04-29-22 Regular Adjourned.... _ ..._._ .~_.. ._,a y ~'an '~ . Council Chambers. ; April 29, 1922. 1 The Council met in regular adjourned session and was called to order by 2iayor Sundy. Councilmen Jacobs, Keen, Ranson, ~nd~Seott were present.Councilman B. F. Sundy was absent. ~. On motion of It~r. Keen, seconded by Mr. Ranson,. the report of the 69ater and Light committee on the em- ployment of a superintendent and engineer at the water j and light plant submitted at the last session was, by unanimous vote,> w}thdrawn. A motion by Mr. Keen, seconded by Mr. Ranson, Grover C. Baker and H. Jones be employed as engineers at the.~Pater and Light plant for one month, commencing May 1st, at a salary of one hundred and:itisenty-five ~ i dollars 0125) each for the month was adopted. on roll i 'i~Nr:'j call;. those voting in the affirmative being Mr. Jacobs;` Mr. Keen,` Mr. Ranson and Mr. Scott. ~;,: On motion of Mr. Heen, seconded by Mr.R~nson;°°' the City Treasurer was d rected to loan the Water and- Light account from the city funds an amount sufficient to pay principal and intrrest of warrant #1013 due the- Bank of Delray. On roll ca1L Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Keens Mr Ranson, and Mr. Scott voted in the affirmative, - X ' George Green, J. H. Jackson and others appeared bef the council and"asked for lights on the established wi in "Colored -Town", amd for the appointment of a depute marshall fors service in that section of the city ..t By un"~ .: o ~,. ~~ <<" - ~, ' ., £, ." ,~ imous vote the council decided to have lights restored as rectuested, and to grant the request for a deputy. a marshall to be named t~~hen the committee agreed upon a proper person, the compensation of the. deputy marshall 1 to come from fines and forfeitures arising from_arreats made by him, and to consist of the legal fees for such ' service. ;~ Mayor Sundy submitted to the Council a report on the acceptance of the engine and machinery installed by Fairbanks, P;torse & Company as follows: Council Chamber, City of Delray, Florida. April 29, 1922. ~; 'To the Council: ," All matters specified in the contracts between ;~s;~ the town of Delray, Florida, and Fairbanks, Mosae & Co. r~3~ s'3 dated September 25, 1920, .and August 29, 1921, have been,' k fully performed on the part of said Fairbanks,.Morse & G4 , ~r:. and allmaahinery covered by said Contracts has been 'de =~ a livered and installed bg,Fairbanks, Morse & Go.., 'and th"eri~"e~~" is due said Fairbanks,. Morse~c Co.,under th- contr;ac~s,~,:„, _~-~ ~° aforesaid the sum of fourteen thousand tvto hundred anc~,' x ,t_.~ sixty-four dollars (14,264). ~ (Signed) J. S. Sundy., Mayor. _ - «,. ` aY -.% # ax 9r--. Mr. Scott, Chairman of the committee on.ordi 's,; ' F" :~~M: zances, submitted a preamble and resolution as follows: .~ CPHERFAS it .is satisfactorily. shown to the Coiiiicil,~~~ ~rr tYiat Fairbanks, Morse & Co,, Have complied with a1Z ~ ~~ - ., specified in contracts between the Town od Delray,;,F~sa O ;n a ~~ x v - _._ ` ~., . ,, ,~ and the said Fairbanks, P„orse & Co.,dated SeptemY~ 25, 1920, and August 29, 1921, and that all machinery con- ~- .:.~ .t,,. tractec! for has been delivered and satisfactorily~in-. stalled, and that the city of Delray, Florida, is in- i :n, debted to Fairbanks, *':orse & Co., in the sum of fourt~'2"#T"-"'~~ thousand tyro hundred and sixty-four dollars (~14,264),and~' tNHEREA5 the said Fairbanks, D7orse & Co.,have agrEe<d~ "~,`~~~ to accept in payment of said indebtedness fifteen th0u`~~r .y 0 15,000) dollars of Delray, Florida, Improvement Bondsy.' 4 dated January 1, 1920, at ninet five ~ y- per cent of .face'' ~~ value and accrued interest, paying-, the City of Delray in ,4 s 'x cash the difference betmeen the value of .the fifteen ~ ;~~&6 . thousand dollars of bonds at xiinet five ~ ~•, y- percent of faDe °~,.,, value. and accrued interest and the indebtedness of the,.,`,~,R;:.. city, therefore be it `xa`~_ RESOL^SD that fifteen thousand dollars par value'`~+"' r .,~. Hof Delray, Florida, Improvement Bonds dated January ~, ;'' +~~` ~:. +4. 