09-06-22 Regular O s -?~ On motion of Ifr. Keen, seconded by Mr. Jacobs, 8 ': Conncsil Chambers. September b,1922. The Council met in regular adjourned session, the Mayor oreaiding.~~lJPre~ent Councilmen J~~aooba`, Keen, Scott and Sundt'. ~.. ico.-._..,.e•w,~.o-s~o !i-~l-a~~ • +. b. L. Neil, Engineer in charge of the Water 8c Light plant, was authorized to have the Youndation for the new engias _ ._;:; put in by the uae of fey labor. On roll call the motion wsa adopted by unanimous vote. ~ A motion by Mr. Keen that it is the aenee oY the Council that Improvement bonds Yor street paving be is= • sued instead oY certificates oY indebtedness, the-,,R4~pe; to mature aerially from one (1) to ten (10) yeara,~3id to ••: bear interest at the rate oP 6°J per annum payable ae#i= annually wsa seconded by Mr. Snndy, and on roll sell wee- ,s ~ r. adopted by unanimous vote. :; The Water 8o Light committee wss anthorirte ~~ Q 6 ,r. take up the matter oY the inatalla.tion oY another ©ent iosl pump. ~` A motion by Mr. Keen, seconded by ]dr, Sunday; that the street committee be authorized to incur the nee esaary expense to have proper cross-ways made over t$e: drain .ditches at the west approach to the canal bridge? was on roll Dell adopted by unanimous vote, the cost oY the work to be charged to the fund Yor street 5 ~" AYter the adoption o3 a motion to 8 p.m. September 7, the epuncil resumed r`"' ~_ + ~. is ~_ 0 .~ "s~,' ,.. o~ Q as a tea equalization board. ~~, . clerk. ~ ~ Mayor. i Counoil Chamber. September 6, 1922. ". The Cpuneil resumed its sitting as a tsa equal- ization board, Yr. Jacobs, Eir. Been, and Mr. Soott being, , present. w YT. IV. J. Cathoart appeared before the egali~ ' _,~,., a ,~ ~ tion board with the contention that the assessment ~lgoe by the tea assessor against property owned by him in s*~. Blook 67 was eaoeasive. The egalsliastlon board holding ~~ that the asaeasor had not placed a higher assessment p against the property oY oomplainant-than against ad~aoent ~y ~; ,, r- and similar properties tHronghout the oity, and that no ` x . inJustioe had been done l(r. f7athoe~t~declined t0 distur~~~°~1 the lotion of the asaeasor. .~ ~~;. ..vi: Mr. Gathoart requested that the minutes shoat/ g`,: that he protested the assessment placed aga'lnst the prop' erty owned by him in blook 67. #` ¢~ The board ad~onrned to meet at 8 p.m. SeptemDe~ ~'~. x. . a, '=.~: 7th. (~-' ~t~ Cl®rk. ~ ~. g. A;. r;; ,~_ w,