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c_ "7 Council Chamber December 26, 192. ,,: .'`; :fit ~' R The Council met pursuant to adjournment Yrom the 24th, the Mayor presiding. Councilmen Malone, Hanson, and rroalker were present. Councilmen Johnson and Bundy wereLL,~,~~ absent. ~rhe minutes of the previous meeting were r~esti~ .and approved. `t'he Mayor named Mr. Malone as a member oY the Finance Committee pro tam. The Clark laid before the ConncilK,current b# which were on motion of Mr. Ranson referred to the Finan =3'2 Committee. ~>' Ai'ter being audited the bills were reportd back to the Conseil with the recommendation that ;they 1 ..paid, and on roll call they were ordered paid by unan3t vote. Mr. Hanson called up the pending ordinaiit~9t titled: " An ordinance providing that all persc or corporations who do eleotric wire'ing within the ate limits oY the City aY Delray shall obtain lioeY c®rtification of the Superintendent oY the.Light,ax plant as to qualifications, providing that'sll wire be inected by the Superintendent of the ght site plant, fining the Yee for the license, and provld alty for Yailure to obtain license before doing wix And moves t i be;,glaced on its thi .rr +g .v. .,~ , ,. - ing and final passage. ~~=' T!s® .motion having prevail Syr, unanim`a .~d .~ ~. t ~„. ~: , i~ the ordinanoe waa read a third time, and on its final ~~d passage those voting in the affirmative were Mr. Malone, Mr. Ranson, and Mr. Walker. On motion of tdr. Ranson, aeoonded by Mr. Walker,, the Chairman of the Street Committee was direoted to Mr. Troop, Sanitary Inapeotor, to disoontinne the steady,:,,; employment of laborers on the streets, and not to employ any labor only with the apeoifio approval of the Cheri of the Street Coameittee. A motion aeoonded by Mr. Walker waa adopted on roll oall by unanimous vote naming MT. Walker, the and the City Clerk, s oommittee to have plena and oations drawn for the propgaed mnnioipal building, with.:;; authority to incur the neoeasary eapenae in oonneation therewith. The Commlttee on Streote through its Chairman Mr. Malone, euggeated farther additions to the oontem street paving program to inolnde the following: ;: Sfigitiaw Street from Thomas to Market-~ Sntten Street from Swinton Ave to Raiiros~l:.; ,, Watson Street from Dade to Boynton; The Eeat and Weat Alley through B14ok 1©1. The Gounoil adJonrned anb~eot to 'the gall of^t Mayor. Clerk. .- °°,.~ Mayor. ;:. = . a ~~.°. r, `,.~,: ~~ l ~... . 3[ONTffiY STATEMENT GENERAL FIIND. Balanoe, Deoember 1 Real Estate Taaes ~ 953.29 Personal Property 124.80 _ Oovnppational Taa 1b6.25 Bnilding Permits 7.00 Mayor'a Cpnrt 20.00 InEB et salaries "q„; 186.66 General Espenae 10.60 OYYive Rsnt 10.00 Polive Department 80.50 streets 8o Alleys 74.00 Inenranoe,Fire Dept. 13(3.54 :a+ Sanitation 91.80 slater ~i Light 193.80 ~` Anto-E3amP 214.93 Street Improvement 1063.32 `"~ Interest en Bonds 247b.130 ,,~~+ Loan tm i~. `~~°~„ =" ''600.00 , ,rv, ~ ~ Printin _ T r .. ~. ~ he Del ay Hewa 20.00 ~ 6085 01 . Balanae ~ ``": . 8348 ~ . ~~~;~~, ~ 742fA19~ .~ <.. ,. ;, I V ~\ "P~Lx 140NTHLY STATEMENT i 61ATEIt 8c LIGHT DEPARTMENT. ~xeoeipts: 8leatrio tlnrrent ~ 1$39.74 iFater 290.OS _, _ Watsr Oonneotlone g0.00 Barrowad 600.00 ~ 8149,99 N A p,i. ~ r`?: }T kkk~ ..w.MSV~.`.'u Dieb~xsemente: Deficit 64~~0~~ ~,~~ ~ 3alarise 646.66 £..4-; General Expense .60 Mainteasnoe 67.08 I Feel 126.82 " "~` ~nbriaation 114.75 ~ ~ Eatensiona 949,68 ~°~ ~°~ ffigine 8 48.1ED »: Engine 8 808.00 ~rh~ ~ Printing 4p r00 ~-.~. ~~ ~, Defioit ~,~, ~, ~~ °~a xr' c!, +;;'> '~`u ~,T .rte TY'eaBtiYer y Q ~`: ~ Y rv~.~; {?