08-28-22 Regular ' ; i `.~ i Cennoil Chambers Augaat E6, 1922. D 4 .~ The Gounoil met in regnlsr session, the Ilagor presiding. Councilmen Jacobs, Keen, and soott were present; councilmen Hanson and sunny were absent. ~ 1 'Phe minutes of the last meeting were read and O ' approved. T~se,.Yayor appointed Mr. decobs as s member oY the Fineanoe oemmitteo pro tem. The Clerk laid before the Council a number of current bills which on motion of 1[r. Keen were referred to the Finance Committee. lifter being audited the bills were on motion referred bank to the Council with the ~ reoomme~tdation that they be paid, and an roll oall,the ~ several bills were ordered paid those voting in the afSirmative being Yr. daccba, 11`r. Keen, and Mr. soon. ~.~, On motion of fir. Keen a map drawn by Iir. Towles, x± _. "" d4tailing a proposed light construction and repair $ys~ ~,. < d tom waa approved and the Treasurer was authorised to ~" ixlesnr the necessary expense to have blue prints made of th® same. The approval. of the map carrying an e~C ~~.~-' .u,'~, . s „a ;" penditure for blue prints wen adopted by unanimous vt z ~.t: ~=.... ~ - on roil Dell. ~.,.. d motion by Mr. Keen that the Clerk commnnieate ~, „~ ,;. ~~, with. the .proper offloiala of the F. E. C. Ry. looking ~ vim, ,, tc the repair of the road-way east of .the track and ~ ~~; ,:~•. south of 9.tlantio avenue, abd that. west cf the railway... t.` and northef :Atlantic avenue,. and the crass-ways on 0 0 e O Atlantic avenue, Ingraham avenue, and Thomas street was adopted by unanimous vote oY the Council. On motion of Mr. Seen the Clerk was direcited tv communicate with the proper officials of the F.E.C. Ry. looking to providing permanent protection to trafio and travel at the railway crossing on Atlantic avenu®. By unanimous vote, on roll oall, a motion by Mr. Been that the Chairman of the Strset oommittee be au- thorized to incur the necessary ezpense to have th® , s ° sand hauled from Atlantic avenue wsa adopted. . "` ;, A motion by Mr. Jacobs that the Mayor and Clerk Q be authorized to sign a contract with 6reynolda 8a Monroe, inc., Por the paving of Bay street from hawreace street to Ingraham avenu®, and Ingraham avenue from Bay` to Dade street, the said contract to be based on the ~ prices and contain the same provisions as the contraot _~' signed with the firm on the 16th day of done 19EE, was,- ,,„ ° on roll gall, adopted by unani.=one vote. ~ ,yY' ~. A motion that Mr. Beil be requested to furnish thy" Council with an estimate of the cost of foundation foal "' ,. , '" the new engine, and that bids for the oonatrucst ion g .~;theppp same be opened at 9 o'olock on Tuesday evening, Sep t:~.` a ,., 5th* wsa adopted by unanimous vote. ~ '; ~~" On mtion of Mr. Seen the Glerk wsa direoted to gi`g'` h O~ S 4± notice that the Council would sit as an equalisation taz , board at the Council Chambers-September S, 6, and 9th. . A petiton wsa filed by James Monro®, G. H. 6r®.~~,~~ ~;, et al requesting that the Council or3ex~ certain stre ~~~ ; -C ~T vhf ,, 4i <., ~ in what is known as "oolored town" paved After same A diseteaion petitioners were advised that~the matter a world be taken ender consideration. ~ t1n motion of ~. Keen the Treasurer was author- iaed to settle the olaim of the IInited ~tatea Robber Company, Eureka Fire Hose Department, from funds of the Fire Department extension, the same being a loan ~ from that fund for the apeoific purpose, wsa on roll Dell adopted by unanimous vote. j a ~ The Council adjourned to meet at 8 p.m. Sep- . tember 5th. Q ` Clerk. Ysyor. ` _`;,r .,o ;.fig . x~;~ > ;' „i, .f - ~'% k. ~, ems. ~,~' ~ - '~~~ ~~ ¢~ ~~ o~ ~~y}~ 4 ~. >~~'~ :.a, ~o.;.. ` ' „- +~ ; -`~ yx3~7 ~. ~ _ o: ~ .: drys y,~} .a 9 a y'At 'y( ~. t ~ +.~ ~" .. .~.{ {. ~& h _ .f ~~ O erTy of nErx~Y. d~ Balanoe~ august 1 -----------------~ 45fi2.35 Raceipts• s Real Estate Taxes --------- ---------- 234.10 Personal " --------------------- 7.00 .. Tas Certii'ioates --------------------- 496.18 Interest and Bees --------------------- 84.04 ~+ 39'syor's Court 5.00 Oaaupation Tax --------------------- .75 o Misaellaneons --------------------- 1.00 2 I e ~ish~araements• Salaries --------------------------130.00 f#eneral Ezpense ------------------------- 156.22 . Streets and aideWalks ---------------- -- 220.63 1 dater and t+ights ----------=-------- 193.50 F Printing ------------------------- 118.05 ° 6dvanoe to Street Im rovement -- 345.00 7,egal Servioea ------------------------ 10.00 0 ~ 973.40 e BalaIIOe 4427.02 400.42 .. , ~~~~~ Treasurer. O ,, , w 'i X y. _ to +~ ~; WATER 8e LIGHT DEPARTMENT Balance 4ugast 1, -------------------16,925.93 Receipts Lights ------------------------------ 535.75 Water ------------------------------ 234.91 Water Connection _____________________ 6.47 Material --------------------=--------- 7.70 98~ 17,710.76 -laburaementa: Salaries ------------------------ 212.50 General Ezpenae ------------------ 623.77 UpkeeP ------------------------ 9.90 ' Labcr, Water Extension --------___ ''431.18 Lobar, Light Extension ---------_ 505.61 ~terisl,Water Extension -------- 1,628.86 I~terial,Light Extension --------- 2,299.21 8,710.83 Balance ------ 11 999.93 1 ,71 76 }> A} ~. Balance Engine fund ~ 2,161,00 do W & L Est. 7,460.03 do General 2,378.90 X11,999.93 w ~, i Tr®asnxer.