12-74 ORDINANCE NO'. 12-74.
WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach presently provides, under
Chapters 175 and 185, F.S.A. pension plans and related benefits for
City Police and Firefighters which are of major importance as fringe
benefits of City employment; and,
WHEREAS, City Council is desirous of updating the Policemen's
Pension Plan and the Firemen's Pension Plan; and,
WHEREAS, City Council is desirous of having one pension system
to be known as The City of Delray Beach Police and Firefight~ers Retire-
ment System for its Policemen and Firemen; and,
WHEREAS, C.ity Council, the City Administration, the Trustees of
the M,l~cip~l Do!ice O~~,~ ~~ m~ ~,~ =~ ~ m .... ~
of the Municipal Firemen's Pension Trust Fund upon extensive examina-
tion of the present plan and the proposed City of Delray Beach Police
and Firefighters Retirement System are desirous of adopting the pro-
posed Retirement System; and,
~EREAS, the proposed R'etirement System preserves all benefits
accrued to date under the present Trust Funds,
SECTION 1. ~at the following sections of Chapter 19 "Pensions"
of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, as amended, are
hereby rescinded and repealed.
(a) Sec. 19-31 "Increased Pension Benefits for Firemen"
(b) Sec. 19-32 "Increased Pension Benefits for Policemen"
SECTION 2. That Chapter 19 "Pensions" of the Code of Ordinances
of the City of Delray Beach, as amended, be further amended to read
as follows:
Section 1. DEFINITIONS. As used herein, unless otherwise de-
fined or required by the context, the following words and phrases
shall have the meaning indicated:
1. City means City of Delray Beach, Florida.
2. Aqreement means this written instrument setting forth
the provisions of the Retirement System.
3. System means the City of Delray Beach Police and
Firefighters Retirement System as contained
herein and all amendments thereto.
4. Fund means the Trust Fund established herein as
part of the System.
5. Board means the Board of Trustees, which shall
administer and. manage.the System herein pro-
vided and serve as Trustee of the Fund.
6. Employee shall mean all employees of the'City classi-
fied as full-time sworn Police Officers, as
defined on the Effective Date in Section
185.02, Chapter 185 F.S.A., or volunteer or
regular full-time Firemen, as defined on the
Effective Date in Section 175.032, Chapter
175 F.S.A., but shall exclude all civilian
members of the Police and Fire Departments.
7. Member means an Employee who fulfills the prescribed
participation requirements.
8. Continuous means uninterrupted service by a Member
Service (expressed as years and completed months),
from the date he last entered employment as
an Employee until the date his employment
shall be terminated by death, disability,
retirement, resignation, or discharge, pro-
vided however, the Continuous Service of any
Member shall not be deemed to be interrupted
a. Any authorized leave of absence or vaca-
tion, provided that all Members similarly
situated in similar circumstances shall
be treated alike pursuant to uniform,
non-discriminatory rules.
b. Any service, voluntary or involuntary in
the Armed Forces of the United States,
provided the Member is legally entitled
to re-employment under the provisions of
the Universal Training and Service Act,
and any amendments thereto, or any law
applicable to such re-employment, and
provided further, that said Member shall
apply for re-employment within three (3)
months following termination of such
service. However, provided further., no
credit for benefit eligibility or compu-
tation purposes under the System shall
.be allowed for any such period of leave
of absence or military service. Nothing
of the aforementioned shall serve to re-
.duce the accrued accredited services of
the members on the effective date of the
Ord. No. 12-74.
9. Earninqs means basic wages paid to a Member,
excluding overtime, bonuses, and any
other non-regular payments.
10. Average Monthly means 1/24th of the 'arithmetic average
Earnings of Earnings for the highest consecutive
24 month period preceding the actual
retirement or termination of a Member.
11. Beneficiary means the person or persons entitled to
receive benefits hereunder at the death
of a Member who has or have been desig-
nated in writing by the Member and filed
with the Board. If no such designation
is in effect at the time of death of the
Member, or if no person so designated is
living at that time, the beneficiary
shall be the estate of the Member.
12. Effective Date means the date on which this Ordinance
and System become effective.
13. Spouse shall mean the lawful wife or husband
of a Member at time of retirement &nd
Section 2. MEMBERSHIP~ ~
1. Conditions of Eligibility.
a. Employees, as defined herein, who are covered under the
retirement program provided under Chapters 175 and 185, F.S.A.,
as of the Effective Date, shall become Members of this System.
b. Any Employee, as defined herein, who is a Member of the
City's Retirement Plan for General Employees at the time of
adoption of this Retirement System may become a Member of this
System provided he elects to transfer his employee contribu=
tion account from the Retirement Plan for General Employees to
this System, which he is authorized to do by this Ordinance,
and provided he also deposits to the Fund, on the basis of
procedures established by the Board, an amount equal to the
additional monies he would have contributed had he always been
covered under Chapters 175 and 185, plus interest in an amount
to be determined by the Board.
