09-22-24 Regular i ~ ~~ ~ COUNCIL CHAMBER i Sep~smber 22, 1924. ' •, ', Council met in regular Session, the T~7ayor presiding , Councilmen Evans, fl~falone and Sundy were present. Councilmen .' Keen and Swanson were absent. „ The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The TsTayor named P~4r. Evans and P!;r, Iilalone as "" members of the Finance Committee Pro Tem, ' The Clerk laid before the Council cam rent bills , .which upon motion of P~?r. Sundy, seconded by NIr. PrTalone, ~`" were referred to the Finance Comttee. After being audited, the several bills were reported back to the Council 1 with the recommendation that they be paid, and on roll call by unanimous vote, the several bills were ar dered paid. ~, T~4r. Trans, of the Water and Light Committee, An ordinance submitted an ordinance en titled "An ordinance amending an relative to the amendment ordinance adopted July 9, 1917, amended June 28, 1920 and of ordinance establishing 'P,Tay 8, 1922, establishing rates for water and light service rates for water and 1.ig ht~`c," and as amended, the the third paragraph will read as ~.. Service. ,follows: "All bills for electric current and water are due .'and payable on the 1st of the month that the service is ';tendered, and if not paid by the 10th of said month 10°6 ~~ will be added to the amount of said bill as a penalty for ,, jdelayed payment,"snd move that it be placed on its first reading. First reading of the ordinance having been or dered by unanimous vote it was read in full. On motion of 2,4r. . ;Evans, the rule was suspended and the ordinance was read ~^`° `r a secorsi time, and by caption only. It'Ir. Taylor, of the Engineering firm of Butler, ~"~ ~ arnett ~ Taylor, City en gineers, submitted a report to the y ~ 'Council, stating th at the firm of J. i'. P_4iller, ~ Co. had, J to the satisfaction of the engineers, completed its con- tract with. the City for street paving, and that the engineers had accepted the work of the contractors as conforming strictly to the plans and specifications. On motion of 1r. ~;a,lone, Chairman of the Street Committee, the report of the engineers was accepted, as sho•~^~ing that the contractors had conformed strictly to the conditions of their contract with the City. The motion of ivir. P,Salone was adopted on roll call by unan- ~ imous vote. A4r. Taylor, of the engineerir~ firm of Butler, ?3arnett Fc 'Paylor who had obtained certain inPormat'.ion / as to water rates under the meter system in various towns and cities in the State, as lame or larger than Delray, submitted a repott, which on motion of Ptir. IJlalone, seconded by nor. Evans, was referred to the Committee on ':`rater and Light. t3y proper resolutions, each of ~^rhich was adopted on roll call by unanimous vote, the cc~nncil ordered that sidev~alks be laid on The South side of Lowry St. adjoining Lot 1, Blk 108 Sidewalks Pdorth n " " " 10, ~ 107 ordered South " " " 8, 108 con~trueted ':west " " Dade " 19, " 107 `' ','`rest " n n '+ "16,17,18 Blk 1C7 'hest " ~, +T e n n15 " 107 '."Jest " " " " " "11,12 " 107 West " I1 106 West r, „ n n „ n 12 106 V,fest " " " " " 13 106 West " " " " ° " 14 '+ 106 v ~ °-< v y The West side of llade St. adjoining Lot 15, Blk 106 itlest " " " " 16 17 18 106 'Jdest " " " " " 19,20 106 llewey R'.orris, Chief of r'ire Dept., appeared before the Council, requesting t;at a metal partition be erected in the ?uater and Light power plant building, between the "' power engines and that portion of the building in v,?nich the fire engine is kept. Cn motion of 1r. SJIalone, the request of the r'ire Chief was referred to the ,'Dater anrl. Light ,. Committee with authority to act in the premises. ?5. `~' 'Phe Council took under consideration the revision of the City registration books. ;'uite a number of names were stricken from the register by reasons of removal o~ y, death. The Clerk presented to the Council nominating '' Nominating petitions of persons to be voted for, for the offices of Petitions for 9nnual ~;lection' t9ayor, Councilmen and Bond trustee at t}n approaching 1924. annual election. Petitions filed in behalf of J. L. Love and J. S. Sundy, for the office of r;~,yor were verified, and their names were ordered placed on the official ballot. ; Petitions filed by L. H. Bradshaw and L. L. Barwick, in behalf of J.C. Keen and L.F. Ranson for the office of Councilmen were, at the request of the sponsors, withdrawn. Petitions in behalf of '1'. Iv:. O'Neal, u.0. Scott, J. C. Keen and L.F. Ranson for the office of Councilmen serving for a term of two years were approved, and their names were ordered placed on the official ballot. Petitions naming C. Y. Byrd and E. V. Malone for tYie office of Councilmen, a to serve for a term of Qne year were verified, ~zd their a <t ;~, Inspectors for Election. CLII2K ~ .