10-13-24 Regulari ~ ' COUNCIL CHAhiBE° October 13, 1924 Council met in regular session, the '~ yor ~ ~ Councilmen P:'alone, Scott and Sundy were ~ i jpresent. The n?inutes cf t;. ~ ;,;revious meeting ~trere read and approved, and during the reading IvIr. C. Y. Byrd, ICoi?ncilman-I~;7.ect a~>pesred, and the oarh o° office was ;presiding. administered to him by thet:layor. The 1.layor named B.F. Sundy, .~~. v. S:ialone and C.Y. Byrd as a Finance Committee Urotem. `P'ne Clerk laid before the Council current bills, ieh on motion oL lair. Sundy, seconded by I,Zr. Byrd were (erred to the Finance Conunittee. after being audited, these several bi~.ls were reported back to the Council and raid by unanimous- vote on roll call. The Clerk presen*,ed to the Council a form of ontract submitted by the Standard Oil Company, looking to an r.areement for the sup~,lyin~ of distillate fuel .oil for the fiscal year 1924 -1925, the contract price being 5~ per gallon in tank cars f.o.b. Jacksonville, Fla. 9fter a change o_' the word "tenth" where it apT~ears in the sixth paragraph to tha vrord "fifteenth" the form of contract caas a~~proved, ar_d on motion of Ir. T.~!alone, seconded by sir. Byrd, the h;~.yor and Clerk ware /73- authorized on roll call by unarli~;~~ous vote to ehter into ~ contract with the Standard Gil Company for fairnish- distiliate fuel oil ii'. the Wrno.ira of 75,000 gallons for deli;=e'ry over a period of t~°ielve months at ~ .,:;rice of 5~~ per ,gallon in tank cars, f.o.b. ?ac_,sonville, Fla. P?r. Troup, Sanitary Officer, reported to the Council that, acting under an ordin~.nce ado;oted by the Colmcil June 23, 1924, he had had, after due advertisement, s lot commencing at the `'.^. Cor. i?lock i22, running due ;dent 240', t'Zence South 110', thence ~:ast 240', thence PTOrth 110' to the point of beginning, el eared at and ~dor a con- tract ?"ir1Ce O"Q ~':'3v.GG, ti:Lit 'Oe1TT? tb.E= 7.0!`lP.St and best bld received, other bids being $35.CC, ;.42.00 t3i]d ~~50.OG res- ~ectively. On motion of i.lr. C!ialone, seconded' by I:~z . Sandy, report of the Sanitary lnspector was re~_'erred to the din~anee Committee, that a ;;,ro_~er resolution or ordinance r;rt ':Te drativn, ilavi.n~> iil view the ulacing and enforcement r 7.1011 &~"~i.inst t~"'ie UTO':)er ty in Ollc'`St1.011 °0 ~' t}le c0^at Of e~.rin=_~. `lhe I:%,ayor announced the -following stand ing ommittees: Finance Committee: B. F. Sandy, Chairman E.V. PQalone, C. Y. Byrd, `,dater a1~ d ~~i~' t C mmittee : '1'.1+1. an'Nea~, Chairman C.O. Scott, F. _ V _ Pdnl nn a p76 1 Committee on Streets: E.V. T.;alone, Chairman C. Y. Byrd, T.T::. O'Tdeal, Committee on Police and Sanitation: C.O. Scott, Chairman B.F. Sandy, E.V. Ir,'alone , Committee on Ordinances: C.Y. Byrd, Chairman E.V. T~lalone, B.F. Bundy, The P:4ayor submi+,ted to the Counc9.1 the resig- nation of John '9. Hall as City Clerk and Treasurer, which read as follows: To the T.4syor, I hereby tender to you and the Council my resignation as City Clerk and Fx-Officio Treasurer, the resignation to he effective at your. earliest pleasure. In this connection, permit me to say that the result of the annual election hel:~- on Tuesday last has no bearing on my action in the premises, and those who were entitled to the information had full