05-08-22 Regulari
~. ~
ccvnrczL r,HAn~PrPs
~. May b, 1922.
f The Council met in regular session, the Sr?ayor
presiding. Councilman present Isere 'r. Jacobe, 1?r.
Keen, iVir. Ranson, T~?r. Septt, <and h"r. Sundt'.
~ mhe mir_utes of previous meetings were read and
t approved.
~ ,~ Cn moticr: of Idr. Keen, seconded by Mr. Sandy,
~~. w
?°'~° the sum of sixty dollars was appropriated from the
~ ;.,p general fund of the City to nay for an advertisement +
{ to appear ir. the Los Angeles, Ca.lifornia., edition.of
the Miami Herald June 5-7, 1922, and the Treasurer was
directed to draw a warrant for that purpose. doting in
-'~ the affirmative en roll call Isere I~ir. Jacobs, Mr. Keen,
+ P.Fr. Ranson, P~Tr. Scott, and Tlr. Sandy.
Mr. Scott „chairman of the ordinance committee,
g called up the ~~~~~e
ordiranra fixing a schedule ,
} -:
of prices for r_lectric service and a penalty for failure
~, to pa,y when due, and on his motion the ordirace was
~ ~
read in full a third time and placed on its final pas-
,,,_ sage. Those voting for the ordinance were P,Sr. Jacobs,
Mr. Keen, TJir. Ranson, Mr. Scott, and ndr. Sundt', and the
ordinance was declared adopted.
_ __ __.
An ordinance providing for the paving od' certain
desifnated streets and ~.vennes in the City of Delray
was called up for action. Cn moticn of N:r. Scott,
seconded by t:r. Jacobs the ordinance was p7a ced on its `!
third reading and f.iral passage. The ordinance was
'~, read in full and on its final p~ssagr. those voting in
~;, , ~~
..~ t',ie affirmative were P~Ir. Jacobs, L'.r. Keen, Mr. Ranson
f ,
>a ASr. Scott, and Nir. Sandy. The ordinance was adopted as
p ~ read. .,
j The Clerk laid. before the counr,il a number of
Ihilis which cn motion of P~fr. Keen were referred to the
Finance committee. After exarniration by the committee
Q ~ the bills were referred back to the council with the
-:~ recommendation that they be paid. On motion of Pie. Keen, .
Q,: seconded by btr. Ranson, the hills as approved by the_
committee were. ordered paid, those voting in the af-
firmative being idr. Jacobs, Pdr. Keen, P,4r. Ranson, Idr.
Scott, and Idr. Sandy,
# c}n motion of N.!r. Scott, seconded by Mr. Sandy
~ ,
the Committee on Wa~er and Light was authori2ed to
. .handle, the question of supplying an adequate number
~ of :peters for the electric light service. On roll call
the ~lotnn of Pdr. Scott was ariopted by unanimous vote,-
The Council onlmaton of::~'re'~:Kecn ser
~ ~ ~
n~, Mr; Ra{~strn, adopted the following resolution:
RLSOL~~ED that when a consumer of th electric
., current, bclievesia.hat.the meter in use is; re ~ i
„gistcr ng
may have the meter tested upon written"appli-
"°°~ O cation therefor to the City Clerk and on depositing °'' ~""
~~- ~
with the Clerk the um of X1.00. If on test the meter
`' ~ is found to be registering not in excess ~f two (2)
percent above a correct registration the amount de-
posited will he forfeited to the City as cost for-the
tCSt~. Roia'ever if tI1C mCt.Cr iS SI1049n t0 bC regist'"cr-
~. _ '
ing more than tnro (?_) percent above correct registra,
tion the amount of deposit shall he returned. to the
applicant, and the charge for service for one month
proceeding the test shall be adjusted in accordance
with the established registration of the mrter, ,~
The vote on the resolution, on roll call, was ,. ,'
D?r. Jacobs, P.?r. Keen, Mr. Ranson, rl.!r, Scott, and ~ ~:
P,?r. Sundy in the affirmative. fi
The Council adjourned subject to the call of '~"
the Ma or.
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Clerk , r a,rayor.~'i
s ~,
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s rev., , _