03-24-24 Regular~5~ Council Chamber -March 24, 1924. The Covncil met in regular session. The Mayor was absent. The resignation of L. F. Rans¢n, president of jthe Council was in the hands of the Clerk. Rio presideSRt pro-tempore of the Council had been elected. Councilment: Johnson, P.'Ialone, Swanson,and Sundy were present. i The Clerk called the session to order, suggest- j ing that the order of business would be the. election of a !president Pro-tempore. On motion of Mr. Sundt' seconded by Mr. Johnson Mr. Malone was unanimously elected as President Pro-tempore dF 4'~ of the Council. ! The ffiinutes of the privious meeting were read a, and approved. j On motion of Mr. Johnson seconded by Mr. Swanson ~='. the Glerk was authorized to issue a permit to Mrs. Dells 49enchel to make replacement of roof to her .d Block 77, at an estimated cost of X400.00. On motion of Mr. Sundy seconded by Mr' Jo] the Clerk was authorized to issue a building perm.: to ;' Ocean City Lumber Company for alterations in office and`,the construction of addition to yard building at sn estimated'," coat of X2000.00. - ~~ ~~"r4 On motion of Mr. Sundy seconded by Mr. JohYieon the Clerk was authorized to issue permit t~o Hammadxid~~nd; ~,~~: Fp'v`L, s Cocke Brothers to make alterations on the front of 'the building.. now occupied by the Gity Glerk a~,an es~im'a~ed' ~. ~, 7-~ cost of X750.00. On motion of Mr. Johnson seconded by Mr. Swanson is ~~ the Clerk was authorized to issue a permit to A. D. Burk to make addition to residence in Block 77, frame-composition roof, at an est unate~ On motion &uthorizing the City i ~a survey and furnish to Dade Street; the widening ofThomas Street from nine to 1 cost of X300.00. of Mr. Sundy seconded by Mr. Swanson Clerk to have the City Engineer make an est imate on .the paving of Sh'~aan Street for a width of eighteen feet from Parrott Street. .eighteen feet between Trainor Street and Swinton Avenue; the paving of Thomas Street for a width of eighteen feet from Bay Street to Canal Street; the paving of Bowers Street"' i ,for a width of eighteen feet Prom Atlantis Avenue to Raymond" IStrest, and the paving of Raymond Street for a width of ,eighteen feet from Bowers Street to Trainor Street was on on roll call, adopted by unanimous vote.- Mr. Johnson,"chairman of the Committee° on ord~.~= ~} ~"' uCi x k '' and moved that it be placed on ita first reading. The mo ,~a tion prevailing by unanimous vote the ordinance was„read a first time and in fall. ~=~~ ~~ a ~"" "; ~ nancee submitted an ordinance entitled: ,~~~r~ AN ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATING OF THE.D PARgI2dG, AND OTHERWISE OPERATING ANY AUTOMQ*~; BILE:COR: OTHER''VEHICLE"UPON .THE°dRUBLIC .$ S OR OTHER PUBLIC WAYS WITHIN THE CITY 0 L RAY, FLORIDA, AT OR DURING THE TIME 49HEN THE: CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN CALLED INTO OPT ERATION OR IS IS1 THE ACT OF ANSVPERING A FIRE> CALL, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE; ~ ~# ~ ~ t ' ~ '~t Y r,M.,k ~~: 4i i.~ w~ ,` J:_,..' , On motion of Mr. Johnson seconded by Mr. Swanson the rules were suspended and the ordinance was read a second !time, and by caption only. The ordinance declaring itself to be an emergency 'ordinance was on motion of Mr. Johnson seconded by Mr. Swanson, read a third time and in full. ~~ On motion o~ Mr. Sundt' seconded by Mr. Johnson, ;the ordinance was placed on its passage, and was passed by ~unanimons vote. On motion of Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mr. Johnson,. !.the Chief of the Fire Department was authorized to purchase sis shovels. and two Stilson wrenches for the use of the Fire- Department. Motion adopted on roll call by unanimous vote.-' i On motion of Mr: Sandy, seconded by Mr. Johnson, ,.. the .Superintendent of the Light and Water Plant eras a ized to have a telephone booth constructed in the Light and z ~: Water. Plant building. Motion adopted on roll call by unani %~" mous vote. The President Pro-tempore gamed Mr. Johnson e ~ k, Mr. Swanson as members of the Finance Committee prop= On motion of Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mr.' the City Clerk was authorized to have ~'ag Sale +, .;' number 1302 against Lot 1, Block 69, cancelled. °^~' ~. 1~ On motion of Mr. Sandy seconded -by Mr. Johnson current bills. were referred to the Finance Committee. Ai'ter ~`~ :~ being audited the bills were reported back to the Council' with the recommendation that they be paid and on roll cs11,z the several bills are ordered paid as audited by;,unanimaus vOte'. ~w . r A motion by Mr. Swanson, seconded by i~r. Sundt', that the action of the Council under date of January 18, that the action of the Council in regard to the 11924, requiring the appr wing opinion of the City Attorney" ~on the title of property to be purchased for Park purposea< 'was resa-faded. Those voting in the affirmative were Mr. ' .. i Johnson, pIr. Swanson and t~.r. Sundt'. A.mation by PuIr. Swanson, seconded by Mr. Johnao~ that the City purchase for Park purposes Block 132 at the ~~° i ~ k price of 10500.00, the written opinion of Attorney, C. Y:~~-;: m 'Byrd to be filed showing the v®lidity of the conveyance. -' to the city, was adopted those voting in the affirmative on " roll call being PJr. Johnson, Idr. Sundt' and P1r. Swanson. A motion by Mr. Swanson, seconded by Mr. Johnson;,,; M of property for Park purposes as set out in resolution ~.~ adopted by the Council January 28, 1924, be rescinded, w passed. Those voting in the affirmative on coal os1Z v¢er A4r. Johnson, fir. Sundt' and Mr. Swanson. On motion of Mr. Sundt', seconded bgyBd the Council ad~onrned subject to the call of the ity Clerk • -, ,,> ('n,, Q MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT GENERAL FIIND. MARCH 1924. ,k ~: Balance March 1, Receipts• Real Estate X12056.05 Feraonal 3212.50. Tag OertiPicates 316.94 Interest Ec Fees 130.73 Oconpational Tag 25.25 Building hermits 8.50 OY31ce Space 40.00 Street Tag 4.00 Reimbursement Wat er and Light Fund 31.85 • Z. H. Welker, Re-deposit 26.6E Tlisbursementas Salaries ~ 222.57 General Expense 25.39 O~~ee Rent 10.00 Folice Department 150.00 Streets & All®ye 50.83 Fire Department 1,31 Sanitation 113.50 Water &-light 193.50 Insurance Fire ffig. 15.00 Oiling Streets Acet.2000.00 Returned Cheek 26,62 ~~ The -elra~r_News z 20:00 Architect Municipal Building 316.80 Postage 31.85. Balane® a. X2831.04 :, ., -317.' ~~Y:, Tresanres .. ' ~^' ~. `, Receipt s Disbursements: ~~ n,ONTHLY FINANCIAL STATE~3ENT WATER 8c LIGHT DEPART~EPiT Balance, March 1. Electric Current Water Water Connections Material sold Light Cut-in Light Cut-out Salaries General Eapenae Maintenano® Fuel Lubrication Extensions Engine ~2 Lease Warrant Postage Balana4 $355.57 X2395.91 383.53 3.50 23.60 1.50 4.50 281254 3168.11 ' 600.00 8.95 19444? 600.0 4500 778.92 305.00 31.85 ~* Lb ,,, K