09-08-22 Regular Adjourneda ,o ,.. . _~:~; Q a A ~. a a r f:enoil Chambex. Segtember 8, 19$2. the Council met in regular adjourned cession, the mayor vresiding. Councilmen Jaoobs, Seen, and Soott were present.. g motion by Mr. Jaoobs, seconded by Mr, been, that the chairman of the street oommittse be authorised to take ap with thbatreet paving contractor the matter .~..~ . of nsuing dirt Prom adjacent property to its damage ~Po~~ the puxpose oP shoulder build~.ng in low plaoes of alb .~wk~~. d ~~ ?' property, and that the contractor be informed that sent property must not b® defaced to make Pills or eh~;f~" dens; that where additional dirt is necessary Por Pills or shoulders it should be provided at the`egpense oP the property requiring the sam®~ was adopted by unanimous vote on roll Dell. B motion by aBr. Seen that J. C. Gallatin be employed for service at the ~-ater 8o'Light plant for one month, service to commence Clatober 15, unless sooner. aslled, at a compensation of $1'5.00 per month, was au roll rill adopted by unanimous vote, and'the Clerk was e `^~.. directed to wire Mr. Gallatin to that ePfeat. µ .. .°~ h~ A motion by Mr. Jaoobs that the resolution oP ~ ` „~ + s , a y' ' the oounail adopted June 20 authorising Mr. George ~~ ~~ Long to make a tarcing and blue prints oP the existing ~;;°A.- ,, water system at a compensation oP ~0 qyg: ~pb,a}e$ q~q adopted on roll Dell by unanimous vote, and the Clerk ~M- .. ' 9 a 4 o , ~r o` 6'_ ~' . r m _~ a-aa direo~ed to inform i4r. Long oY the action taken. A motion by Mr. Keen that in the extension oY the water system that 4" pipe b® lald on Swinton avenue two (2) blooks south from Atlantic avenue, on Aitken .; { street two (2) blooks south Yrom 6tlantic avenue, and on Boynton street two (2) blocks north Yrom Atlantio ~~ avenue Was adopted by unanimous vote. `1 $ motion oY Mr, Keen, seconded by Mr. Jacobs, that the lot known as the Lutheran Churoh parsonage be plaoed on the tax exempt list by the Tsx Assessor wr~s_;~' adopted by unanimous vote. ~?' The Counoil resumed its session ea a__ta equalization hoard. fir. H. J. Sterling appeared beYore the board and without claiming any discrimination against him or any inequality in the aseeasments metered a general protest against the assessment placed un his oity prop-' } 1 arty. _ ,N The Clerk was directed to inYorm the exeou= tore oY the estate oY w. I. MetoelY that the board did 4 not Yind that the Assessor had assessed the property o~ the estate unequally with other similar property, and that the board sustained the assessment as-made. „~;! A number oY property owners disoussed twi:th: , the board. the asaesamenta against their individual prop ~1 ertf.es and properties in general but no oomplaints were.. registered. ~,:- e i ad3ourned snb~ect t ~7a",.j~,,,o~Y th'e