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¢_. ;a ~; ,: ,. e d `r -, . ; ,.7 ~.a• 4 36 Goanoil Chamber l~orember 18, 1923. The C©nnoil met pursuant to td~onrnment, the ~~•' Mayor presiding. Oounoilmen Malone, Banson.8nndy and ~Palker were present. Counoilman ,johneonn was absent. Ths minutes of the pre~ions meetings ware read and approved. z Tile hour oY 8 p.m. O'clook baring ;rri~ed the Mayor announoed that the Oonnoil world proceed to oonsider bids Yor the gale cY $50,000.00 of ]1elray Improrement BonQa ar prodded in the action of the Ccunoil antler date 9Y September 10, 1923, and in the advertise- meat for bide On the bongs. ~, On motion oY Mr. dy eeoonded by Mr. ganeo the reoeption of blds was deolared olosed. , y ~~ ' By diseotion o!-the Eogncii the Elerlc proms ~~ Deeded io open the •ereral bids whioh lead been i~htititt~~~ ~~ ~ Y' ''; ~, ~~fi ail biQs being acaonpanfed with the requlrsfE iae~t.~¢•~ _ ` ,t 'P1te bids were ss Yollows Braden & Oo. Toledo, Ohio ~50~4Q$.00 Parmexe Bank & Treat Co 4,~~ 1-eat Palg Beaoh, Fla. 80,40b.OQ ,' with bonne oY X808.00 it tanda depoaited Y-r,»,c in 8armera Bank a Trust Co Bank oY South d;olcponvilde,F~.t.50,039.49 E. C. $a~.l, ~ela~sy, Bd,orida 49,3~4l.OQ ; ;~ ". x©bneon.Hr~t Ce:,At~snta,Gt 49,©65.b0 ~+:-~ . ~7 Bann of -elray, Delany, Fla. ~ 48,875.00 Sidney Spitser & Co.Toledo, Ohio 48,Sb0.O0 The Hanohett Bond Co.,Ghioago, I11. 48,565.00 Ilralter,WOody & Heinerdinger, Cincinnati 48,510.OC t1n setion of Yr. Bundy seconded by sir. Hinton, t><e Cif, Tresrurer was directed to return the deposits of all bidQers ezoept those of the two kighsst bidders, rig: Pruden k Cgspany and the it'araera $an1~ & Treat Co'pan~. The depoatts of E. C. 8a3, Robinson Huapltrey & Co, Tke BanY of Delray, Siiaey Spitger 8o Co.. and the Hgno><ett Bond ~ospary were returned to t><e iepositors or ,A ~' their sepresentatirea who were piesent. On aotion of Mr. 3undy seoonded by ~. Hanson the awarding or the bonQe was deterred to ?;30 p.n. Zdorr. :' 14, 193. Tile aotion was adop~efl by unanimone rotg. Mr. ssith, clerk of the Town oi' Delray Besot <-:~ appMared before the Counoil sdTiaing the the Ooa~issoner ... of t1~e Town o! DeLiay Beaoh kad gtanteQ by ordinsnse a '~ iranohise to the City o! Dsiray !or i period o! ten~.~AaTa Scanting the Cif' of Delta' the right to ereot sad siaii~. fain pole .lines and wlreing for the pnxpose et trap ,~~~.:: and furnishing e]e otrio carrent within the ooi-1oorste i#sits~,.;°~, or t>te Torm o! Delray Beaoh, and submitted a meaorandus ''~ bearing oa the natter ors coatraot between the' 3b~n;~`'o'3'~ ~~''' Delray Besoh and t>te City of 13o3raT to ~urniah tie iorsier with ourrent for street sighting, eto. 0n aotion of Yr. Hanson, seconded by=3Sr. 1~4~on6,` ,~ "xy E + v"~~. 'r±' g g ~~' k 4 -" ~~ •i the aeaorandnm wss referred to the Coaaittee on Light and Wa#er for aonsiaeration with instrnotions to report to the session of the Connoid on Horeaber a4th. P. A. Ranson Yroaa the Directors of the Chsaber ,; of Cosiaeroe zegnested that iighta be ant-in on the sign 3ooatea near the garner of ~tantio ATeaue and BO~ntbn Street, and on notion of Mr. snna~ seoonded by lds. Ruinon tl~e request was granted. fir. A. W. Yi11er Eros the Direotors of the ~~aabes of COaaeroe represented to the 6onrioi3 that tke DYeotors o2 the Chaaber of Conueroe had gone on ascots as nnaniaous~.