~r !names were ordered placed on the official ballot accordingly. A petition designating .~. C. Evans for the office of riond Trustee to serve for a tern of two years was verified and his name was ordered placed on the official ballot. Cn motion of t;Lr. 9undy, seconded by k!ir. P,lalone, `~ J. A. Zeder, P. A. Ranson and r,mma H. Jacobs were named as inspectors, ~ d lula S. French was nay d as Clerk. Council adjourned until B P.M. M day Sept. 29th. ~=~ TiAYCR J >~ Z RESOLUTION ~" BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Delray, r'lorida, that Wm. A. Buck be, and he is hereby notified and required to build and construct a sidewalk upon the West fide of Dade Street adjoining Lots 19 and 20, block 106, of tha City of llelray, P`lorida, according to a plat of~llelray (formerly Linton) on file in the office of the Clerk of the circuit Court Yn and for Palm Beach County, r'lorida; the said sidewalk to be five , feet in width, to be constructed according to grade stakes to be placed at the direction of the City Council, and according to the following formula, to wit; 'Phe foundation, or base to be at least 3~", ~, ~ composed of a mixture of one part cement, three parts clean sand and four parts concrete rock, surfaced with .4"mixture of one part cement, two parts screened sand, finished with hand trowel float. Said t~~m. 1~t. Buck is further not if ed and required to complete the said sidewalk within sixty days from the 24th day of September, A.D. 194; other- . wise the Council of the City of llelray will cause the said sidewalk to be constructed and will pay for the cost of constructing same, and will hold and enforce a lien for such costs against said property. 'STATE OF FLORIDA ) PALM, BEACH COUNTY) CITY OF DELRAY ) I, John W. Hall, City Clerk, City of llelray, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Band correct copy of Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of llelray, Florida, at a regular session of the 'Council held on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1924. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Delray, at Delray, Florida, this 24th day of September, A.D. 1924. City Clerk. ~~3 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLED by the Council of the city of Delray, r'lorida, that A.G. Evans be, and he is hereby notified and required to build and construct a sidewalk upon the West side of Dade Street adjoining Lots 16, 17 end 18, Block 106, of the City of Delray, Florida, accor- ding to a plat of Delray (formerly Lintonj on file in the office of the Clerk of the circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida; the said sidewalk to be five feet in width, to be constructed according to grade stakes to be placed at the direction of the City Council, and according to the following formula, to wit: The foundation, or base to be at least 34", . co~hposed of a mixture of one part cement, three parts clean sand and four parts concrete rock, surfaced with ~"mixture of one part cement, two parts screened ~, sand, finished with hand trowel float. Said A. G. Evans is further notified and required to complete the said sidewalk within sixty days from the 24th day of September, A.D. 194; otherwise 'the Council of the City of Delray will cause the said .sidewalk to be constructed and will pay for the cost of constructing same, and will hold and end'orce a lien ;for such costs agdinat said ~:roperty. STATE OF FLORIDA ) PALM BEACH COUNTY) CITY OF DELRAY ) I, John W. Hall, City Clerk, City of Delray, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution adopted by the Council of !the City of llelray, r~lorida, at a regular session of the .Council held on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1924. In Witness 9-hereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of ,Delray, at Delray, Florida, _ _ _ this 24th day of September, A.D. 1924. City Clerk. s L~ L! RESOLUT IOid , BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Delray, Florida, that ~1'.A. Rawls be, and he is hereby notified and required to build and construct a sidewalk upon the West side of Dade Street adjoining Lot 15, Block 106, of the City of llelray, rlorida, according to a plat of llelray (formerly Linton) on