09-29-24~~~y COUTdCIL CHAMBER September 29, 1924 i The Council met pursuant to adjournment from 'Sept. 22nd, theayor presiding. Councilmen r;vans, Keen, T~Ialone and Bundy were 'present. Councilmen :wans~n was absent. The Clerk laid before the Council a form of '!ordinance drawn by C. D. Blackwell of the firm of Blackwell, ;Donnell & nSeCracken, making assessments against property in ;the City of TJelray, t'lorida, to cover the c~ t of pavir~ 'certain streets in said City, abutting said property, with !an opinion from t::r. Blackwell to the effect that he doubted ,very seriously the advisability of attempting to make assessments by resolution only. Y'he Clerk also presented a form of tesolution 'submitted by IAr, Raymond Yeomans, Attorney for the purchasers- o£ the bonds proposed to be issued in payment £or street ~oaving, assessing the cost of certain street improvement work against the abutting property, and declaring a lien on said abutting property, and fixing the dates of payment o£ said lidns. After discussion, it was decided by the Council 'ao andertake to make the assessments by resolution only. ~~:?r. Keen subkitted a resolutien, which read as follows: g s. ~A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF DELRAY, FLORIDA, ASSESSITdG THE COST OF CERTAIN STR?~'ET ITJIPROVEDIIENT.^=; e11WORK AGAINST TIT+: ABUTTING PROPERTY ATdD DECLARING A LIEN UPON SAID ABU TTIIVG PROPRRRTY AND 'FIgIN~ TAE DATES OF PAYIViETd T OF SAID LIETdS t9HEREAS, 'Phe City Council of the City of llel~ay, M'Florida did, on the 10th day of T;parch, A. D. 1924, duly Y' ~I adopt an ordinance declaring that it was necessary to pave C ',certain streets in said City within certazhn limits therein designated, which said ordinance was duly approved by the `Vi'i F,layor of said City on the 12th day of r~4arch, A.D. 1924 and duly promulgated by publication as provided by law, and Cj WHEREAS, 'The said City Council iid, on the 28th day of April, A.D. 1924, pass an ordinance decla ring that ~it was necessary tm pave certain streets in said City within limits t2u rein designated, whihh said ordinance was duly approved by the t~~ayor o£ said City on the 2~th day of April, A.D. 1924, and duly promulgated by publication as } required by law, and ~(~o "m'HEP,EAS, In and by said respective ordinances, it d°ras ordered that each and every person owning; a piece or parcel of land abutting upon any of the pcm tions of tYn streets required to be ~ ved should fully and complete- ly grade and. soave, according to and in conformity with said ordinances and the plans and specifications tYn rein re- ferred to, that portion of said streets immediately in front of his or her piece or p3rcei of land to the middle of the street and to begin such work within terl days and finish within thirty days from the passa~•e of said or- dinance, and naHEREAS, Each and every one of the owners of property abutting on said portions of said streets failed, neglected aril refused to begin said b*tork or to comply with ar~;~ of the provisions of said ordinances wi thin the ',time and in the manner and form therein specified and the said City of llel~ay did contract for such ti~ rk in accord- !ance with said ordinances and in compliance with the plans and specifications referred to therein, which said work -has been flrlly done, performed and completed and the City Council has found and determined the actual cost of said .work to be x'orty-one l~housand, :;even hundred and one Uollara 'and 'thirty-two cents, 041,701.32.) NO'.'! THEREFORE, BE IT ??ESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 'OF THE CITY OF DELR AY, FLORIDA, 6ection 1. `1''nat tl~ cost of grading and paving 'the following described streets in said City. within the following described limits, to-wit: Trainor Street, Atlantic Avenue to Thomas Street; Perry Street, Thomas Street to t~iarket Street; ;Sutton Street. Swinton Avenue to Railroad kight of VVay; 'Saginaw Stree `Thomas Street to Mary t Street; Lowry Street, Aitken Street to xailroad Hight of way; (Bay Streets Laing to Market Street; llade Street, Laing .bo `Idarke t Street; !Dade Street, Ingraham Avenue to Watson Street; Also the following named alley for a width of 16 feet: The alley running East and wrest through ~91ock 101; '..Also the follov/ino• named streets for a width of 9 feet: ,tJlarket Street, Bay to Gaillard Street; uratson Street, llade to Boynton Street; (Trainor Street, Raymond to Ingraham Street; Raymond Street, 'Trainor Street to Sowers Street; !:Bowers Street, Ingraham Street to Atlantic Avenue; iwatson Street, Swinton Avenue to Gaillard Street; ~lleiley Street, Gaillard to Railroad Hight of way; iGaillard Stteet, lleiley Street to Watson Street; 'Laing Street, Boynton Street to xailroad Hight of way; Laing Street, Bay Street to Canal Street; Lowry Street, liay Street to Canal Street; 'Thomas Street, Bay Street to Canal Street; Shulson Streetl, Parrot Street to llade Street; A a, r d t The widenir~ of the :sued road on Thomas Street; Trainor Street, from SwintoiZ Avenue from its _~rese'i7t width o.° nine feet to a ~~fidth of eighteen feet. be and the same is }~reby assessed against the property abutting thereon and t}:at the City of Delray have alien a:xainst each lot or parcel of land -for tY~ pavir~ of said streets within the iimits aforesaid. Section 2. 'Phat the foilaJin~ assessments 'oe end ` the same are hereby made and levied against eac'r. of the folla'~ing lots or parcels of land abutting upon said streets; said Mots or parcels being specially bexnefitted by said improvement in the amounts assessed, the folio ring descrip- tions being ~~i th reference to lots and blocks in the said City of Delray, 1{'lorida, to Uuit r "'Phen follows schedule including description °`- of the arezerties, together with the rLames of the owners of such grope rties, as far as knoxvn, togetYn r :rith the amount assessed against each and every individual property." .,,: Section 3. `i'hat each oP said assessments be I payable in ten equal annual installments, ~;ayable on the :'25th day of October in each and every ,yE ar `rpm A.D. 1923 to 1934, both inclusive, together uvi+,h interest at the rate of eight _~ r cent ;cue r anilwn from October 16, 1924, provided, ha~ever that tl:e otivner of any property assessed shall have the right to pay said assessrnex~t in full on or '.before the 25th da,Y of October, ~.D. 1924. Section 4. 'Phat the City Council sit to 'r:ear icomplaints agairs t said assessments on t}~ 15th day of 'October, A.D. 192.4 at 7:30 o'clock P. ?<`. in the City Hall of said Delray, N'lorida. l Section 5. ~i'].at notice of said assessments and ~~ of the time and place of hearing complaints be given to all ','parties interested by :,ublishing this resolution in some r~ewsioaper -published in the City of llelre,y , t'lorida, once each waek; for two tntblications, t}~ first pt.blication to be at least ten days prior to the tirre set for hearixxg con,:plaints. YASSED ?y t?xo City Council of the City of ~elar~}T, Florida, this 29th day of Septem:~e r, 9.D. 1924. . The Council ad,~,'ourned until 7:30 P.T,., Octo'oer 6tB ~n2ayor G City C1Prk.