courrclz Cxar,~ER
I October 8, 1924
Counoil met pursuant +,o ad~ourninent from
,October 6,1924, the St;ayor presiding.
Councilmen Evans, Malone and Sundt' were present.
:'councilme'n Keen and Swanson mere absent.
The Msyor named ;:ir. Evans and „ir. bLalone as
'members of the finance Committee protein.
'~ The Clerk laid before the Council curtelit
bills, which on motion of Pc's. S;zndy, seconded by S,ir.
!M~lone were referred to the Finance Committee. .if ter
'being audited, the several bills were reported back to
' the Council with the recommendation that they be uaid
;and on roll call they were ordered paid by unanimous
'ffote of the Council.
~our~ci,lmari Keen, who was absent a.t the beginning
appeared and sat with the Council during the remainder
of the Session.
14fayor Love made a report to the Council, shaving.
!that by virtue of the authority vested in hire, by resolu-
ion adopted by the Council in executive session on the
',29th day of September, <,.D. 1924, there had been incurred
an expense of .indebtedness to the Eoberts & Adams Detective
Agency in the sum of sk200.00. A motion of S:Zr. Keen,
/G ~
..seconded by P.r. t":alone, directing the City Treasurer
to pay to the ?~oberts & Adams lletective ~?gency the sum
of :°>200.00, was on roll call adopted, those voting in
the affirmative being f.'.r. li~'vans, 1~,1r. Keen, ?°lr. P~ialone
and r,Tr. Sandy.
" The laayor submi+,ted to the Council a statement
(made by A. Z. ';eil, l.arshall, and affidavits of Frank A.
j Roberts, ~VJ. ;"J. :,rner and t4~w D. ',~VOOdman, bearing on the
matter of the extraction of certain books from the safe
in the City Clerk's office, and suggested the advisability
o-P making the state;r,ent of Psfr. S<'eil, and the affidavits
of S!essrs. Roberts, 9rner and Woodman a part o F' ti:e
;official minutes.
Upon motion of P?r. .peen, seconded. by !:;r. ;vans,
jthe Clerk was directed to ~mrite into the minutes of the
;'meeting the statement of A. L. ireil and the affidavits of
Frank A. Roberts; rd: V9. ,lrner and ;v.D. ioodman, and the
statement and affidavits are as Follows:
(Notice to the public from
(the Chief of iolice
Havein~ had to answer so mangy questions in regard to
the city books that were supposed to have been taken
from Clerk Lulls office I take this method to inform
the lpa~opl~ of the part played by me in the the Ft if
it is so reg-~rded, and wlso the recovery of same.
Some days prior to the books being missed I set~ilp a
steel cabinet in the City Clerks office and in order
to get the shelves to conform to the diferent sized
books, I. tools from t'r.e safe two ledgers, and one o
t'~e minute nooks for a guide.
;: .
;After finishing the 'work 1 left the book in the cabiii-
et having been informed by_':r. Ewll that they rest of
them ~aou.ld be :~l~.ced t'iere to relie-re the coihestion
'.,, of the l~~rge safe.
iJpon receivinaz~ the rayor's LLaroclarcation Puesday
Sept. 3Cth at 1 o'clock '~' _.. I inL~nediwtelJ- went to
City Fail, axrd with .::r. 'i'aylo:r the city ens_ineerand
:dr. ~. 3. s?vs,ns and avrsited the return o~ ;;ir. gall,
and on hi ,arrival ;!rent to the cabinet and found .`;e
books exactly ~~.',ere 1 hsd left them.
In the possition in "rr'~ic% +,hey :vere the, ~arould have.
'passed very close inspection :without beinm seen
unless one nevr w'r?er.e they ;fare.
Personaly I am versa sorrytl~.is has ocetzrred, as it
has brought, some se-sere criticism oat those ~~^rho I my
,,:ti.:k~.ti~n ~°sere io`.; i.ri the le°:st to blame.
Your very truly>
?.h. Steil.
P.?I,P:1 B?YCH C;OlTT'1Y)
Darsonally appeared before me, '~:~. 1. 'Brennan,
Sotary public in and fo„ t'r:e State of r'larida-at-I.ar„e,
~ Frank ,3. ^e~.er':s c ° the :?cberts aiid «darns Detective Agency
~ilam7., Fl OT ids, trT't10 Lzp On Oath ~:epCEeS aYld Saj'S ':11d.t, at the
direction o£ the P::ayor of the City of Delray, 1'lorida, he
;did. on Saturday, September 27th, ~.D. 1924 mare a search of
t?Te offices of th? Citj= Cler}., City of Delray, ti~ith the view
of locating certain ma ssin,z records x;amely: Two General
', k'iTid Cash 'OOOk5 S1Ze 16" X 17", pTTB boil dyed aiid "fifty pages
'and one poll list furnis};ed the inspectors at the last
iTunici,)al election, in October 1923.
Ti{AT among other places searched, was a steel
cabinet located in the rear office o~ the City Clerk, and
that after careful search, he leas unable to "find at~y of the
missing records, aT~d deponant further sa;s that the records
in ;:u.estion tr;ere not in the steel cabinet located. in the rea
o:~fice of t'.ne City Cler3r at the tine he made the search, nor
were they in any other place in t'r.e Cityy* Clerk's office.
"SGD" Frank !i. Roberts.
S670RIVT to and subscribed before rne, t%?is 2nd day
of Octouer, ':.D. 1924.