~ endorsing the proposed "phite 1-a~." ~, The Clez~ Said before the Cbunaii the request of J. R. l~ertson Yor pertait to eaeot a itore braiding: on iot b, book69 of ties and oonorete with bai3.t-rap ooaposition roof, dis<enaions 44' % 90' at an estiaated perait. oust of ~440C.CEi, L. H. 1Pa~ker, oontrsotor. f127t notion et lam. Ranson, seobnded br 1Ts. x.~• Suna~ the t3lerk was directed to !sane the necsessarp The Clerk aid before the Connoil a Does tion frog G. H. Green, Jwaes ]donroe, snd J.H.Je4Yson with seierenoe to a park for the ass of the negor oiti:ena,s De1saT. Cn notion of l[r. Ranson, seoondea b' l[r. Ys~one., the aoaannioation was referred to the B'~nanee Coa[ttea. ltr. Snnd~, Ghairsan~ of the Finanee COar11tt4e`. x .; '~ ~9 .: cnbnited on orflinanoe entitlefl: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERg TO DESIG- F dsthorising HATE A DEPUTY AND FI%ING THE AMOUNT OF THE BOND TO BE DapntF Cher .G~~ gY SUCH DEPUTY, snl n©refl its reference to tke prlinanoe @a~ittee, and it wan ao relerret bF unanimous emote. Mr. Malone, noting Chsir~an of the Orlinarioe C~aaittee, reportel the orlinanoe baoY to the @®nnoil sith ;a the reoo~enlstion tkat it be ~laoel oa its first retlirs~ '~ and ilasaa ao erlereQ aai reaQ a first tine. On motion of MT. IG-lone the rules were auapenQel& >' Otlinanoe Sizing the Co~peneati of CtT _ tElerr ass- DepntF. U ~+ G' and the orQinance wse real a aeoonl time an4 b, oaption on1F.'s x Mr. $anlF, Chairaan a! the Fnsnoe CAsnrSttee, t auba~it8el an orlinanoe entitled: AN ORDINANCE AI[ENDING AN ORDINANCE ADOP?ED ,:~, °; OCTOBER E3, i922, AND AMENDED APRIL $4, l9ES, FI7CING T~ COMPE3f9ATI4N 0~' THE CITY CLERg, AND FISIN(i T$E COMPER$A= "'p; l'IOB QF, A DEPUTY ElLBBR, 4ad aoTea i!a zeferenoe ,toy the ~ ~~ ~'" >: w +, E fntliawaos 63oaaittee. and it wao so reterreQ bF unasitous,$ ` <. ,. ;;. emote. l[r. Itslone, noting Chsiraan et the thtdiainoe ~: Coaa~ittee, reportel the orlinanoe bstsY to the Connoii witlt;= ~r the reooauenlatioa that it be piaoel on its first reaing,; and it was so ordered b' unaniaons emote, snl saa a tine. On notion of Mr. Masons tke rule^ seas eulpe~ ani 1,he erlinanoe real a ae~onl tine, and bF aapt Tile C~erh lail befe~re tke Cpmwil ons~ 30 whioh on motion of 1[r. Hanaon, aeoonied by ][r. Bundy, were reterrefl to the Finanoe t2gmrittee. After being auditel the bills ware reportefl baot to the Council with the reooaen- lation that they be pail, and on roll oall the bills were ordered pail by unanimous rote. 'Phe Mayor submitted to the Cvunoii the nomination oY J. L. 'Prong for 8antar~ OSiioer to be olothed wlth police. ptrwers. on roll Dell the nomination of J. L. Troup wse r ~-' oontirmea by nnsimous rote. The E[ayor nominated Dr. Hoy Webb, Dr. J.H.Caaon, dr., and Dr. A. W. Miler for the Bgari of Health, ana the nominations were oonPirmel by unaniaaoua rote. TYe Ysyor nominated 0. H®13and as Chiet of the Fire Department ani the nomination was eonYirmed.by nnani-+-.