file in the office of the Clerk of the Gireuit Court in and for. Palm Beach County, 1'lorida; the said sidewalk to be .five feet in width, to be constructed according to grade stakes to be placed at the direction of the City Council, and according to the following formula, to wit: The foundation, or base to be at least 3n" composed of a mixture of one part cement, three parts ~ clean sand and four parts concrete rock, surfaced with '.'mixture of one part cement, two parts screened sand, finished with hand trowel float. Said T.A. Rawls is further notified and reauired to complete the said sidewalk within sixty days from the 24th day of September, A.D. 1924; other- wise the Council of the City of Delray will cause the said sidewalk to be constructed and will pay for the cost of constructing same, and will hold and enforde a lien for such costs against said property. T**********~******~***** STATE OF FLORIDA ) PALM BEACH COUNTY) CITY OF DELRAY } 1, John VY. Hall, City Clerk, City of llelray, r`lorida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of llelray, Florida, at a regular session of the Council held on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1924. In Witness S9hereof i and the seal of the City of this 24th day of September- I have hereunto set my hand Delray, at Delray, Florida, A.D. 1924. City Clerk. ~y6 RESOLUT ION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Delray, Florida, that J.M. Hyde be, and he is hereby notified and required to build and construct a sidewalk upon the West side of Dade Street adjoining Lot 13, Block lOfi, o.f the City of Delray, Florida, according to a plat of Delray (formerly Linton) on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida; the said sidewalk to be five feet in width, to be constructed according to Prade stakes to b a placed at the direction of the City Council, and accordin~ to the following formula, to vvit: The foundation, or base to be at least 3?n, composed of a mixture of one Hart cement, three parts clean sand and four parts concrete rock, surfaced C '; with :'mixture of one -part cement, two parts screened sand, finished with hand trowel float. Said J.Pd. Hyde is further notified and required to complete the said sidewalk within sixty days from the 24th day of September, ~.D. 194; other- wise the Council of the City of Delray will cause the said sidewalk to be constructed and will pay for the cost of constructing same, and wall hold and enforce a lien !`for such costs against said property. STATE OF t'LORIDA) PALM BEACH COUivTTY) CITY OF DELRAY) I, John uv. Hall, City Clerk, City of Delray, 'Ir'lorida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Delray, r'lorida, at a reular session o#~ the Council held on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1924. In witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Delra~,_r)lorida, this_24tY~~ day of September, A.D. 1924. City Clerk. ,~/ 7 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOL'TED by the Council of the City of Delray, Florida, that C. A. B. Zook be, end he is here- by notified and required to build and construct a side- walk upon the South side of Lowry Street adjoining Lot 8, Block 108, of the City of Delray, Florida, according to a plat of Delray (formerly Linton) on file in the office of the Clark of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, r~lorida; the said sidewalk to be five feet in width, to be constructed according to grade stakes to be placed at the direction of the City Council, and according to the fallowing formula, to wit: The foundation, or base to be at least 3~" .composed of a mixture of one part cement, three parts clean sand and four parts concrete rock, surfaced with ~"mixture of one part cement, two parts screened sand, finished. with hand trowel float. Said C. A. B. Zook is further notified and .required to complete the said sidewalk within sixty days :from the 24th day of September, A. D. 1924; otherwise the Council of the City of Delray will cause the said sidewalk to be constructed and will pay for the cost of oonstriidting same, and will hold and enforce a lien for such costs against said property, STATE OF FLORIDA ) PALBB BEACH COUNTY) CITY OF DELRAY ) I, John au. Hall, City Clerk, City of Delray, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct s~opy of itesolution adopted by the ~ouneil of the City of Delray, Florida, at a regular session of the Council held on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1924. