04-25-22 Regular Adjourned.. i COiJri?^.IL CHaI1J3rRS April uu~, I9?.2. s The Council met in regular adjourned session, ~' E'6 R ~~ E.~. n j V:. f ,'' Mayor Being absent I.",r. Jacobs, President of the C presided. Councilmen Keen, Ranson, Scott, and Sunuy were present. Mr. Ranson, chairman of-the 97ater and Light com~ ~ry :.i mitee reported to the Council. that J. C. Cook offered. to scrape ~-nd paint the water tank and tower, two coats ''" of paint on the outside and one coat on the inside of the tank, the city to furnish paint, Brushes, .tackle, `and such other material as should be required. ., .,'> Based on this report Mr. Keen moved that the 7Pater ~,~' and Light committee Be authorized to have the water ,':_ ~({1'C tank and tower painted by J. C. Cook at his Bid of X160; :` -.~x#' the tank to be scraped inside, given one coat of paint t`~~s inside and two coats of .paint outside, .the city to Puff`"'"' nish paint, brushes, tackle, and such other materfa'1- may be necessary to complete the job. The motion of P~?r. Keen was seconded by Idr. Sundt'.;; and on roll call bTr. Keen, Mr. Ranson, Mr. Scott, and'" Mr, Sundt' voted in the affirmative. The matter. of laying cement floor-in the buildingabout tts location of the new engine was dis cussed and ry_unanimous vote of the council on roll call the !4ater and Light committee was authorized to incur ;r the necessary expense to have such work done as to the .d, committee seemed> advisarle ;~ ~,t', There was informal discussion in oven council of ,:< the question of employing engineers and electricians in connection with the operation of the rower plant from the date when the time fcr extended hours of ope~- :.._ ..~..o.~,_....,_:_.,~ at ion are put into effect. Pending the report of the ~FJa~er and Light committee under authority delegated at .%, the session on the 24, no action was taken. ,.14 w. *„~~,. Mr. Scott offered an amendment to the ordinance ,~.,, fixing a schedule of rates for electric service, end '~'~ • ~ t~.~ providing a penalty for failure to pay bill for service ,`fit on or before tYe 20th da.y of the month after the service Y is rendered which was referred to the ordinancecommitt_ ~, ~~ After consideration by the Committee on Ordinances,u;` "'' ~` ,: ~. the amendment on motion of ~?r. Scott, seconded by Mr ., a Keen, was referred back to the Council and placed om its' ~ x~? x~. first reading. Those voting in the affirmative being Mr.n'~'k`# :Keen, Mr. Ranson, TLr. Scott, and Per. Sundy. ~~~ ~, Fdr. Scott, C~airmarr of the ComJnittee on Ordinan~ ~" ~,x `, asked unanimous Consent that the amendment he read,a~'~ second time, and by caption..only...?'oting in the 'aff`'i,~~ - _ .~~ :-. mauve were Mr. Keen, I~r. Ranson, Fdr.Scott, and ~Mr. ;?~<~ ~`~ . Sundy, and the amendment was rAad a second time `by cap`:: c~,~r_. ~a. tion only. ~~*' The Council ad ourned to 8 m.Thursda Apri 3 P• Y, 1 S t ; .~. ..~-_ '"~',~ Clerk. c.in Mavor. ~.._~ a ~" a 6 n O r` ,51,E q being taken on the report of the dater and Light aomms il~rn -to 8 p. m. April 29th. ~. :, Qa r 1~"..-..._.,_ ~g Clerk. Mayor +~ COUNCIL CHAi,^.F3ERS April 27, 1922, Council met ir. regular adjourned session, the Mayor presiding. Councilmer. present were ".ir. Jacobs ,., ~Mr. Keen, Mr. Ranson, P,ir. Scott, and Mr. Surdy, ~ By invitation Rev. J. R. Cason addressed the 'council on the subject of electric light service. $ € .:~ A petiton signed by Lee Idilton anr, others asking that Grover C. Baker be retained as Superintandnnt of ,:_ the ^Jater and Light plant at a salary of 150 per month was presented and read to the council by the Clerk. By authority vested at a previous session the s~- Committee on ?rater and Lfght submitted a report on the '.,'+%N . y employment of a superintendent and engineer for. the T7ater ' and Light pant. After. discussion of the report the ;9 =W Council adjourned to meet at 8 p. m, on the 29, no acki9n ~~.` x. ``~ rY`.