04-25-22 Regular Adjourned.. i
COiJri?^.IL CHaI1J3rRS
April uu~, I9?.2.
The Council met in regular adjourned session,
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Mayor Being absent I.",r. Jacobs, President of the C
presided. Councilmen Keen, Ranson, Scott, and Sunuy were
Mr. Ranson, chairman of-the 97ater and Light com~ ~ry
mitee reported to the Council. that J. C. Cook offered.
to scrape ~-nd paint the water tank and tower, two coats ''"
of paint on the outside and one coat on the inside of
the tank, the city to furnish paint, Brushes, .tackle,
`and such other material as should be required.
., .,'>
Based on this report Mr. Keen moved that the 7Pater ~,~'
and Light committee Be authorized to have the water ,':_
tank and tower painted by J. C. Cook at his Bid of X160; :`
the tank to be scraped inside, given one coat of paint t`~~s
inside and two coats of .paint outside, .the city to Puff`"'"'
nish paint, brushes, tackle, and such other materfa'1-
may be necessary to complete the job.
The motion of P~?r. Keen was seconded by Idr. Sundt'.;;
and on roll call bTr. Keen, Mr. Ranson, Mr. Scott, and'"
Mr, Sundt' voted in the affirmative.
The matter. of laying cement floor-in the
buildingabout tts location of the new engine was dis
cussed and ry_unanimous vote of the council on roll call
the !4ater and Light committee was authorized to incur
the necessary expense to have such work done as to the
committee seemed> advisarle ;~ ~,t',
There was informal discussion in oven council of
the question of employing engineers and electricians
in connection with the operation of the rower plant
from the date when the time fcr extended hours of ope~-
:.._ ..~..o.~,_....,_:_.,~
at ion are put into effect. Pending the report of the
~FJa~er and Light committee under authority delegated at
the session on the 24, no action was taken. ,.14
w. *„~~,.
Mr. Scott offered an amendment to the ordinance ,~.,,
fixing a schedule of rates for electric service, end '~'~
• ~
providing a penalty for failure to pay bill for service ,`fit
on or before tYe 20th da.y of the month after the service
is rendered which was referred to the ordinancecommitt_ ~,
After consideration by the Committee on Ordinances,u;` "''
~` ,:
the amendment on motion of ~?r. Scott, seconded by Mr .,
Keen, was referred back to the Council and placed om its' ~
first reading. Those voting in the affirmative being Mr.n'~'k`#
:Keen, Mr. Ranson, TLr. Scott, and Per. Sundy. ~~~
Fdr. Scott, C~airmarr of the ComJnittee on Ordinan~ ~"
~,x `,
asked unanimous Consent that the amendment he read,a~'~
second time, and by caption..only...?'oting in the 'aff`'i,~~
- _ .~~ :-.
mauve were Mr. Keen, I~r. Ranson, Fdr.Scott, and ~Mr. ;?~<~
~`~ .
Sundy, and the amendment was rAad a second time `by cap`::
tion only. ~~*'
The Council ad ourned to 8 m.Thursda Apri
3 P• Y, 1 S t ; .~.
Clerk. c.in Mavor. ~.._~
being taken on the report of the dater and Light aomms
il~rn -to 8 p. m. April 29th. ~. :,
r 1~"..-..._.,_ ~g
Clerk. Mayor +~
April 27, 1922,
Council met ir. regular adjourned session, the
Mayor presiding. Councilmer. present were ".ir. Jacobs
~Mr. Keen, Mr. Ranson, P,ir. Scott, and Mr. Surdy,
~ By invitation Rev. J. R. Cason addressed the
'council on the subject of electric light service. $ €
A petiton signed by Lee Idilton anr, others asking
that Grover C. Baker be retained as Superintandnnt of ,:_
the ^Jater and Light plant at a salary of 150 per month
was presented and read to the council by the Clerk.
By authority vested at a previous session the s~-
Committee on ?rater and Lfght submitted a report on the '.,'+%N
. y
employment of a superintendent and engineer for. the T7ater
and Light pant. After. discussion of the report the ;9
Council adjourned to meet at 8 p. m, on the 29, no acki9n ~~.`