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Council Chamber Borember EC, 1823. ~- 43 The Gounail met on call of the Mayor as per ~~ ~+ >.e i, ~~:' s~}Journnent, the Mayor preaidin`. Councilmen Malone, Ranson, 3uaty and YYalker were present. Couneil.man Johnson was absent. ~ The Clerk laid before the Council a oom®unioa- ' Lion from J. L. Loge, Ysyor, 1~dch read ae follows: ~'" "Delray, Florida ~; ~e xo~ember 19, 3953. r, The Gonnoil, City o3 Delray. f3entienen Referring to the offer to the city on Aoreaber ,-e 5th oY certain lands, a part of which was owned by me, for park purposes, I beg to aay that, on examination of ' the City Charter, I Pind that it would not be proper for 'J me to sell any portion of the iands in question to the ~~, city for park or any other purppose. ~~ I therefore request the Council to rescind its notion taken on the abore date tentatirely accepting tie '~> property in so much as my interest therein is involret«~ :' . 7onrs •ery trasl`y; `~~ ' J. L. Lc~e, „ ~ iLr. RAnsvn, t5lwirman of the Co~ittee~= e:~po~~~"ed to ooneiler the Qneetien of a looatlan for the prapo a "'~ park sad who anbsittei an initial report on biooLlS the east 155' o!'blosk 3L5, ofterei tha followinr':pfe ' and resolution: ~~x.' 11HEREAB it has Dome to the attention of the' committee atpointed to select a suitable location for ~ ;' city park that certain of the lams incluial in tits trabt offerel tie eo~ittee are owned by city officials, or ~"'' that oity_officiala are interested thereia direotly~-@ "„ indireotl~; and YPHLREAB tics City Charter contains an inhibi-~ `L~` tics against city officials being directly or indirsotly~ ':; finsnoisiy interested in any lae with the of he cos~ittee reoosmende the adoption of the follow resq~,~~ lotion. ~s ,~ ~,~ RE3®LYSD BX TE1~ CCtfACIL QF TEB CITY CF D ' $~ ,~,~ ~. ~.:: t .,. k .d ~~'€Y:.. ,~: ,. , V ~-~ „~ ~ Y .T FzoalDe: that the action of the Counoii nnier Late of Bovember 6 tentatively aoceptirnp~ an otter to sell ~,$ B1ooYil~loandethey$ast ~88~' of Bloak lE3tPor theme anm of $i.0,B80.00, be and the sane ie hereby repealed. Being iniy seoondei, on roil Dail the vote is favor of the resolution was nnanimonaly adopted. Mr. Bannon submitted the fallowinS preamble >''' add reao3.ntion: ~~'< WHBREe3 it 1~ppeare to be to the beet intere~~~, ~ of the City of Delray that the iiver~ent views at atl b*ir`° k ~,~,: " oonaiiered in the aeleotion of a site. for a`"63ty Part; ;;:And. ~°°'" ~, 1REERBe6 it is believed that the •iews of alb::' m Dan be beat asoertaned by .the OOnnol aotin~ in aonjnrso- tion with the oi~o orsanisatona- the Eivitan Club and the Chaaber of Coameroe- therefore, BE IT RS30LYED BY TIIE COiJ1~CI7, Op TEE CITY OF DEI~eY, P'LOHIDe: ~.et T1-at the Conaoii invite the C3vtan Cintiz- ~x ?- ant the chamber of l3paDeroe to name one aeaaber ehoh w~' .; the Qnalifoatione of a bend eleotor to acne to same;. with one sember of the acnnail on a eoamittee Yor the,.' `' pnrpode of inveati~ation as to the beet looation oP a,;F; y part, the area which might be pnrohaeei Yor anoh p '~~ and the ooet of the traot, or of any tarot which ~eiw~.T~ a ., tie had Yor the pnrpoee. ;w ,,,~ End Tbatno aathorit~ ehallbe veatei;ti~ ~~ oosmittea herein..proTiiei Yor-:to in any way oo~sott~< Clay oP Delray to the ptirohaee of sny partionlar 'pt!p' °' y arty, the Connoil rsaervin~ to itself the risht of ieoision both se to looation and ~rioe to be pail, +: lfrd That the lt4~or aha13 name Lhe ^esiler of ~'~,~~ the Gonnail to serve on the ooa^ittee. ~`;, The reselntion was aeoondea by Yr. Snnfy azu on ro3.l oal~. was adapted by unanimous vote. The Itsyor ~amedl eounoil~ean ~ttndyr as a ~eii- of the oommittee. The Clerk laid before the Oonnoil the aZpl~ tion of e. d. glees for permit to ergot a Y131Li~~ sit on~the eonthssat oornar o4•~ob 6, bleok 10m, oo``~atrucs Lion to 1e of tide and cesent, oonpoaStion roof.~,est# tet coat $1L00.00, Z. H. palker, oontraotor. eooo . ~ ,~ .~ c A J { G 37 the appli©ation was a time print Yor the information of the Connoil. On notion of 13r, 15a1one, seeoniei by Yr.3unty,_ the Cierr was iireotei by nnaniaona vote to iaane the neoeaeary pern3t. There was informal diacuaaion of tiie Lind of bniliinB to be eTeetei as a 'mnioipal bnildin~ ani the" ag~rreement waa reaohai that Cotincilnan pallcer woald craw '~`. (door plane to be anbmittea to some architect for the' , ~` sn3aanee in the preparation oY plane ani apeoiftoatione. ,~~ A notion by Itr. Hannon, aeoonded ly Yr. l6adone, '~'" waa aiopted on roli Dell by nnanimona vote anthorisin;. ~~~?'; the aoamittee on poloe and Sanitation to have the tonriet , Damp pnt in proper ooaiition at an ezpeniitnre of not eaeeeiin~; ;196.00. n ~ ,. Lz~ e~~ ~~ E3'derY. tit r