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pense neoesssry for theaconstruction andiinstallation,,
of necessary counter and railings in the Clerk'sr'offa,~;e
cost of material being estimated at X12.00. ?
Mr Fowler, representing the manufacturer ~#F~,.
Dung Pulmoter appeared before the Council and demon
strated the use of his instrument with. view of selling
the same to the .City. The matter was informally
discussed but. no action taken by Council.
.Council adjourned to a date. to be fixed by the
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eouTaclz RooTas
December 12, 1921. ,. t
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Council rnet in regular session and was called to «~?
order by the mayor with councilman Jacobs, Ranson and ~~,;i
Sundy present.
I.iinutes of previous meeting read and approved '„5''
with corrections as noted. ='I
T~3arshall Tdeil reported that a census of water '~~
and light connections~a~t the number of meters in use
:.. _. __
,had peeh made by~him,shbwing ~~,
6dater conueetions 165
Zight " 190
T;'Ieters installed 116 ~'
Superintendent of Vdater ~; yights Baker reported '
that the cost of o
includin salar peracions for the month of Tlovember,
g y, as X346.05.
The_Clerk was instructed to renew warrant X665 ~ w l
for x$600 uue December 8, 1921, to the Bank of .Delray..` ~'~_°
The Clerk was also instructed to report to the ,
next meeting of the .Council the potential revenue from'`', ~
lights and water for the month of TJovember. ~~_.
Marshall Taeil
Ma.yOr. ,,.
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