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11-10-24 Regular
~ , t COUNCIL CHAMBER November 10,1924. Council met in regular session, the Mayor ,~ _~ ~ (presiding. Councilmen Byrd, O'Neal, Scott and 3undy ,, iwere pre,~ent. Councilman Malone was absent. i ~he minutes of the previous meeting were Ire ad and approved. The Clerk read the application of U.L. Brainard for an addition on his house in Block 109, which i lis in the fire zone. On motion of Mr. Byrd, seconded by Mr. soott, i the Ulerk was authorized to issue the necessary permit. A bill of the Ezotic Gardena was again pre- . aented to the Uouncil` It was moved by sir. 5undy, seconded " by Mr. Scott that the bill be paid. 7'hoae voting in the affirmative were Mr. Byrd, Mr. U'Neal, Mr. sandy and Mr. =4 Scatty` § At this point Councilman Malone appeared and sat with the Uouncil during the remainder of the session. r: the bill for advertising the street paving resolution was again taken up, together with Mr. Yeoman letter in regard to the matter. Since an additional cost of advertising had been incurred due to an error of Mr. ~; ~teomana the Uouncil inatruoted the Ulerk to bring this to ~. the attention of Mr. Yeomans. ~ K It wa.s moved by Mr. Byrd, seconded by Mr. U' g, 1 hat the coat of the extra insertion, namely x642.00 be eferred to mr. Yeomans for payment and the Olerk was athorized to pay the remainder. Un roll call the motion as passed by unanimous vote. 'Phe Olerk reported that the amount of money in e meter deposit fund ezeeeded X1000.00, and that in his anion it would only be necessary to keep X500.00 on hand ady to be called upon by depositors. As the city is in ed of more light meters he thought it would be advisable at they borrow X500.00 to purchase these meters . On motion of aar. O'Neal, seconded by Mr. malone t was ordered that fifty meters be purchased from the ter 1Jeposit fund. On roll call, the vote was unanimous. The clerk laid before the Oouncil ourrent bills ,; ich on motion of Mr. Bundy seconded by Mr. U'Neal, were ferred to the r'inance Oommittee. After being audited the= veral bills were r®ferred back to the council by fir. dandy," the r'inance Oommittee with recommendations. The vote wa animons on roll call. r 9dayor Long of Boca xaton was present, and addre the council again in regard to furnishing light and ' that city. ter. O'N~al, chairman of the water and Light ttee moved that the city of llelray en ter into a con th Boca xaton, the contract to contain essentially the following provisions, ,,_.;< 9 (1st) That the Town of Boca Raton offer a minimum guarantee of X100.00 a month to this City, the current to be measured by e meter placed near the Southern terminus of the City limits of Delray. (2nd) That the price of such light and power be eight (8) cents a Kilo VPatt. (3rd) That in case the City limits of Delray be, at any future time eztended in such a way that the poles and line to be constructed by the Town of Boca Raton are in the limits of the City of Delray, the ownership of said poles and line will automatically revert to the City of Delray. (4th) That the Town of Boca Raton must agree to connect with the line as provided by the City of Delray at the Southern terminus of the Delray city limits. The motion was seconded by Mr. Byrd and on roll 1 roan adopted by unanimous note. The matter of furnishing light and water to atricta outside of the corporate limits of Delray was iscusaed, and it was the opinion of members of the Council t the Council should adopt a filed policy in regard to contracts. Dr. 9Vebb, City Health Officer was present, and again urged upon the City the adoption of a system of gzrb ~ (disposal. This matter was referred to the Committee on lice and Sanitation. Fire Chief Dewey Morris presented a request for itional fire hose. On motion of Mr. O'Neal, the Council authorized the City Clerk and Mayor to en ter into a contrac r 10 ; s with the rubric r•ire Hose company to buy 500 feet of fire hose at X1.30 per foot, f.o.b. uelray, payment to be made one year from date of oontract. A salesman of the company was present and the oontract was immediately drawn up and signed and filed in the clerk's office. It was moved by Mr. ~umdy, seGionded by Mr. Byrd,. that tha parking on Atlantic avenue be changed from the center of the street to the sides, and chief iveil was instructed to ha ve lines drawn on the aides at the most convenient angle. motion was passed. Mr. Malone stated that n.B. Miller of Shore Acres uaiy was desirous of purchasing electric power Yrom the city. ~1'his matter was referred to the crater and Light committee. Mr. A.Z. %niller, representing the American Legion, asked that oertain streets be officially closed for the oslebration on Armistice