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12-10-23 Regular
~~ Council Chamber Deoember 10, 1823. the Conseil mat in regular session. the 14iyor ,; prseidi~tg. Councilmen Malone, Ranson, Sandy and Walkez-were~;'~~. present. Councilman Johnson was absent. __ ~., between the City of Delray and the Town oY Delray ~lera:a~. rr lating to the Yurnishing of electric current Yor atre®t lighting i:r the Town oY Delray Besoh hsd been si~nsd b~r:.~#~ The minutes oP the previous meetin were read sa approved. ~ vt°•a ~~:~ The Clerk advised the Connoil that the opn~i~ ~~~-;.~t proper officials oY saoh incorporation. Carrsnt bills were laid before the Couneile` Clerk and on motion of Mr. Ranson, seconded by ~•, were referred to the Finance Committee. ®fter being audited, and on motion of Mrs;•Q ;. . ~k 4he bills were reported baok to the Oonnoil with,ah mendation that they be paid, and on roll oall the]' .: ordered paid by unanimous vote. On motion of Mr. 3nndy, seconded by 1[r.• the Treasurer was authorised to make an addi diture of X60.00 on the oonstruetion and repair of t~,e T Tourist Camp. The motion vrae adopted on roll Dell''"'b' moss vote. A motion by Mr. Banton, aeoonded b~,y Mr. :,: x was sioptsd on roll Ball by unanimous vote direting€, t2ity Clerk to have written $3000.00 Fire Iaeuranoe tk' ., a t #~µ ~- s~ ,~ . a. r Fire Truak, and Public Liability and Property Damage inanr- anoe on the Trnek. The Committee on Police and Sanitation through ~Mr. Walker, Chairman, recommended to the Mayor the name eY A. L. Neil Yor the oYYioe oY pity Marshal. On this r~+eoir mendation the Mayor nominated Mr. Neil Yor Itarshall amE nomination was ocnfirmsd on roll ea11 by unanivona vote Fpr the inYormation oY the Council and tiroi~~e ~.~. ::~ ~ _• owners &tr. Malone submitted to the Council a tentative~''C ,:~ + gramme Yor street paving which was as follows: Trainor Street -Atlantic Avenue to Thomas Street; Perry 9t~et -Thomas to Market Street; ~~~ 4~~ ~~ ' :, Batton Street - Qailard Street to Railroad Right o3 ~M Market Street - Cailiard to Boynton (Dixie) S~; ~; Lowry Street`- Aitken to Railroad Right-oY-way, Bay Street - 7.si,ng to Market; ~ ',:,~ Dade Street -Laing to Market; K, I~rket Street -~8ay to Boynton (Dixie) S~; ;~. ~~~ >~;-: bade Street -Ingraham to Watson. ~ ~`.~ r a'x ~,•{ • The Glerk was directed to have this nYoa~ ~:, ~q published 1n the Delray Nsws",' issue oY December T4ths~ ^. .aq Mr. Reason, Chairman oY the Light do Water r,; F? mittee, submitted an ordinance entitled; An Urdinanoe Providing that ail Peraoass~,~' or Corporations who do Nlectrlo Wireing liithin thcg~' Limits Shall Obtain Lioenee upon C~rtiYleation ®f th+~ 9npsrintendent of the Light & Water Plant as to Qaal ~~ s ~ ~ ~~ E"7 ~\ 4 Lions, prodding that the Wireing 3ha11 be Tnspeeted by the Superintendent of the Light b Water Plant, Fixing the Feq for Lieense, and Providing a Penalty t©r aailnre to Obtain License Befoer Doing N~reing, etc.,-and morel that it be placed on its first reading. The ordinance having , been ordered read a first time by unanimous rote. it wae~, ~~ ~~ read in full. 9 On motion of Mr. Ramon the rinse wexq su#p~~lb,., ~`'~" and the ardiaanoe ordered rd a second tiseend by ca~'~i~ (i only, and it nos so read. Mr. Ranson, Chairman of the O©maittse ea;.I~g11 I ~~ and Water called np the pending ordinan©e entitledr ' i do Ordinance Establishing on and after j 1st 1984 a SerTiee ftharge Asainat all Water de 7,ial neotions, Fixing the dmonnt of Suoh 3erviee G: the'PrQperty SerreQ Eeeponsible for fhb Ser'ieq; a Owner o8 Property 3er~ed $otioe that the Property Held Responsibie t®r tha Service if Sereranoe is n fed in Writing, and Faking it a l[sdsmsanor for ~' to ~Jwe the Electric Current Water Supple8 any.g ~ ., 2:r Property Without First Bating the ~egnired ]kpoetr ]~atirig it a Madamganor fqr .any O+~qr or 9Ygent to . PSp ~; 9.'enant in any Hones er on any Pr®pertygSupglled w or Water Without First laving ]tadq the Required IJe *q and morel that it be placed on its third reading as@,± the ~t~gq. ~Ss motion was eeoon~sd by Nr. Ytalksr axed waif, ` fed by unaaimoue vote. ~7 1 Mr. 3undy, Chairman of the Finanee Committee, ~ oalled np the pending ordinanoe entitled: AN Ordinanoe Authorising the city Clerk to Dtaignate a Deputy and Fi$ing the Amount of Eond *o ber- Given by 3uoh Deputy, and moved that it be planed on its third reading and final psssago. The motion waa eeoonae~ttbq ~,.; ~'• Ranson and by unanimous vote the ordinano• waa or`b' ~. I read a third time and on its passage, on roll call t~i i voting in the affirmative ware Mr. Idalone, Mr. Ranson, 3undy, and Mr. Walkers and the ordinanoe was deolared 7 i ted~ Mr. 3undy, Chairman of the Finane• Ccm~it e b oalled up the pending ordinanoe entitled; Aa Ordinanoe Amending an (ts+dinanoe Adopt~~, ,~? Ootober E3, 19EE, and Amendea April E4, i9E3, ~!i.aia~ 1,> Compensation of the City Clerk, and mowed that it bd ~] en its third readin and final .~, g ~aaeags.~The moti®n A~ a~~onded by Mr. Ranson, and by unanimous vote ttie'o rY ~ was. ordered read a third time and on ite seas n P ge . on ~' pall, those voting in the s~rmative were Mr. Malone° ~r Ranson, Mr. Sandy, and Mr. Walker, and the ordinsnoe.wls deolared adopted. `Phe Counoil adjourned aub3ecst to- the -Dally=off the Mayor. ~ ~~ ~ . ' Clerk. % ~day~r.. ~ :. ~~ '-°. ~e .