11-14-23;: Connoil Chaaber ' Boresber 14, 3923. TI1e Gounoil aet pursuant to at~onrnment, the ,,~~ s1 ` --~. ~,.,.~ ,~ B021t Bll Gi Apoepptet. ,s - Mayor preaiting. Councilaen Isalone, Eanaon, 5undy and Balker were preaent.•Gonnoilaian Johnson waa absent. ~~3~ City Attorney B3scskwe3l submitted an opinion in writing holding that it was entirely 3ega1 Yor the ;~,' Gounoil to aooept the bid submitted for the issue of ~SO,000.OO City o! Delray ImproTeaent Boats containing a bones prod ®ion pr©Tided that the Ennis arising Yremm the sale of the bunts be deposited in the hank of the bidter, the Farmers Bank and Treat Compsny of Vest Pala Beaeh, Fla. Alter tl-e reading of the opinion of 6ttorneT Baaokwell Mr. 3nnta, Gl~airman of the Finance Committee,: ~_-~ submitted the fo3owing reso3ntion which was aecsonted b~ ]ir. lGlone : , RB30LVED BY THE COUNCIL OFa`THE GITY.OF DELRbY v~,t !~ s~, ':# FLORIDA T]1at the bit of the Farmers Bank and Trust Eon- ~, '~pgnT of par ana aocrnet interest together with a_ppFe~' ~.„~_ of X807.00 for ~ 30,000.Ob Delray Improvement Bonia Ias`ae' of 19E3, tenomAnation ;1000.00, 6yb interest pa~abie semi- } annnaiy. alit borate uatnrin~ aerially, oae bond duly 1•, 192b, and one each year th®reafter to 3932 inc3neive, sal two Donts' July 3, 1933. d ®aoh year thereafter to 1953 inclisaaive, being the bes and highest bii submitted to t11a '+~ „ Council, that the hunts be and are .hereby. awaftet to tl[p,~~,„ Parsers Bank anC Truat`COmpany at and for its bii. i On roil call those voting in the atfiraative;Kere .w~, Mr. Idalone, Yr. Banaon, Mr. 3nndy,.ant Mr. resolution was daclaupd ato~ted. y - ,~ ~ ~. i }S WM.a ~' ~ - $^`.f Y$f Ewthe ' ,: n w ~< IX C~ `' ~~ 4~, ;. L . ~./.. +. ;.~.. , 3`~{ On emotion of l[r. &anson, •econlea by Itr. Weaker, the G~tp Clerk was aiseotea to nctif~ the E?oean City De- relog~ent Goapany that i4 the Coapany ieeires to finanoe tie la~in~ of a three inoh pipe sine ender the euperision "" of the snperintenlent of the Wafer & ~,i~ht plant on PsxrT street frog the power plant to the City l=ita, the 00 +: to be reiabnrsel for the outlay,w.thont interest, in wa ,,~ ~ *,°, serrioe to the, or in, the ae~elop=ent, it wall be aQr®eabl~~` to the Gitt of Delta~r; or that the City ©f Dsasa~ will at . ite own ezpe~u a szteni. its eerwioe with a three inoh pipe on Swinton A7enn®, north, to the City iisits, pror~la•a that ,. the Co~panp will ~onaect therewith with pipe of 'the ss=e piEe• .G V '~T The Council aljonrned snb3eot to the call ©f th8 dda~oT. V City Clert. ~. ~. ,, ~>~ ~`;