Lay. cn motion of gar. Byrd, seconded by nrr. Bundy, the American Legion was given the privilege of aloaing whatever streets might be nece in carrying opt their Armistice llay program. yiseuasion wsa held in regard to 7esaening the s amount of the license on pool rooms. Since this would mean the amending of an ordinance, the matter was referred to Mr. Byrd, chairman of the urdinanee committee. Mr. Byrd, chairman of the committee on ordinanoe ~~ called up pending ordinance entitled "An Ordinance pro- viding for the issuance of Improvement tsonda of the Uity of ~ielray, r'lorida, against liens due said Uity on account ~, of certain street paving assessments" and moved that it be placed on its third reading and final passage. 1'he motion having been sustained, the resolution wsa read the third time and in full, and on its final passage, those toting in the affirmative on roll call were nar. nyrd, t~tr. malone, nor. O'Neal, Mr. dcott and r~r. 5undy. --r., ~_ 4'he following resolution was presented by gar. nyrd r.wy~ ~N-ev+-d .~.to whereas, in the Uity of uelray, there are andbanka carrying ont a general banking business, ~rvhereas, the Uity is desim us of affording all possible aid in its power to the Uity'a business organisations, tsE 1T HESULYED that the official depositories of the Uity of llelray, r'lorida, be from this date the following named banking institutions, located in said city. Hank of yelray Ueean city lsank 't'hat, the Ulerk be instructed to divide sa equally as possible the City's deposits between the two said banks, provided hoasrer, s~ich divi- sion be made conducive to the best interests of the City. ~. m.~e,-. ,.,.,.rc.... ~..~,e„ d,.d a.,.~~ C a,v~-.,~i ~,,.~ .,..p-Gt e ~.t f . --- ------ The bill of Brown 8E Ashton for paving two Block Atlantic Avenue west of Swinton Avenue was presented tc the Council. Action on this bill was deferred. Council adjourned. o ~ ~ yor ' J. 5. SUNDY, MwYOR LAUREN C. HAND, CLERK CITY OF DELRAY PALM BEACH COUNTY ,~ ,yp .~4 a_ ..~ DELRAY, FLORIDA NOV. 15,,1924. ~. i ~. E. Y, Malone, B.F. Sundy,r C.Y. Byrd, N '1'.M. O'Neal, C.0. Scott Cot~neilmen: You are hereby noti3ied that there will be a special meeting,oP the Council at ' 7:30 P.M. Monday, Nover.ber 17th, to consider a communication of R1.M. Swanson to the mayor and Council of the City of llelray, and to take any action deemed necessary by the Council in regard to the propositions stated in this letter. SEBVVICE ACKNOWLEDGED: i l ~~~~ ~~ t GULF STREAM REALTY COMPANY !. R. eROOK3. Burr. PALM BEACH. FLORIDA Aovember 6, 19E4. „ . SaQS. hayot & Oity oowaoil, Tcraa of Delray, Florida. ~ .. ~ Qeatlsmaax- The cult Stream t3o1f Club has very reoeatly closed a goatraet for the faetallatisa qY an elestria drives pamp west of the i'lorida Qaat (ioaet t2axtsl cad swat of the vixle Highway at a point where Eire small oil road leaves ttre Diaie HigYrway in a wearer- ]y dirot+xScga ~trat south of tare paokiag hstesl- of )lr. 3. 8. Smith. ` Ira ooutraetiag for thla sleotrigally uperatista ptimep, we expastsd tt- bs able to assure power from tdre Toaa et Dsdray. Ia visa' of tlmt r taot,''I wish to peEitioa the Cfomayri# to ooasSruq# a thrse-phass poser lltte sp to tl~o polar whose this small road leaves the Dtcie Highest'. I have disouesed thta mattes with tdr. a*Aeal and 1Cr. Maletre ut your +~6er and light gasaslttse cad bare fsepreasad utpan them the tact that gaiaa to the vesq extonei~Ie devslopmeat plaansd by the aitlt Stream people and also ad~ois~ property awnere that More will , be a demsad for poser ooasiderabl~ mare that theme is at the prssart. +s The Toam- et Delray has very kSatly eospsratad is the agaetrao0i0w s! ;;~.. their iiase c~--to-date cad I trust ttrrt the ctcwnasil san ass i-! 1po ~; eoQatrwat this alert alesag the Disia Hi:abaa~ to the pout msatisasd. '~~~ I might suagaai that the ooastruatioa alma the Dixis High ~' aqy would suit ns beat, but the main point wa errs after i• to asotire "', e three-phase lies ap to the point maatiansd en the Disie Hiahaay. I ~wuld also 11&s to anaasst to the Oouaeii that is my opiQiesr there would be aood revenms derit+sd from this lies bstwesa rArere the t3alt Stream l3olf Olrttb would ~ it cad the Town of Delray. I also ]wow it to be a poattive fact that the Iowa of Soyaton is vary aauloua t0 have Delretiy " sex+re them with poser. These features are ma~3oaed ea possible ' aomwse at reveawa other rhea our owe. I trust that the Oounoil will tee fit to ooaetreust this 11QS lessediately, err wa sill be ready for ssr. ', vioe is approzimately torty..five (4b) days. Our laatallatioa will be a 28 H.s. motor and will operate more or leas coaatantly. Yours vary truly, - , , r FHS~t 1 ~'~ ~~ f Qopy to ©ity Olerk --j W-e-~~'~ ~