knowledge of m_y intention to leave the service. X11 pre- liminary arrangements had been made long be-~ fore the election, `or entering private bUSinA99. Tr1ay I not add that in the future, as in the past, my most loyal support will be given the City administration as long as it pursues a broad construction policy, and that, to the limits of my efforts, I will oppose it if it pursues a narrow and reactionary policy. ''7ith kindest personal regards, I am Yours very truly, John 'd. Hall, J[°fH~I1`Tr C . CITY CLE.RL. ~~~. Cr. motion of l Bundy, seconded ';y 'r. Scott the resignation off' the City Clerk and '?reasurer was acee~~ted :,Pr. C. Y. Byrd submitted the follo:ving Preamble and 'lesolution PR :lir"~.3LE Ai'dD RESOLUTIOu 'd~li3ERE~S Svir. John lY. Hall, City Clerk and Treasurer has tendered his resignation after service to the City for three ;years, and ' i iVHr^E:1S the Council reco,,znizes the, conspic- uous qualifications displayed by ^".r. hall in hsndlinP the iclerical anti f-naiueial interests of +.he City, and ;H^'?^AS the Council has accented the resia- ~xation of I;;r. +a~.l, t'~erefore 1st. 7.'hat the services of ir. T'all to the ity be specially commended, and t%~at the thanksot the ou.ncil be, and is hereby tendered him. 2nd, That a copy of this Preamble and esolution be published in the :Delray A`ews as a part f the uroceedin:Ps of the Council. d `Phis resolut ion was seconded by Is. Stzndy, on roll call, t':ose votisx,: in favor oP the adoption of i the resolution being P~~~r. Byrd, P:Tr. Tialone, I'r. Scott r. Sundy. '1'he I,:Iayor submitted to „the Council the nomina- ion of -.L. _ailler as City Clerk. On zF.otion of ~,ir. Sundy, econded b.y i?r. Malone, tre nomination of G.L. riiller as ity Clerk i~tas confirmed, with the reservation that he ~ ~ ~k S J accept, and teat the Conneil iix the salar-' at th.e r.at~:of ':150.00 a month. !Phe I:4ayor sub;,?itted to the Council the resignation of I-:Ir. J.L. "Proup as Sanitary Inspector, ~;~hich read as folloi=ls: Icon. J.S. Sandy, l,iayor, Delray, ±lorida. D('c~r .~'lr, 311o1d TqE t0 COni"ratulatB yO Ll On your el~et,ion as ~:avor of Delray-, and wishing yc~~ a successful adn,inietration, I hereby ten',e-r ,you my resi~n~:'ion as Sanitary Ins;,ector. Fours very truly, J.L. '_roup, On motion of l:r. Suudy, seconded 'ay ::ir. Scott +,he re:i~nation cf I.r. Troop was accepted, those voting on roll call in favor o" its acceptance being 2oir. Iufaio~e I:Zr. Sandy andr'x. Sco ~t; I.'s. Byrd being present - not voting. .A motion o£ 24r. '~yrd, seconded by ;"r. Suridy that r?r. Troup be specially commended for the work he has done in behalf of the City as Sanitary Inspector was, on roll call ado7,ted by unanimous vote. 'he I~.yor read to the Council an applico,tion of '~.9. ;.°itcnell -For appointment to the of~ice o-F City srshall, and accomr~anied the readin> >;ri+h t%,.e ststemen~ t'7=it at thl°, til'!l8 there iVa `i n0 VaCia ilcy In ti'iat Off1Ce.• i ,~d 1 ~~~ _. ti;lrO. tll:i t' d728 i:i, ;r. (1 OL''. tS Fi~'31 ~~~ -;.e sr~ roll cull i n favor oP the passers? o' tha ordin_~;~,~e ~n~ 'vJ2rP ~ ''~rd~ }Ir. :_,al On"r "-n. yCOtt .;.:id ir. ~undS • ~k'K .. Co uncil ad ionr„ed ~ur~ ~~aet `n ±~~~ c~s~ i o _~ tn2 ;°~n `SOT. ,.. ----------~~+~ ~-1s~~ . City; Clerk. ~! `Aalr,:9