10-22-23 Regular ;". Council Chamber Cetober 22, 1923. -- The Council met in regular session, the . Mayor presiding. Councilmen Johnson, Malone, Ranson, and Walker were present. Councilman Sundt' was absent. The minutes of the previous meeting were. ^' read and approved. '-,b? ~~{~ The Clerk laid before the Council a memorandum .~ .n~~~ `~ from the Oommissioners of Delray Beach bearing upon an us agreement being sought between the two municipalities on the questions of a franchise to the City of Delray for ;:_;.: the purpose of erecting pales, stringing wires and the ~~ installation of other necessary electrioal equipment,; and' ' ':n a contract to supply current to Delray Beaoh for street ~ '" lighting, etc. • 4 ~r Cn motion of Mr. Ranson the memorandum from: ~; ~~ ~, ,~.. the Commissioners of Delray Beach with copy of the a7Cd~y3,„ f t `£~~ rN nanee sou ht b the Cit of Delra ~'~ '~~,"~ g Y y y granting a fraAOh <., ~"~ ~ , to the City of Delray were referred to the Cb~teit~defbl~:~~, ~, ; ~ "•' Water 8c Light~`with the view of personal conferenbeuuRi~4h u$~' . ,. the Delray Beach commissioners. ~~ , ~: In the absence of Mr. Sundt' the Mayor ritf~n~~~ '~"' ~ F ~~w ,w Mr. Malone as a member of the Finance Committee gro te~A ~ ~'~ t--.. v ,m~#- The Clerk laid before the Council eurx~ent bil,~A}: x ~;A whioh on motion of Mr. Ranson, seconded by Mr. gVal$er, were referred to the Finance Committee. lifter ~2ei~lg~~au ~ ~ ~,' ~" dated the, bills ware reported back to the Co ";t~~£~:~~~ ~ ~., x ti~ ~'~, ra „ ~, Y ..F<. .,~ ~ .., ~? O ~~ ~b the recommendation that they be paid. Cn roll call the several bills as audited were ordered paid, those voting in the affirmative being BIr. Johnson, B4r: Malone, Mr. Ranson and B'Ir. Walker. The Mayor announced that with the consent of the two Councilmen and withouh disturbing the personal of either committee, Mr. Sandy would be named as Ohair- ~' man a£ the Finanoe Committee and Mr. YValker as Chair- ~` ~, man of the Committee on Felice and Sanitation, and that ~ . with the transfers the two committees would stand: Committee on Finance B. F. Sandy L.F.Ranson Leslie H. Walker Commitee on Police-Sanitat= Leslie A. Wa~.ker E. V. Malone 'y' B . N' . Sandy ,. . The Clerk laid before the Council the report o£ the auditors on the books o£ the city Treasurer, which was on motion of Mr. Ranson, seconded by Johnson,~are~erred to the Finance Committee. ..012 motion of Bor. Ranson, seconded by Mr'; thek~;~ms named a committee of three, Manson, Jq#t and Walker, to` take under consideration and renor3 Council, the proper location of the proposed building and city park:' Johnson, On motion of Mr. Ranson, seconded by Mr:. a :::° r ~aa~.~u-n the matter of consolidating the duties of the~~~a Marshall's office and that of the Sanitary Inspector,' was referred to the committee on Foliee and counoil adjourned subject to the mayor... ~'/ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~rk"`^ 1