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Delr~y~ at Delaa~, r'lorida, this 24th day of September,, A.D. 1924;1 -~ ~., City Clerk. ,^~ RESOLUT ZON BE IT RESOLVED BY the Council of the City of - Delray, Florida, that C.N. McCLAREN be, and he is hereby .notified and required to build and construct a sidewalk upon the Priest side of Dade Street adjoining Lot 12, Block 106, of the City of Delray, Florida, according to a plat of Delray (formerly Linton) on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida; the said sidewalk to be five feet in width.:, to be constructed according to .grade stakes to be placed at the direction of the City Council, and ~ocording to the following formula, to wit: The foundation, or base to be at least 3~", composed of a mixture of one pa rt cement, three parts clean sand, and four parts concrete rock, surfaced Yr with ~" mixture of one part cement, two parts screened sand, finished with hand trowel. Said C.N. McClaren is further notified and reauired to complete the said sidewalk within sixty .;days from the 24th day of September, A.D. 1924; other- wise the Council of the City of Delray will cause the said sidewalk to be constructed and will pay for the cost of constructing same, and will hold and enforce a lien for such costs against said property. 'STATE OF F'DCRIDA ) PALM BEACH COUNTY) -;CITY OF DEL RAY ) I, John P1. Hall, City Clerk, City of Delray, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution adopted by thA Council of 4he City of Delray, Florida, at a regular session of the Council held on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1924. and phis IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand the seal o P the City of Delray, at Del ray, Florida, 24th day of September, A.D. 19f~4. City Clerk. P RESOLUTION C BE IT RESOLVED by the Council o£ the City o£ Delray, Florida., that J.J. Schabinger, be, and he is here- by notified and required to build and construct a sidewalk upon the west side of Dade Street adjoining Lot 15, Block 107, of the City of Delray, Florida, according to a plat of Delray (formerly Linton) on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida; the said sidewalk to be five feet in width, to be constructed according to grade stakes to be placed at the direction of the City Council, and to be constructed according to the following formula, to wit: The foundation, or base to be at least 3~" composed o£ a mixture o£ one part cement, three parts clean sand and four parts concrete rock, surfaced with '"mixture o£ one part cement, two parts screened sand, finished with hand trowel float. such costs against said property. Said J.J. Schabinger is further notified and required to complete the said sidewalk within sixty days from the 24th day o£ September, A.D. 1924; otherwise the Council o£ the City o£ Delray will cause the said side- walk to be construct@d and will pay for the cost o£ oonstrneting same, and will hold and enforce alien for ************************ STATE OF FLORIDA ) PALM BEACH COUNTY) CITY OF DELRAY ) I, John W. Hall, City Clerk, City of Delray, Fla. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Delray, Florida, at a regular session of the Council held 'on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1924. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand 'and the.seal o£ the City of Delray, at Delray, Florida, 'this 2~th day of September, A.D. 19fE4. City Clerk. S~o RESOLUTION ~E IT-RESOLVED by the council of the pity of llelray, r~lorida,' that ~. c, i$ohnson be, and he is hereby motified and required to build and construct a sidewalk upon the `nest side of .wade Street adjoining Lots 11 and 12, Block 107, of the City of Lelray, r`lorida, accord~hng to a plat of Delray (formerly Linton) on file in the office of the clerk o~ the ~ireuit court in and for Palm Beach county, Florida; the said sidewalk to be five feet in width, to be constructed3 according to grade stakes to be placed at the direction of the City Council, and acoording to the following formula, to wit: The foundation, or base to be at least 3~" composed of a mixture of one part cement, three parts clean sand and four parts concrete rock, surfaced ~ with.c~"mixture of one part cement, two parts screened sand, finished with hand trowel float. Said J.C. Johnson is further notified and required to complete the said sidewalk within sixty days from the 24th day of September, A.D. 19E4; otherwise the Council of the City of Delray will cause the said side- walk to be constructed and will pay for the cost of constructing same, and will hold and enforce a lien for such costs against said property. ******************************** STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) CITY OF DELRAY) I, John W. Hall, City Clerk, City of Delray, Fle. