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05-12-24 Regular
9z CCUNCII, CHAMBER May 12, 1924. ~- ~ ,;. 3.~ The Council met in regudr session, the L6ayor pre- aiding. Councilmen Been, Malone and Swanson were present. Councilman Sundt' wsa absent.. The minntea of the previous meeting were read. and approved. ' The Mayor laid before the Council the resignation of A. G. Evans as a member. of the board of bond trustees of. the City of Delray, and the Council direoted that note oP the resignation be made on the minutes.. ;~"~`" o-,. A. G. Evans who had been eleoted at the prey©us =,. su session of the Council as succ"essor to ~. Cc Johnson,resigned„ ws ~ ~`~, appeared and the oath of ©ffiee was administerq,d bo hi~~~y~ ~~ the Mayor, to serve until the nest regular eleotion. ~ ~~'v:` t3 ~Nv The City Clerk presented the applioation of Vincent-:' Giordano for request of building permit to renew.th e~rdof any; ,. dwelling looated on lots 10 and 11, block 117, replacing shingle roof with a composition roof. '"`#"' On motion of Mr. %en, seconded by Mr. Swanaon,.the~ q,. ~. Clerk was directed to issue the necessary permit:.. ~~', v ..~..., h The Council proceeded to open the aeveral,bi,d~s auks =,? mitted on'~the proposed street paving in the City of Dexra~"g~ °e r Street Paving Bids ,~ 9 3 I four bide having been submitted, as follows:. J. T. filler, Jr.,grading per cubic yard', 67~, total X3001.60; rock paving complete,. X1.00 per square yard, total X34,189.50. Greynolda & Monroe, Incorporated, ~~~ grading per enbie yard, 60~, total X2688.00; rock paving complete,$1.14 per square yard, total X38976,03. F. N. Brown, grading per cubic yard, 74 ¢, ~ total X3315.20; rook paving complete, X1.23 j per square yard, total X42053.08. i S. P. Snyder, grading per enbic yard, 68~, except on Shulson, Perry and Market Streets where the bids;was 75~ per aubie yard, total X3123.96; rock paving complete, ~1°223. per square yard, total $42053.08. `~' Eeah of the bids submitted was aeeo~p~nied with ified certified check of X2000.00. , On motion of Mr. been, seconded by Mr. Swanson,. ;consideration of the bide was postponed until 7 :30 P.B.° ;RMz day, May 13, to which hour the Council will stand ad~ournej '_ at the close"of the present session. c _ ,. ~: ,;,r; On motion of Mr, geeri, seconded by 1Hr. swan~~ii Clerk wee directed to wire the cancellation of the ord~x u April 14, 1924, to w. S. Darly~& Company, through the VPa p ', k~$, Meter Repair Company for one Sterling Fire Siren, 5 H.P.: r !phase motor double head with swithh. ~~~ A motion by Bor. Keen, seconded by Mr.,Evana~tha1 the City of Delray offer to fnrniah the town of Delray $'eg ,~ >r fire protection such as is anpplied to the~City of Delra i a period of one year for X390.00, payable quartly waa~n ~,;° ~r ed ~y ntYarrim"ana vote. ~,~~~« \ ;,, ~ ~~~ v _ <. . 'IoY Boynton with electric current was referred to the water 'end light committee for study of the commercial feasibility= ,of the same, was adopted by unanimous vote. In the abaenod of Mr. Sandy, the Mayor named Mr. i 'Evans as a member of the finance. committee pro tem. The Clerk laid before the Council current bills . which on motion of Mr. Keen, seconded by Mr. Malone ,were refer- vote. i After informal disousaion, a motion by Mr. Swanson, !seconded by Mr. Keen, that the matter of furnishing the town A motion by fir. Keen, seconded by tZr. pislone, that 'the water and light committee formulate a proposition to snb- mit to the town of Delray Beach with a view of furnishing that ~. . 'incorporation with a water supply was adopted by unanimous red to the. finance committee. ~;y~ ~/~ ~.,., s After .being audited, the several billsrtere, regp back to the Council with the recommendation that they be, ~,va ., and on motion of Mr. Been, seconded by Mr. Malone, the bi were ordered paid, on roll call, byeunanimous vote. The Council entered into a general diaetisston`o „,r ~« immediate necessity of installing an additioaal and larger-„ unit for the purpoaeeof generating eleotric current and con sideration of various types of engines and equipment. Without formal action on this ma®r, Gounoil `ads= 4, -i journed to 7.3Q ~P. M. Tuesday, May 13. ~~' ~~;T%`~xc Mayor (!: to wrlr.. - , ,