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' ~ Y `y O Couuail Chambers n September 15, 1922. The Council met pursuant to adjournment with. ERr. Jacobs, Yreaident of the CouAail in the chair, the b6Byar being absent. Councilmen Been and Sandy were present; Caun- ~q: admen Es.naon and Saatt were absent. A quorum a1' the 'x~" Connoil not being present adjournment waa had to 8 p.m. September 18th. ~~~~~ Clerk. Ae~~itYs~v""n"9, _~' ~ ~'..~, ,~. `. ;. +. ~, >,. ~ ,~-;` !!1 ter, Formal nation was taken. a ~, The Clerk called attention to,s request made to ' him by dealers in fresh meats that the council provide For the payment of adequate license by peddlers in meats :C' with no established base of operation in the city. On ,_ ~'° investigation it was Pound that a license of X50.00 was. ;,:;7 provided for already whioh was deemed adequate. „~} The Tas Assessor laid before the Council the_ ~~~ ~. assessment roll Por the year 1922. '-"~ On motion of Bdr. Seen, Chairman oP the Finance :„„ Committee, seconded by B![r. 3undy, the assessment for the year 1922 as submitted by the Assessor was aoaepted and „ d ~~ approve on r 1 Dell, those voting in the affirmativ® being Ma. Been, Bar. Ranson, Bar. Scott, and ~. Sundy, A aommuniaation Prom the Ocean City Lumber Co:, with reference to the building of the Bard hrodnae Co.,' being a menace in its present condition to the buildings and .material of that aAmpany wsa read and oa motion of ,3 BSr. Been waa ilia aside without pre~udiae to await the -~" ~~ } return to the city of B~syar 3undy with whom an &greemen~C wsa made at the time oY the erection or removal of the;~.~ buildin nom lamed a inst to its ~ 'i? g P ga present location. Bar.. daooba, presiding as President ofthe ~.~~' Council, called B6r. Scott,. Yiae-President o~ the Ga., to the chair, and asked unanimous consent that he be cello ed to cshange his vote from yea to naY om the adop ~; v: ~t ~~ Lion of a motion at the session of September 8 whioh provided Por the in of 4" '~ ~y , g pipe on Swinton avesaus tY ~~~~~~ two (2) b~,c~isks soQth Prom Atlantic ~renue. 9.'he rAquast ~~, ur ~, ~. . C~ a~ • ~, ,,,~ ,. ,• =b , t was granted and Mr. daoobs is reoorded as voting..nQ,y:on that proposition. The aleck laid be Yore the Counoil a number oY ourrent bills which on motion oY Mr. Been were reYerred to the pinanoe Committee. AYter being audited the bills were on motion oY Mr. Been reYerred bank to the Counoll with the recommendation that they be paid, and on roll Dell the .; several bills were ordered paid as audited. Cn motion oY Mr. 3oott, aeoonded by Mr. 3undy, the !'resaurer wsa direoted to pay A. L. Beil at the rate oY X126.00 per month commencing August 1 while in charge oY the OFater 8;~. Light plant ea engineer. On roll Dell the motion was adopted by unani- moos vote. Oft motion oY Mr. Ksen, seconded by Mr.3undy, ,~ the Treasurer was authorized to close the apoount "Roa4 Fund" ampuntdng to X10.40, and transYer the amount npw ~r, in that Yund to the general Ynnd pY-the city. Thpae 4otiiig ~~~~~~~~ on roll Dell Per the motloM were Ns. Seen, ~ir.R$nson~.l~:,~,.k a, ,~ ~' 3oott, and Mr. Bundy. BTJp(}ET FOR 1922. Yr. Ssen, Chairman oY the Flnanpe submitted the Yellowing as s budget Yor the Yisoal' ending September 30, 1923: Sinking Fnnd,Water & Light Bonds, ---- ; Interest on do do ~ do 3ixtking Fiord, Improvement BOnda, Interest on- ;< do do i D Budget, 1922, continued: City Tights ------ ------- ----------~ 2500.00 City YPater ------------- ---------- 120.00 (TP4ioe Bent -------------- --------- 120.00 ldayor and Qounoilmen ----- -------- - 360.00..._. _..~ 1 City Clerk -------------- ---------- 1500.00 City Marshall ---------------------- 1000.00 Gorton note ------------------------ 400'.00.- Advertising and Incidentals -------- 1350.00 begal Services ____________________ 750.00 . ;, '~-" ~. . . T x~~~.~: ,e~ u'v o: 'x~ _, - Band --------------- 500.00 Park Pnrposea ----------------- --- 983.00 Auditing ------------------------ 175.00 E4. 6 `~_ The budget, as submitted by the Finance Committee, through Mr. Seen was on his motion, seconded by Mr.$undy, 4'S adopted on roll call, those voting in the aYfrmativ@ ~~ being Mr. Keen, Mr. Hanson, Mr. Saatt, and Mr. Sandy. On motionaf Mr. Seen, aeoonded by Mr, Sundt'; ;. .~~ the millag® Yor the year 1922 was tiled at I8 m111a~'"9 ;`^"3~4;'; [, mills. to meet the interest on the bond issues and o "' ~s provide a sinking fund, and 9 mills for general expenses and other purposes. On roll cell the motion was adopted those in the affirmative being Mr. Seen, Mr, Hanson, Mr. Sao and Mr. Sandy. Mr. 3®ott, Chairman of the Committee oa or`~ez oes submitted an ordinano~ reffiying,and approving e~,~oe tain agreement entered into*b'ett~ieen the City of Dead F ;,. .~ o ~~_ Florida, and Fairbanks, ~orae 8c Company relating to the installation and leasing to the City oP Delray Florida , , oP s pertain engine, generator and equipment Por the ~Pleotrie Light paint oP said City, whiph on his motion _._~... Iwas referred to the Committee on Ordinanoea. The Com- ~mittee on Ordinanpea after ponaidering the ordinanoe ' ° refrrred it back to the Couno~l with the reopmmendation` t~5~ ~ ;~ that it be read a Pisrt time in Pull. Cn motion the ordi ~r>=, ';j nanpe was ordered read in Pull,. those voting on roll pall in the affirmative being Mr. Been, Mr. Ranson, qtr. 8©ott, and Mr. Sundy. d motion by Mr. Spott, seponded by Mr. Ranson, that the rules be suspended and the ordinanpe be played on its aepond reading_and by paption only prevailed on ,~rE. roll pall by unanimous vote, and the ordinanpe was read '~' a sepond time and by paption only. ' By aption of the ~ounoil a bill Por prpfeseiona~r, ,~ servipea rendered by Dr. J. R. Cason to IP. Dd. Towlea a1~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~-; ''„ , employee of the City was disapproved for the reason that` the neoessity for medipal attention was the result of ,` 3 Mr. Towlea8 pwn parelessnesa and the City pould not rep-~ ~°r ~ ognize responsibility. The Clerk was directed to notiP~ ~ ° ;. r~:~ r Dr. Cason of the aption taken. ~ .w e k.4 Y ~ ~ ~° ~wrir