07-10-22 RegularC3
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Council Chambers
' July P0, 1922.
The Council met in regular session, the Mayor
presiding. Councilmen Jacobs, Scott, and Sundy were
present; Councilmen Heen and Ranson were absent.
The minutes of the last meeting were read,
and approved as read.
The Mayor appointed Tyr. Jacobs as a member of
the Finance Committee pro tem.
. ~ The Clerk laid before the cpuneil a number of
!bills which on motion of Mr. Scott were referred to
the Finance Committee. After approval by the committee -,
the several bills were on moti"on of Mr. Sundy referred.
back to the council with .the recommendation that they
be paid, and on roll call the bills were ordered paid,.
Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Sundy voting in the af-
Cn motion of Mr. Scott the Idarshall was direr
ted to permit Clarence Clark and ~9illfe Flagler under s~'
ninety days sentence each to serve out their sent®neea
by working without restraint with the Pater dc.Light
force and to be pafd from the Water and Light e~atensloni;i,',
fund at the rate of ~1.AO per day for subs$atencet.tn
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-roll. call the motion was adopted by unan~attgt~s.~q,a;~ ~~'
A motion by 1iPr. Jac,~bs that the sga6e Between ~'
the paved road-beds and the sidewalks at} iritersectiona
and oiled ~ #
be rocked the setae width as the aidewa'~ks by Greynblds ~.
and Monroe, Inc., street pavi contractors,. ~t~h r'~ ,"
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tihe City .Treasurer pay-the Bost of such work fr`om'~'~
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fund for street improvement was seconded by Mr.
Sundt', and on roll call was adopted~Mr. Jacobs,
Mr. Scott, and Mr. Sundt' voting in the affirmative.
~ A motion by Mr. Jacobs that the Clerk take up
j with attorney Blackwell the matter of Preparing
~ farm and. the g
I Printin of certificates of indebted-
! ness to be used in the payment for street paving
was adopted. On roll call Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Scott,"
and Mr. Sundt' voted in the affirmative.
The question of entering into a contract with
Mr. Helland to furnish electric current to operate t•'=
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his contemplated ice plant was discussed and the
form of contrast submitted by Mr. Helland was in-
formally considered. Objectionable features being
manifest it was decided to submit the same, with ~,yS
certain data to be obtained, to Mr. Blackwell as
attorney for the City for his opinion and co_opera- ~5
Lion in working out a satisfactory contract.
The council adjourned to meat on the 17th unless
sooner convened by Ball of the. Mayor. "$ "
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G~Clerk. 1 "/Ma or
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Councilman Sundt' and the Clerk were authorized
o procure for the Clerks office, preferably anew
aehine, a typewriter.
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