08-14-22 RegularCouncil Chambers Angaat 14,1922. 0 .! °0 2"he'Connoil met in regular session, the Mayor presiding. Councilmen Jaoobs, Seen, and Bundy were present. Councilmen Ranson and Scott were absent. Minutes oP the Isat meeting were read and ap- psoved a9 read. The ilayor appointed Mr. Jaoobs member of the P'inanoe committee pro tem. The 61erk reported to the Council that a con- .' ,- , ~~ ~y. 0 a. tract had been signed, as direoted, with b'airbanka, Morse 8c Company for the pnrohsae of a 100 HP engine, and that a deed had been reoeived Prom the D[odel Land, Company conveying to the City the lot on which the YVa er and Light plant building is boated. The Clerk submitted to the Council oommunica- tiona Prom the Model Land Company and I. A. Gable bear- ing on the newly organised Road & Bridge Distrie~,and ;~i in the nature of protests against the inolneion"ixt the:;: 'r~` program of Atlantic Avenue west oP Swinton street in '` "~ the City oP Delray. A motion by Mr, Seen that the Clerk inform the writers of the oommunioationa that the City of Delray ~` which is inoluded in the #Eoad and Bridge Diatriet~wi~l~~~ ~ be.tased to pay Prom one-third to one-half the oust o~ "` the bond issue as voted was adopted by unanimous vote.. ~`~ The Clerk laid before the Connoil s number of " ~:":4~ "current bills which on motion oP Mr._ Seen were referred a z .._~ O~ a.. rai } .:- R; ~~, o~ "~ n .~~ , to the Finance Committee, and after being audited the several b311s sere referred back to the Council with the recommendation that they be paid. Cn roll call the bills were ordered paid by unanimous vote. 2tr. 3aoobs galled np the ordinance providing Por the paving oP Bay street Prom Lawrence street to Ingraham avenue, and Ingraham avenue from Bay to Dade street, and a motion by him that the ordinance be read a third time was on roll call adopted by unanimous vote. The ordinance having been read a third time it was placed on its passage and was passed, those voting in the affirmative being 9dr. Jacobs, Mr. Been, and Mr. sandy. The Clerk reported to the Council that aetiIIg under instructions he had advised the Mons Club that the Council would undertake to ascertain at an early "? date the wishes oP the tas payers on tha matter oP the _~: City acquiring land Por park and other purposes. 9fters „~ ,,.: informal discussion it was decided to postpone any action in the matter. The Council adjourned snb,eet to the call oP the liayor. Clerk. Mayor. !!!/// . '£ ~~ ^` "~ ._ ~.