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution adopted by the Eouncil of the City of Delray, Fla., at a regular session of the Council held on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1924. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand &nd the seal of the City of Delray, $t Delray, Fla., this 34th day of Sept. A.D., 1924. i I I City clerk, r6 t' RESOLUTION BE 1T :3ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Delray, Florida, that Lillie S. Reid be, and she is here- by notified and regn~sred to build and construct a side- walk upon the West side of Dade Street adfoining lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 107, of the City of Delray, r~lorida, according to a plat of Delray (formerly Linton) on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, r'lorida; the said sidewalk to be five 3est in width, to be constructed according to grade stakes to be placed at the direction of the City Council and according to the following formals:; to wit: The foundation, or base to be at least 34" composed of a mixture of oae past cement, three parts clean sand and four parts concrete rook, surfaced with ~"mixture of one part cement, two parts screened sand, finished with hand trowel float. Said Lillie S. Reid is further notified and recuired to complete the said sidewalk within sixty days from the 24th day of September, A.D. 1924; other- wise the Council of the City of Delray will cause the said sidewalk to be constructed and will pay for the cost of constructing same, and will hold and enforce a lien for such costs against said property. STATE OF FLORIDA ) PALB4 BEACH COUNTY) CITY OF DELRAY ) 1, john w. Hall, City Clerk, City of Delray, r'la. do hereby xertify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of llelray, Florida, at a regular session of the Council held on' the 22nd day oY September A.D., 1924. In Witness Whereof and the seal of the Gity,~of this 24th day of September, I have hereunto set my hand Delray, at Delray, Florida, A.D. 1924. City Clerk. S ~ RESOLUTZOid BE iT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Delray, t~'lorida, that the 't'rustees of the Lutheran Church be, and they are hereby notified and required to build and construct a sidewalk upon the South side of Lowry Street adjoining Lot 1, Block 108, of the City of * Delray, Florida, according to a plat of Delray (formerly Linton) on file in the office of the .Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, r'lorida; the said sidewalk to be five feet in width, to be constructed according to grade stakes to be placed at the direction of the City Council, and according to the following formula, to wit: The foundation, or base to be at least 34" composed of a mixture of one part cement, three parts clean sand and four parts concrete rock, surfaced t with ~." mixture of one part cement, two parts screened sand, finished with hand trowel float. Said Trustees of the Lutheran Church are ,further notified and required to complete the said side- walk within sixty days from the 24th day of September, A.D. 1924; otherwise the Council of the City of llelray '.will cause the waid sidewalk to be constructed and will '.:pay for the cost of constructing same, and will hold ~ d enforce a lien for such costs against said property. STATE OF FLORIDA ) .PALM BEACH COUNTY) CITY DF DELRAY 1 i, John lN. Hall, City Clerk, City of llelray , Fla. !do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of '.llelray, N'ls., at a regular session of the Council held on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1924. In Witness Whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand nand the seal of the City of llelray, at Delray, r'la., this ;24th day of September, A.D. 1924. City Clerk. ~ .S 3 Y RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the CQUncil of the City of llelray, r~lorida, that 69. E. Baldwin be, and he is here- by notified and required to build and construct a side- walk upon the North side of Lowry Street adjoining Lot 10, Block 107, of the City of Delray, r~lorida, according to a plat of Delray (formerly Linton) on ,file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Balm reach County, N'lorida; the said sidewalk to be five feet in width, to be constructed