01-13-22 Regulari. _ _.
d2rauaey, 13 , 1922 ,
The Council met in regular session and was called
to order by the Mayor, Councilmen present were Mr,
Jacobs, Mr. Keen, Mr, Ranson, Pdr, Scott, and Mr. Sundy,
The minutes of previous meetings were read and an~__,._
Mr. Jacobs submitted a motion that the legal sernl
of Mr, McCoy, Lake !Forth, Fla., be dispensed with in'
° of the fact that he has continuously failed to compl3
±:'^ ?+ith the terms of employment, and th~it the Clerk ao Y.
~; tify him,
,, o
The motion was. seconded by Mr, Aeen and on roll ca
was adopted by unanimous vote.
On the motion of Mr. Jacob a, seconded by 2dr, Been; `o
-Q - Mayor was authorized to confer with attorneys Blackwa
Donnell & MoCraeken regarding the proposed paving pr,~
:~~ w
`O and to employ said attorneys to prepare the neceaaarY4
< ~, .
"" resolutions, eta.,. if in his` ,judgment the fees for``,x~~,
~'; services were .reasonable. The motion, on roll call, w
"° ~ ~ adopted by unanimous vote of the council. `±
ss' ,:~.
*~' `' Qn the motion of hdr, Keen, seconded by Mr, Jacobs;
A the Tax Collector was directed to refund to W,>C. Myez
one-half of the taxes paid for the year'1921 on N878,
c _ ,.
of S ~ of dock 120 and N 87,6 of S ~ of Block 128,E
being shown there was manifest error in the assessment
s. The motion was adopted on roll call those`voti~n to
r - - ~.XS~~ :w
t affirmative were Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Been, Mrr-- Ida ~` ~gi.
~~ ~:
s; O
Scott, and kfr. Sundy.
On motion of P~?r. Scott seconded b~ "'
,~ Mr. Jacobs, ;;~~'~.
,. ,'?c
the Treasurer was directed to pay Len dollars per
month to ~^r, Nicols, night watchman, payments to date
from January 19, 1922. On roll call the vote in the~~
affirmative was tdr. Jacobs, PSr. Keen, Mr. Ranson, Mr,,.
Scott, and Mr. Sundy. ;~~":"
On motion of fir. Jacobs, seconded by Mr, Keen,, t
chairmen of the Water and .Light Committee was emporrd'xr ,.:
to secure bids for the construction of a building to~~.
accommodate the rew unit of the water and light plan~,.,~
the bids to be submitted to the council ataan ad~odrr
meetin , at 8 ~'
g' P•m• Frfday, 17th. The motion Ras un
mously adopted. '~,.,:,
' .~.
The Clerk laid before the Council a number of-cur~"e
b311s which on motion of. Mr. Keen, seconded by Mrx„ix~
were referred to the Finance Committee. After ap ,.
1~y the. committee the b311s were referred back t ~
council with the recommendation that they be per„
roll call those voting in favor of the payment:o~;,
bills were Mr. Jacobs, 1dr,-Keen, I~r, Ranson, Mr,~ ~'
{ n}
and hr. Sundy, ~+;
~ -~
'The Clerk laid before the council a letter.
~~~ ~ .
A:'C. Evans, Cashier of the Flank of Delray, whie
read asfollows: ~~~
rt55 SS~.
"Bank of belrav ~r~,,: '~ ~°~~".
Mr, Johr
City of
. Ha 11, Clerk, ~F
w ~~
d Please present this letter to the City Council as`'
~y'~ unconditional waiver of the stipulation in gay letter:'
January 18
to th
~a ,
e effect that the funds aristjf
from the sale of X47,500,00 of Delray Improve
~ men
to the Bank of Delray should remain on deposit with~~'e
° an
of Delray until drawn out for purposes for whicY.
they vrere issued.
-The Bank of Delray agrees to take said bonds at-
offered price of 90
end accrued interest without a
condition as to th
e pror,eeds being deposited in the :s
said Bank of Delray,
T remain ,
Yours very truly,
~,Q ~ A. Q, Evans
~ 'w
a Cashier, ~
rs ~y
After hearing the letter of A. C, Evans, cashl~r
:m ~
of the Bank of Delray, read Councilman Keen submitU§c
~'°; the following motion:
~~ "That the letter of A. C. F,vans,cashier'of tha
r z
Bank of Delray, be spread upon the minutes of the ~
„a Council, and that d~47,500,00 of Improvement Bonds
~, of the City of Delray, issue of 1920, be awarded th
Bank of Delray at the price of 90 and accrued:ints
,~ that being the price offered for said,bonds in atr L
F ~~~
dated January. l8, 1922," ,'„_°~
The. motion of Mr. Keen was: seconded by 1~<,'„
~~ ,:~
and was adopted; those voting in the affirmatin~-
roll call, were b".r° Jacobs, Mr, Keen, Mr. Ranson;
~~ Scott, and Intr. Sandy. ~ ` `~~
a~ ,..r.
° The Clerk called the attention of the Coin.
to the lack of a"record schedule of the ratea~n
being collected for electric current, ar.d to thi
matter of, charges for making water connections:,:;
matters were informally discussed but n.
C 1 -urned to meet at 8 p
Y :~-~`: .. , -