- moat rote. By unaniroue rote the Cquittee on Light an~#t Aaer was iireoted to work out a letsilel plan Pore the ~' x~~U operation of the Fire Department and the proper ©are el~the~ equipment. The Clert laid before the Cqunail the resignation- of D. A. Yitohell as city I[arshall submitted through the Ys~or, ant on motion oY lRT. Walter, seoonted by Mr. 3nnd'~ ~^'<~ the regigc~ntion waa aooepted. -' .<p A motion by Mr. Hanson, seconded by Mr ~StsndT, dreotel the Clert to write i[r. Hitohell a note eaprsseng'~~;' ~ , the thanl[s of the Connoil for:kia aerrioe in the ot43oe ~„~' „Y Ysrahali.- x ~' 3 ~ ,~ Mr. B. ~'. Snndy Hade a regneat that two saditional lights be placed on North Boynton street, and Dr. Webb =ale s regneat that a light be placed on Swinton Avenue near hid reaidenoe. Both' regneots were reYerred to the Coasiltee on Mater 8c 7,ight. Mr. Ramon aubaitted the 4ollowing reaolntion: ,. . ~; . 8E30LVS-: That the Itayor be and is hereby author- iced and direoted to ezeoute snd deliver in the mate and on beha~ti oY the City of Delray, ~'lorla, and as its dot and deed, the oontraot between said City and the Sonthem ba8.1 Telephone and Telegraph Coaapny, bearing date the iSth lay of NoreHber 8.923, providing Por the point nee of poled by _~ tail City and dell ~Pelephone Coapany, whioh said oontraot was produoed at this Heating and is hereby approred;~anl the Gty C1erY be and is hereby sntkoriael to attsat asil oontraot dad to aSPiz thereto the oorporate seal of asid' Gity. ,.. The reaolntion was seconded by 1Sr. •toptel on volt oa31 by nnaniHOna rote. ;,;. lsr. Malone, CkairHan oY the Coaatittee on staeettrt.. and Alleys offered the 4o11.owing preaable and reaolntion: . WHEREAS the Co~Hittee on Streets and Alle*~i'Ia~rs " annght tke best bid Por to paring of North Boynton t3tr'eefi fThe Dizie Highway) between Atlantic Arenne and ].owry 3treetr Yvon the present road-bed to the onrb on both ailed,°aaY wHSREA3 t><e proposal of F. N. Brown o per ognare fard ie the lowest axed beat bid seoeir ooHp3,eted end aati$faatory,~ob: ~2 t~~ Bs IT R$sozvs~ i.st ,That the oontraot for the paring of $oynton street IThe Di=ie Highway) between Atlantic A~enne ana Lowry street, from the prevent roai-bed to the curb on both sties be awaried to F. H. Brown at the figare named in his proposal. 2nd That when quit-cs3aim ieeis shad bare been s obtained frog the sereral persons owning property abutting pa~e~i, the c~er>t shall prepare a contraot '~~ on the street to be Ito be exeoute~? by the sail F. H. Brown, the sass to contain' A` r r ~„4 the sane specifications as to the aYOnnt of rooJc, the apreai-; ing, roiling ani oiling as were contained in the contract heretofore had. with Greynolis h 1[onroe Inns. 3rd Thst tke City Treasurer De ani is hereby an-: ,E thoriaei to pay the contractor for the wort herein epeai- fiad Eros any. balance which say be in his hand of the Street Iaprore'ent Bnn'~ when the wort aha31 bare been lsooepted by ?~ the Council as eslisfaatorily perform®i. ,:~ Ths Oonnoia adJonrned to fis3o p.s.poYeaber t44h. ~ ,h ~ !~«.5. V, V, G1err. Ysyor.'' ;~: s.. i ,.