03-10-24 Regular
Council Chambdr
iiarch 10, 1924.
The Council met in regular session, the Mayor s
x :;S ,
presiding. Councilmen Johnson, Malone and Sundy were pre- ,
sent. Councilman Ranson was absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read
and approved. ~"'~
The Clerk reported that the contract with: ~~
L. H. ~Palker for the erection of the Municipal Buflding hid
been signed by the contractor, and by the I~Hayor on behalf ,,
-. r:
of the City, and that action was approved by unanimous vote`
The Clerk laid before the Council commnnics--`
tions from Butler, Barnett & Taylor, H. C. Fugate Engineer-'
ing Company, J. C. 1Nagan, Carr & McFadden and the Ridd~e °"~'
Engineering Company with reference to comtemplated street`.'
.A motion by Mr. Sandy seconded by Mi~. Johnao
that the City employ the firm of Butler, Barnett and ATay~l,d
as engineers in conneotion with contemplated street pavng^,
if afdser personal conference it is shown that their propo
:.: Y: r,.
Gion embraces a det~~lQd computation of the
>e made against the various abutting properties was~on,rod7
:all adopted by unanimous vote.
The Mayor suggested that Mr. Sundy confer with
Sutler, Barnett ~.nd Taylor at the earliest convenience.~~~.;&
, ;.
The: Mayor named Mr. Johnson and Mr. Malone-''~su
:' Y 7
aembers of the Finance Committee pro tem. ~ '
f ..~~
I The Clerk laid before the Council correct bills
~whieh on motion of Mr. Sundy, seconded by ~Ir. Malone, were
!referred to the Finance Committee.
After being audited the bills were reported '
back to the Council with the recommendation that the'be
paid, and on roll call the bills were ordered paid, those ~
ivoting in the affirmative being t2r. Johnson, 9dr: Malone k
a `+~
and Mr: Sundy. ~ ._ =_.a.;
tyir. P,~slone, Chairman of the. Committee on street`,.
called up the pending ordinance. relating to the paving `of
certain ddsignated streets and moved that it be plaeed:on ~,#
its third reading. The third reading of the ordinanee:haviri
'been ordered it was read a third time in full, 8n motioxi c
Mr. Sundy, seconded by tIr. Malond the ordinancewss pls;c~r~
on its passage; on roll call, those voting in the affirms
tive were Mr. Malone, Mr. Johnson and Mr:
A motion py Mr. Sundy, aeoonded by M2~: ,
that the Superdnte } ?of ~he Water and Light Pldnf`=.
an electric line po i~j fromt of the residence of "Ct
Scott provided Mr. Scot}ore the expense thereof,~was'
on roll call by unanimous vote.
-- :`;;;
The Mayor called the attention: of the C
the e~iatence of a vacancy in that body by reason"of
resignation of Mr. Walker, and the Conneil proceeded
ballot for the election of a member to serve until th
u,-~~.;~x ~ .,.
regular electi.o~. The .result of .the balloting s~owe.~
Frank M. Swanson<iiad received all the votes oast `s'nc~`"'
`~ ~{
Mayor declared that P,Rr. :;wanson had been duly elected as
a member of the ~ouncilto serve until his successor was
;elected and qualified at the next regular election.
A motion by bit. Johnson, seconded by A~~r. j
iSundy authorizing the Marshall to incur the expense neces-
jsary for marking Boynton Street (The Dixie) for car park-
ling between Atlantic Avenue .and Zowry street, both sides,
was~on roll call adopted by unanimous vote.
The Council adjourned subject to the call of
!the Mayor.
UPYice o~ the City Clerk ~~
March 21,1924. "~+a
Mr. F. M. naon who was elected a member of~', k ,
.x '~, ,
the Co`uneil, by th 1, at ita• aea$ion on blareh 10th
f Kh
Y. I' 1,
appeared and wea swot ;bra;;-subscribing to the regnid
<~., ,.
oath. ,
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City Clerk. ~ ~~, ~ .,.. .. ~~;
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