07-24-22 RegularO
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Council Chambers.
July 24, 1922.
The Council met in regular session, the Mayor
presiding. Cpuncilmen Jacobs, Keen, and Scott were
present. Councilmen Ranson and gxndy were absent.
&iinutes of previous meetings read and appproved.
The Clerk reported to the Council that the ~;
contract to furnish 0. Helland vrith electric current
tc operate an ice plant had been signed as per nstruc- `?
tuns of the Council.
A petition of certain citizens asking that the
paving of Boynton street between Atlantic avenue and
Lowry street from curb to curb at the expense of the ~
City be ordered was presented by the Clerk, and yon f
motion of BSr. Keen the Clerk was directed to look up
the minutes with v ining if the city had ~'
committed itself to incur the`' pense of such work thek.",~,'
understanding being that the owners of abuttin~_vrobd~
had or would donate land for the widening of sa
ton streets and to report to the next regular
of the Council,
Mr. P. A Ranson in his own behalf and in
others presented a petition asking the City to
Block I02 to be used for park or other purposes. A
discussion a motion by Mr. Keen that the Mayor apX
a committee from the Council to ascertain whether
city can legally acquire such property, and if so
manner of acquisition, and report at an adjourned"
~ ~'`
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ting of the Council to be held at 8 p.m. on the 26th
instant was adopted bysnan~.mous vote on roll call.
The Clerk reported to the Cotancil that after a
telephone conversatio wit3, the Clerk to the County
Commissioners he had asked Purr. J. G. Fenno to inspect
rock at the pit being loaded for shipment to Delray for
street paving purposes.
Mr. Jacobs, acting chairman of the Water & Light
committee, offered the follovring preamble and resoiu-
tion -
WHEREAS it appears to be to the best interests
of the City to have certain connecting street paving
done at this time as a matter of economy .<
Therefore be it RESOLVED ;;~~,~,
(1) That the 'space between the road paving and the ~~.
,~ .:
end of sidewalks now constructed or which may be, eon-.
structed before the paving contract with Greynolds &- ~,+
Monroe shall have expired, be paved the width of?
connecting sidewalks,and this resolution amplifies ~~
the motion on the same subject adopted July 10th.
(2) That the Street committee be and is hereby au-
thorized to determine in conjunction with the en$ineez
in charge the best manner of protecting the corner '-
of paned streets, and to have such paving done a ;
be necessary to protect such corners from trafi~'
cost of such work to be paid by the City Treasurer
estimates made by the engineer and at a rate the ss
as paid the contractor for othefi~ paving, from the f
flnr~ atraa~F imrvn~trr?mt~n tc_. ~;~ ,. _,
The resolution was seconded by Mr. Se~ott, and was
adopted on roll Dell, those voting in the affii~at~ve
being Pdr. Jacobs, Mr. Keen, and Mr. Scott. c.i'
IvIr. F. J. Schrader requested the Council to take 1
the necessary action to have Bay street from Lawrence
to Ingraham avenue, and ingraham avenue from Bayto
Dade street paved while the contractor is engaged on ~„`
the present contract.
Mr. Jacobs offered the following preamble and
resolution - ' j
WHEREAS there exists a necessity for the instal-
lation of an additional 100 HP engine with necessary
appurtenances at the Water & Light plants and
WHEREAS the Council has considered the various ~,,
types of engines best suited for the uses of the,plant~ x~".~'
and has concluded that the additional engine should be -:
of the -same type as the one now in use, therefore be ~"
( 1 ) That the City of Delray Floridan hereby agre~s~':
to enter into a contract with Fairbanks, Morse & Co.," ' r1x,a
~ ~'~,
for the lease-purchase of a 100 HP engine of type
~ .
similar to the one now in use and necessary appli esy, E~
~ ~
( ~ ) The 3[ayor and Glerk of said City of Delray ;;~,~,.~ ~~
Florida, are hereby authorized and directed to exa ~ ~~G ~~,
~,. ,,.
cute a contract in the necessary form on behalf of sa~`~~i~;,~
4 ~
City. :~u
On roll call, the resoluti .:was adopted by
" _
4 -.
The Coiuacil recessed to 8 p.m. July 26th.
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Clerk. Mayor.
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