07-14-24 RegularfJ+'. d ~~ ar r ~; ~ COUNCIL CH9MBER July 14 ,. 1924. i +x ', ~ 1 7 ~E The Council met in regulgr session, the PJts~or presiding. Councilmenx.een, Ielelone and Sundy were present:.: Councilmen Evans and Swanson were absent. ~11 ~; The minutes of the meetings of June 23, and Ju7.y£ ,~ 4, were read and approved. _~s: The Clerk laid before the Council application oPw;; S. Eugene Burd and Charlotte D. Milton for a permit to ereoyi a bank building, construction to be of hollow the-and re -a~,`' 8nforced concrete, cement and the floors with built up as~,~; phalt roof, on the Sdorthwest corner of Lot 1, Block 93, at~ =- an estimated cost of X9000.00. k On motion of Mr. Been, seconded by Mr. P~dalone;,~, ,„ the Clerk was authorized to issue the necessary permit.- 4 a The Clerk laid before the Council applioation='~' . ,r N ~V the Bijou Theatre for a permit to make repairs and slte`r~+~,. tions to the front and lobby of the Theatre building, u~3.~~` ';~' national steel fabric metal lath with cement stu~'co, at: an`~~' estimated cost of X1000.00. r,~+~' s««s~ On motion of Mr. Wean, seconded by Mr. Sundy,. the:' ~ ., L ~~~ Clerk was authorized to issue the necessary permit. ~~i ~~ The Clerk called attention of the Council to the"`~~" ~. fact. that h was a vacancy in the Fin~nee Committee .bq~ F,,;a''~' ~~' reason of-the temporary absence of Mr. Swanson,. and the~>, 4 named Mr. P'felone as a member of the_F ~ i~~ r, e Committ~te~a~ ,, • ,. a, ;~,y .E tw, ~ •y a ~ w -~ ~ On motion of Rr. Sundt', secondedby Mr. been, .~~ I current bills were referred to the Finance Committee. `~ After being audited the several bills were re- i ported back to the Council with the recommendation that w_~,~. they be paid and, on roll call, the. several bills were order~y i r - ed paid by unanimous vote of the Council. ,~: 4x,h v; li resolution submitted by ISr. i~een, seconded quit-claim ~`+: by idr. Sundt', was adopted on roll call, authorizing the May ~~,,,~ Deed Block ~,a~3 ~, ~ 93, ~ ~ and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City of Delray, , to S. E. Burl"and C. V. Milton , Burd and ~ a quit-claim deed~to a strip of land extending from the Sou~h P~ilton line of Atlantic Avenue to the T~~orth line the East and ~ Pleat Alley running through Block 93 of the City of Delray, F ~ egahange for equal footage on west side of Parrot Str®et a.^~~;v (formerly the Town of Lintan) Palm Beach County, Florida f ~ b And more particularly described as follows: "'~' p, Beginning at the North West corner of Block ,"~~,:' 93 aforesaid and running thence west on the: ~~ ;~~., t South line of Atlantic Avenue of said city a distance of 1.6Q feet, thence South in ,~:~ Parrott Avenue a distance of 141'.55 fee t~ ,s., "'"~~ point on the North line of said Alley p~=~ .~~~ duced west, thence East along,NOrth line of ~. said alley produced, a distance `of .75".of ~a~ tip" _r: foot to the South east corner of said tr"'fib, °z being the .south west corner of Lat 1; Bloakz" """ ~;t 93, of the said city, thence north along the west boundary of said Block (93) a distance "~ of 141.55 feet to the point o~ beginning, `'' Y°~ ~ , A motion by Idr. r:een, seconded by Mr. Sandy, w~~"; ^- ,,; dopted, on roll call, by unanimous vote atthox°~z~r~~r°'tff ax,~ ~'~ ~ ~ itary Inspector to purchase a push-cart Yor the tree''of ~the~-~ _ ,, Sanitary Department. ' ~ ' "'~~ «~ s k° ~* The Ii~Tayor acting as Chairman of a special,Bni~~ ~~; Y; a r r Committee, reported to the.COUncil that L $. Walke ,}~"' "F. za ~ .~ Accepting Municipal Building .~ F ~ t ,~ '' ~~' ,,~; pleted the ?4unicipal Building according to the terms of his, contract with the city. , A motion of i;ir.reen, seconded by PSr. Sandy, was. accepting Municipal Building ,_ adopted unanimously on roll call^ and the~City Treasurer was authorized and directed to pay to L. H. 'dalkEr, the amount.-1 k .. ; of the contract pricce when he shall have filed with him ~'s`. proper receipts for all material and labor in ..connection wi~kt~ the construction of the building. ~~-, The City Clerk laid before the Council a communi '~' cation from the Chief Sanitary Engineer of the State Board " of Health, bearing on the question of commu~ay mosquito control. The Chairman of the Bosrd of Health and the -~ '~ ~ ~ ~ Ordinance ratifying and approving a- greement be- ~- ~tween City of Delray and "'Fairbanks, Morse & Co. h a ;,kk YY ~ k ~ :: itary Inspector being present,~:.there was general discuss'` as to what activities should be undertaken by the locale Board of Health at this time. .Pr. Heen acting Ghairman for 9Pater end L~"`ght•:Cb1 mittee submitted an ordinance entitled: ~ \_ ' ATd ORDINANCE RATIFYING AND APPROVING A CERTATNrr AGREEMENT 33ET4"JEEN TFL~ CITY OF DELRAY, FLORIDA, ,;' AND FALRBANkS, Pe70RSE 8c COP~+IPANY, RELATING TO THE IT_JSTALLATIOTd asTp LEASE TO THE CITY:OF DE~~..~I RAY, FLORIDA, A CET?T11N ET~GINE, GENERATOR, 9PT11i"^ EQUIPMENT FQR TAE ELECTRIC NIGHT PLANT`OF ` SAID CITY, ~~~ ~~~..t~,~ and moved that it be placed. nn its first reading. =~- ar <: The motion having prevailed, the ordinance was'rf a first tim 'nd in full. On motion of Mr. Been, seconded by Mr,~'.'Mal~iY18,+. * i. ` ~ g n R + J ;j~a S rules were suspended and the ordinance was ordered read a Street Paving n,Ordinance ~!'. ti ,!'.. ~Q ~, c* >,, °. second time by caption only and it was so read. °:'r. I?alone, Chairman of the Street Committee sub-" __,:_: mitted an ordinance entitled; AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIii~G FOR THE PAVING OF CERTAIN ,;:, DESIGNATED STREETS Ii1 THE CITY OF DELRAY, FLORIDA, '' and moved that it be placed on its first reading. ~i :,:~?' The motion having prevailed by unanimous vote,the~".~, ordinance was read a first time and in full. ;<i E~;; On motion of :^r. Keen, seconded by t?r. done, the rules were suspended and the ordinance was ordered read a , n~X second time and by caption only, and it was so read. ~~i' The Council declined to approve a biller submitted 5 .~;'„ by C. Y. Byrd, Attorney, for an opinion on an abstract-ofs~,'x,~ ~Y Y title to the property of Elizabeth Chambers, filq,ck 132, th;.~,k e. Biayor and others stating that Pdr. Byrd, appearing "as the at,~~~~ ,;.. torney for Elizabeth Chambers, was requested to state in " ~~; .~~' miting only what. he had stated verbally to the Ct~'iLdcil dk ye .+ Tx`"N4k`;. to validity of the: title offered the city to the propert3~„-', in .question. . , -;~~. The. Couneilradjourned subject to the call at ;,, s. ;, lllayor . ~/ _ ~ ..