according to grade stakes to be~placed at the direction o£ the City Council, and according to the following formula, to wit: The r~oundation, or base to be at least 34" composed of a mixture of one part cement, three pasta clean sand and four parts concrete rock, surfaced with "mixture oY one part cement, two parts screened sand, finished with hand trowel'. float. Said W. E. Baldwin, is further no tified and required to complete the said sid~rwalk within sixty days from the 24th day of September A.D., 1924; otherwise the Council of the City of llelray will cause the said side- walk to be constructed and will pay for the cost of constructing same, and will holrk and enforce alien for such costs against said property. T********************* STATE- OF" FLORIDA ) BALM BEACH COUNTY) CITY OF DELRAY ) i, John Yr. Hall, City Clerk, City of llelray, r`la. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of !,Delray, r~la., at a regular session of the Council held on ;the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1924. In Witness u~hereof I have hereunto set my hand snd the seal of the City of Delray, at llelray, r~la., this 24th day of Sept. A. D., 1924. City Clerk. P~sy RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Delray, Florida, that Emmett C. Hall be, arrl he is here- by notified and required to build and construct a side- walk upon the west side of Dade Street adjoining Lot 19, of Block 107, of the City of Delray, Florida, accord- ing to a plat of Delray (formerly Linton) on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Flori~.a, the said sidewalk to be five feet in width, to be constructed aecor~ding to grade stakes to be placed at the direction of the City Council, and according to the following formula, to wit: The foundation, or base to be at least 34", composed of a mixture of one part cement, three parts .clean sand and four pasta concrete rock, $urfaoed with ~` ! 'mixture of one part cement, two parts screened sand; finished with hand trowel float. Said Emmett C. Hall, is further notified and 'j required to complete the said sidewalk within sixty days ;from the 24th day of September, A.D. 1924; otherwise the !Council of the City of Delray will cause the said side- ';walk to be constructed and will pay for the cost of :constructing same, and will hold and enforce a lien for '`-' ;such costa against said property. _ STATE OF FLORIDA ) ,. !PALM BEACH COUNTY) CITY OF DELRAY ) I, John W. Hall, City Clerk, City of Delray, Fla. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution adopted by the Council. of the .City of Delray, F1&., at a regular session of the Council held on the 22nd day of Septe~ber, A.D. 1924. In witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Delray, at Delray, Florida, this 24th day of September, A.D. 1924. City Clerk. 3:~5 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Delray, Florida, that Matt Gracey be, and he is hereby :notified and required to build and construct a sidewalk ,upon the tNest side of Dade Street adjoining Lot 11, of 'Block 106, oP the City of Delray, Floride~, according to !a plat of Delray (formerly Linton) on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Besoh 'County, Florida; the said sidewalk to be five feet in width, to be constructed according to grade stakes to be placed at the direction of the City Council, and according to the following formula, to wit: The foundation, or base to be at least 3~" ;composed of a mixture of one part cement, three parts 'clean sand and four parts concrete rock, surfaced (with ~"mixture of one part cement, two parts screened 'sand, finished with hand trowel float. Said Matt Gracey is further notified and 'requited to complete the said sidewalk within sixty -days from the 24th day of September, A.D. 1924; other- wise the Council of the f~ty of Delray will cause the said sidewalk to be constructed and will pay for the ;cost of constructing same, and will hold and enforce a !'lien for such costs against said property. ;~~, STATE OF FLORIDA ) ';PALM BEACH COUNTY) !CITY OF DELT_3AY ) I, John W. Hall, City Clerk, City of Delray, ,Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true 'and correct copy of Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Delray, Florida, at a regular session of the Council held on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1924. ~n Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand 'and the seal of the City of Delray, at Delray, Florida, this 24th day of Jeptember, A.D. 194. CITY CLERK.