' A. ~.. Trainor street, Atlantio Avenue to Thomas street; Perry street, Thomas street to Market street; Sutton street, Swinton Avenue. to Railroad Right- of-Way; Saginaw street, Thomas street to Market street; , a ~, .b~ A motion by Mr. walker that the Connoil request the Sheriff of Palm Beaoh Gonnty to name A. L. Bail, the present Gity Marshall, as a deputy sherlff was adopted on roll Dell. Mr. Malne~ Mr. Ranson and Mr. walker voted for the motion and Mr. 3ohnaon_voted against it. _._.._ A motion by Mr. Ranson, eeoonded by Mr. walker,, direoting the City Clerk to enter into a formal oontract with the owners of Blook 132, the ~ of the S~ of Baook 131, and the East 135' of the S~ of ~' 04 Blook 183, mnYing a Dash deposit of ~1CC pro rata en the pnrohase pride, X8000.00 for Blook 138 and X3000.00 for the ~ of S~ of Blook 131, and the East 135' of 3~ oY S~ of Blook 183',~~ and authorising the City Trasnrer to pay to the owner cr owners of the several traots the amount of the pnrohe~es- ~, pride when title to eaoh and every tract mentioned shall ;~: have been approved by the City Attpraey, and in the evmat of disapproval by the City Attoraey cf the whole<or,,sny part of the pieoes oY land named the owner of the part ~-r r=:.; parcel of which title is dateotive to pay the opat of ths~ '"" easmination b- the attorney, was adopted on roll_aall, '" those voting the affirmative being ~. Johnson, Mr. Isalone, Mr. Ranson, and Mr. walker. The COnnoil sd~ourned snb~eot to the aallYof the .. a Mayor. ~~ ~~ city Clerk. .~. ~.- f ~, yor. ~, ,., ~~~; r s ..~_,. ,s A,,r 0 "~ ~°' ~x MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT GENERAL FUND. I 3ANUARY 7,924. Balance January 1 iReoeipts• Real Estate ~ 583.90 Personal Tas Certificates Interest & Fees Ooonpational Tas Building Permits Mayor's Court Otfiee Space Municipal Bldg. Fund,Repaid , Diaburaementac 115.70 42.70 14.13 217.00 7.50 55.00 20.00 100.00 i Salaries $ 136.00 General Esp. 21.46 Office Rent. 10.00 Police Department196.25 Streets & Alleys .23.16 Fire Department 4.78 j Sanitation 75.00 ~ water ~ Light 193.50 Auto-Camp 32.41 Street ImproPement840.00 Delray Band 2pp~r®0 ~ The Delray Nexs 20.00 ~.~~ Treasurer. $2348.35 +,~~ ~, "t p ,- • 6~ MOHTHLY FIBANCIAL 3TATEMEHT i WATER 1 8a 'LIGHT DEPARTMEftl. '' • Reoeipta Lights i X1513.58 Water 381.10 i Water Connecti on 5.00 :. fit. ~` Frame 3 ~ ~~~; i Engine Fund 14$5.10 ~ 3264.7$ %r- , De3lcit 97.91 Disbursements: Salaries 600:00 General Esp. 1.00 , ~~. Maintena~-se~.:- 164.80 , .' Fuel 490.73 , Lubrication 135..00 `°~~~~ ~ 'r. Eatensiona 906.13 ,~,~; ffigine 3 10.01 ` Engine 2 305.00 ~ 8612.67 87.10. SS ~ ~ ~ ~' Balenoe bb4«]•4e~';~~.~e= C~ ~+~:~~ Treasurer.