44 ~` } ~~ 1920, and maturing January 1, 1950, be delivered 'C4~"` Fairbanks, MBrse & Co,, in full payment of all ela#, ~,~r; of said Company against the Tewn or City of Delraps+'~~, Florida, in connection .with the contracts of Septemb " 25, 1920, and August 29, 1921, and the sale of fifte~~h~` thousand dollars(~35,000) par value of T;elray Impro~* «~ , went Bonds. to Fairbanks, Morse & CO., at ninety=`f ~ • q .. accrued .interest is hereby ratified and confirme4~ `° NJ3 The foregoing preamble and resolution was o'~ ,~. oP Mr. Ifeen, seconded by Mr. Ranson, adopted on ~ ~^ ~''~r the affirmative vote being ?sir. Jacobs,' Mr. Keen,` S4 end Mr. Scott. Councilman Sundyiwas absent. ~~*" -.~,.~~~ ,., . ~~--_. ~ , __,...,, . ~ . ~, . ,..~ _. ,_,. __,A..~,... ,~' ; ; =r: 0 is ~, _- , .' N1r. Scott submitted an ordinance providing for the paving of certain designated strrets and avenues in the City of Delray. On motion of P?r. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Ranson, proposed ordinance was referred to ,,the committee 0 t., '"; . ~, ~- o; ~~: Q .i' ~. <o 8 Ion. ordiranees by unanir^ous votr.. P'r. Scott, Chairman of the Crdir_ance Committee,- reported the ordir_arce back to the Council with the recommendation that i+, he placed-on its first reading, and it was. so ordered, on roll call, those voting in the affirmative being Mr. Jacobs, Pdr. Keen, n?r. Ranson, . and Mr . Scott' Q..._.Ii ~ /.~-~ ....~-.t ...~ ~-..-~.,..., . On motion of Nir. Jaco}~s, seconded by Pdr. Keen,t'he rules were, on roll call, suspended and the ordinance ordered read a second time and by caption only. Those voting for a suspension, of the rules and a se.^.attd read- ing of the ordinance by caption only were Mr. Jacobs, C?r. Keen, Pdr.. Ranson, and P,?r. Scott. Councihar. Sundt' yeas absent. The Council adjourned subject to the call of ie May Clerk. ~ Mayor.- _.. .__. Council Chamber, May 2, 1922. ~~ Augus Davis was this day swo is as a deputy ~rshal, the oath being administer~e by the City Clerk. ~ y C erk. ~,F ~ S raj ~"eS"k six[' "~- 'rr4 , '~T° it-. W ~ .. tom: - ~'~ ~ »v ~~`e s` es' z e ~ ' ~~ ?~, ~,,y~ ~ 9.}"~%7A4~1'H6 GLADLY ,.~T6NISHED '~ . ~? OFE~.~ +~~ Mg; PARTMENTB zsos~vxo , N wv~ PHQN$ I2.:' fELRAY, FLORIDA _ ~t P.~ . ~. , z,• a~;. ~~ i~ ,4~kt IN ACCOUNT WITH , JOHN I. THIEME ~ GENERAI. CONTRACTOR AND E3UILDER r ~ 3 .~. G _a'~ ~_.u r -~-- y a ,` \-~- Oa 0 c; 1`: 'Y ,. ~, t aip. -.- b" ;. .=;d, y Ju i CITY OF DELRAY, it Balance, April 1, _________________ ~ 6850,26 (Receipts: i Real Estate -- --=------------- _ 2156.90 Personal Property ----------------: 286.00 Tax Certificates ------------------ 319.04 Interest ------------------ 107.20 Mayor.°s Court ------------------ 25.00 Qceupation License ---------------- 24,75 Desk Space, J. F.Benedict,---------__ 5.00 Sti. A. Brennan, Rhoden Tax 1920, --- 84.00 8868..(5 4 k ,» tf ~~ . ~ ~ ,,; P ,: P 'r, O O ,~ .i • , Disbursements: Salaries:~..----------------------------- 12.50 +. Salary,yl,A.Brennan, Nov. & Oct. -------- 1 +''.00 a General Expense ------------------------ 64.62 Lights --------°----------------------- 183.50 Flater -------------------------------- 10.00 3252,16 Balance-' 6605.99 _" 9858.15 J. I. Thieme, Advance to New Power Plant 2661.54 I ~ . Treasurer. ... i ._ r t e 6 4 ;p ':„: ~ Cf Y ,. O'er >:, :,_r~:.: i _:a e ,~ .l Ealance, Anril 1, ___________________ ~ 1466.45 Receipts: Lights ---------------------------- 625.11 '~Pater ---------------------------- 193.78 v4ater Connection __________________ 4,70 r~?aterial Soio __________________ 82,54 2372.58 Disbursements: Salary, Grover C. Baker __ ______________ 1500~T General Expense __________ _________ 525.93 IIpkeep ------------------ --------- 277.85 Extensions _______________ _________ 3.50 Advances to P7ew Plant ____ _________ 710.13 1667,.41 Balance "705.17. 3 2. 8 Treasurer. ~ ~~ * • ..