08-25-24 Regular-- ,.,3.0 , _. '~ _, `I .,i - ~ .~. COUNCIh CHAMBER August 25, 1924. ~ The Council met in regular session, the Mayor . residing. ~, councilmen swans, Bundy and Swanson were present; "~ ~;ouncilmen Keen and iv7alone were absent. 'Phe minutes of the session of August 11th, 18th, 19th 8c 20th were read and approved. ,~, i The Clerk laid before the Council an application The Delray Realty and llevelopment Co. and the llelray lty Co. for permit to erect an office building on East tion of lot 5 and west portion of lot 6, tslock 100, ith apeciPleations:.Cement floor, walls, hollow the or- ement block, three ply built up asphalt. roof, interior ~. athed and plaster®d, at an ®atimated cost of 81459.00: ' "' Cn matian oY BLr. 3v¢arpon, seconded by Mr. Lv'sna' he clerk was authorized to issue the necessary permit.` ,. 9 motion by Mr. Swanson, seconded by tor. Sundy as adopted on roll call, authorizing tha City hTtgineere o.inspeet all paved streets in the city and report to e Council the physical condition thereof, the b'e'st"'=~ thod of maintaining and estimated cost of repairs ne- 8998ry the mayor named zar. Lvana of the,,: Committee protem " ~~ .~ ~, • ~~~~" l~/ ,,, ~Phe Clerk laid before the Council current bills which on motion of tar. Sunda, were referred to the Finance committee. After being audited, the bills were reported ba~ to the Council, and on motion of 1~r. Sundq,~ seconded bq ~nr. Evans, the bills were, on roll call, ordered paid bq unanumous vote. A motion bq rAr. Evsns, seconded bq Mr. Swanson, ~~~ directing the Clerk to communicate in writing with the leader of the yelraq nand, informing him that the Council t desired to co-operate in the maintenance of the band, and requesting a statement for the guidance of the Council,:.. ' *, as to the financial requirements of the organization, was .~~ adopted bq unaminons vote. v A motion bq ~nr. Swanson, seconded bq tar. Sunda, ,~ ,- that the Clerk advise r~r. Yeager in writing that he must delmver to the Citq of Lelraq title, occompanied bq proper abstract, to the tract of land which the citq had ~ ..*A Y4i ~ .. agreed to accept in eaehange for the land now owned bq the ° eitq and occupied bq him, within sigtq daps from the dat`'f 4 of the notice, or else he must terminate the occnpaneq of i, , the citq propertq wsa adopted bq unaminous vote. tdr. ~Paglor for the Citq L~ngineers submitted ' `r ».~,> a verbal report as to the construction of citq atreeta~~+ bq the contractors. 'there waa:informal discussion of the matters of installation of water meters and ensions of the electric service, but no formal eoCi~ ~ t"~.ken. ,~ ,.. ,, a3~ r 1'he Marshall was directed to look out a place m available for use as a dog pound, and to enYorce the ordinance on dogs running at large on the streets. 0~ motion of ~r. Evans the council adjourned subject to the Ball of the Mayor. ~/'~~+- Clerk. sr 5-.,~'~: Mayor. Y~ i33 :. +iONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT GENERAL FIIND Balance August 1st X3951.97 Receipts: Real Estate Taxes Personal Property Tax Sale Oertificatea Interest ~ Fees Occupational Taxes Building Permits P,~layors Court Office Space Tax Sale Advertising Re-deposit 882.30 18.20 647.12 282.84 12.50 17.00 57.00 15.00 8.40 15.00 1955.36 5907.33 Disbursements: Over Deposit in July Salaries General Expense Office Rent Police Department Streets and Alleys Check Returned Sanitation Advertising O~fiee Equipment Loan, Water & Light Dept. Insurance Balance .06 237.33 10.85 10.00 150.00 31.50 15.00 60.50 72.E0 23.65 700.00 140.80 1451.83 4455.44 5907.33 ~~~ ~ Treasures. ~. 13~ Ir~ONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT WATER AND LIGHT DEPARTPIIENT t- Balance August let Reciepts: Electric Current Water Water Connections Freight Re-fund Pvlaterial Sold, Fuel 011 Service Charge Borrowed yefieit X1200.35 318.55 25.00 1.18 26.25 1.50 700.00 .Disbursements: Salaries General Expense Iutaintenance Fusl Lubrication Extensions Extensions, W 8c L Bldg. Lease Engine #2 Engine #4 Returned Check Accident Insurance ?6 600.00 7.95 34.41 573.00 '~~_~< 45.00 401.36 828.81 305.00 37.27 6.85 100.27 388.95 2272.83' a 278.14 2939.92 "' 2939.92 ; e s. Treasurer.