"SGD° 'T7. xl. Brennan
;`lotary 'p'ublic for State of N'lerida at hare.
State of t~'l.orida )
Palm 'each Coanty?
' ?ersona7ly a~n?~ared before n?e, r'1 ~_. Brennan,
l~Ota:Cy .~ulll iC in a.ld for }!'.' State 0;°_ ~''l Or ida-at-L&T?_e, ' .'ll.
Arner, ~nho neon oath, deposes and sa;rs that he is ~n _~~coun-
t:a.rlt '.ii t'fl the Sjos trom >ild it v0;':tJanti, it anli, .i?'101'id.a, and t)'lat~
orr Se,tember 27th., ..?.D. 1924 he was a sinned to audit the
!books o"_" the City Clerk and 'treasurer, Ott?r of Delray, t!'lorida
!'hat upon reporting at the office of the City Clerkq
Viand 'treasurer, he was assigned the rear room of the Cit Clerk'8
jo£fice, and xvas Given the use of a steel cabinet loccat~ir'_ sai8
,rear office .for the pur-pose o~ storing books and. papers ux>on
;which he was working. ~"
"!'hat at the time ',le vaas assi~~•ned the use o` the
,steel cabinet it t'ac,s totally empty, and so remained, exce~;t
Ifor such records and gapers as he placed therein, as
deponent fully believes, until the afternoon of September -;
!30, a.D. 1924.
"SGD" 4N. 4V. Arner
Sw0T1N to acrd. subscribed before me this 2n3 day
',o£ October, A.D.~ 1924.
"SGD" w.A. Brennan
idotary Public for
', y commission
the State of .N'lorida s` Large
ex.aires Ap1.26, 1926.
*tic *;~x ~,K y:.x c~k~k~~' fF=k
! Personally appeared before me, '~V. A. Brennan,
iAotary ~ublie in and for the State of r'lorida-at-Large,
''JV.D. woodman.,.-who upon oath deposes and says that he is an
;accountant and That on the 27th day of September, :i.D. 1924
the eras assip~ned by the Sjostrom Audit Company to assist 6V.w.
Arner in the audit of the books of the Clerk and 't'reasurer,
City of llelray, r'lorids.
Phat upon reporting at the office of the City
;lerk and 't'reasurer he, alon•? vrith ir. Arner, was assigned
the rear room o£ the City Clerk's Office, and was given the
use of a steel cabinet located in that room for the purpose
of storing records, papers, etc. upon which working.
That at the time the steal cabinet was so ass-
igned, it was entirely empty, and so remained, except for
s:' `_..
'i such records and papers as were placed therein byAr.
Arner and mysel:P, as deponent gully believes until the
' afternoon of September 30, 1924.
"SGD" `iJ, D. 'r'woodman
S'v"10??Sd to and subscribed before me this 2nd T
day of October, 1924.
"SG~t" 6N.A. Brennan
Notary ?ublic i~l and `or the State of i~'lorida-at-
barge. t,y commission expires Apl. 26, 1926.
On motion o£ id;r. Sundy, seconded by l,ir, vans,
the Council accepted the ballot-box containing the ballots
cast at the annual election for City officers on October 7th,:;!
and proceeded to open the box and canvass the returns. A
motion by zllr. Keen, seconded by fair. Evans that the returns
o£ the inspectors be accepted was adopted by unanimouse vote;
the returns of the inspectors showing as follows:
For the office o£ :^.ayor
J. L. Love - 88 votes
J.S. Sundy - 122
. > ~,
For Councilmen, 't'erm: 2 years:
J. C. peen ~- 87 votes
`P.2a1.0'Neal -,.116 "
L.F. Ranson - 80 "
C.O. Scott. - 119
r'or Councilmen, 'Perm: 1 year
C. Y. Byrd - 135 votes
E.V. I.~alone - 138
L. Hand - 2 "
For Bond 't'rustee, 'Perm: 3 years:
A. S. Evans - 149 votes
B. F. Sundy - 1 "
T. A. Rawls - `'1 "
~ `^~~
A motion of ,.~r. lieen, seconded by i9r. Evans, that as
J. S. Sundt' is shovm to nave received a majority of the votes
cast for "aayor, he is hereby declared elected to the office of
1"`ayor, was adoi~ted by uananimous vote.
~ motion by T~Tr. i:een, seconded by t1r. P:vans, that as it:
is bhown by the returns of the inspectors that i'. Iv1. O'Neal,
~;. 0. Scott, C.Y. 3yrd and r:..'~. P•Ialone received the '~~ighest
number of votes cast for Councilmen fora term o` two and a t
term of one year respectively, they are hereby declared elec-
fed as Councilmen, seas adopted by unanirnous vote.
No P~irther business being presented, on motion of tar.
:een, seconded by t:1r. Evans the Council adjourned. sinedie. ',
PJfayor .
City Clerk .
~ Council Chamber
October 8,.1924.
't'he !G*lerk called the Council-elect to order. J.S.
undy having been declared elected to the office of t;~ayor, and:
~eing present, the oat14 of office was administered to him by {
'~~ ~~the City Clerk. He, in turn, administered the oath to
and to sl.G. ~L'va
~.P. i,7alone, and C.O. Scott, Councilmen-Elect.,
i 't'here being no further '.~usiness presented, the Council
v/. / T I.c~c.~~
City Clerk.