c. Any other Employee, as defined herein, shall as a condi-
tion of employment become a Member upon such employment,
provided that:
1. Such Employee satisfactarily completes all required
medical examinations for an employee of his classifica-
tion, including any such examination prescribed by the
Board, and,
2. Such employee meets all requirements of the Civil
Service Board of the City. Provided further, however,
that for purposes of disability benefits hereunder, th~
Board may declare anyone becoming a Member under this
Ord. No. 12-74.
paragraph "c" to be permanently ineligible, but only
at the time of initial Membership, and only in the
event that any medical examination under "1" above re-
veals a condition of symptom which has previously been
determined by the Board to render Members not eligible
for disability. Such a determination by the Board as
to~ disqualifying conditions and symptoms must be re-
flected in prior Board Minutes, and such a declaration
of a Member's ineligibility must be recorded in the
Board's Minutes and noted on the Member's application
form o
2. Application. Each eligible Employee shall complete an appli-
cation form covering the following points, as well as such other
points or items as may be prescribed by the Board:
a. Such Employee's acceptance of the terms and conditions
of the Retirement System, including an initialling of any
declaration of ineligibility for disability benefits, and,
b. Such Employee' s' designation of a Beneficiary or Bene-
ficiaries, and,
c. Authorizing a Six Percent '(6%) payroll deduction payable
to the System.
3. Change in Designation of Beneficiary. A Member may from
time to time change his designated Beneficiary by written notice
to the Board upon forms provided by the Board. Upon such change,
the rights of all previously designated Beneficiaries to receive
any benefit under the System shall cease.
1. Normal Retirement Date.
a. A Member may elect to retire on the first day of any
month if coincident with, or following the attainment of his
fifty-second (52nd) birthday and the completio'n of twenty (20)
years of Continuous Service; provided, however, Employees who
are eligible to and become Members as of the Effective Date
of this System shall be eligible to retire, as above, upon
the attainment of his fifty-second (52nd) birthday, regardless
of the number of years of Continuous Service.
b. All members shall retire not later than their sixty-fifth
(65th) birthday; provided, however, that a Member shall be
required to retire earlier, if eligible, upon the determina-
tion by the Member's Departmental Chief and the City Manager
that the Member is no longer physically or mentally capable
of satisfactorily performing his duties.
2. Normal Retirement Benefit.
a. Durationt survivor benefits. A Member retiring hereunder
on his Normal Retirement Date shall receive a monthly benefit
which shall commence on his Normal Retirement Date and be
continued thereafter during his lifetime.; upon his death the
full Retirement benefit shall be continued to his Spouse for
One (1) Year and sixty per cent (6~/o) of said amount continued
thereafter until the earlier of death or remarriage.
Ord. No. 12-74.
b. Amount. Two and one-half per cent (2~/o) of Average
Monthly Earnings, for each.year of Continuous Service, sub-
ject in any event to a Maximum of Seventy-five per cent
(75%) of Average Monthly Earnings, provided~ however, ~iembers
as of the Effective Date shall receive at their Normal Retire-
ment Date (age 52 regardless of years of service) the greater
of the ben'e'fit provided by the formula above or fifty per cent
(5~/~) of Average Monthly Earnings.
3. Early Retirement Date. A Member may retire on the first
day of any. month following the completion of twenty (20) years
of Continuous Service.
4. Early Retirement Benefit. A Member retiring hereunder on
his Early Retirement Date shall receive either a deferred or an
immediate monthly retirement benefit as follows:
a. A deferred monthly retirement benefit which shall commence
on his earliest Normal Retirement Date and shall be continued
on the first day of each month thereafter during his lifetime.
The amount of such deferred monthly retirement benefit shall
be determined in the same manner as for retirement at his
Normal Retirement Date except that Continuous Service.and
Average Monthly Earnings shall be determined as of his Early
Retirement Date; orr.
b. Subject to Board approval, an immediate monthly retirement
benefit which shall commence on his Early Retirement Date or
any date prior to Normal Retirement Date as requested by the
Member and shall be continued on the first day of each month
thereafter-during his lifetime. The benefit payable shall
be as determined in subparagraph "a" above, but reduced
· actuarially so that only actuarially equivalent benefits shall
be payable.
c. Early Retirement shall have applicable to it the same
survivorship benefit percentages as for Normal Retirement.
· 5. Disability.
a. Service Incurred. Any Member who receives a service
connected injury, disease.or disabili$~., which injury, disease
or disability permanently incaPacitateS him, physically or
mentally from regular and continUous duty as a Firefighter or
Police Officer, shall receive in equal monthly installments
-an amount equal to seventy-five per cent (75%) of Average
Monthly Earnings in effect at date of disability. The benefit
shall be paid until the earlier of death or recovery from dis-
b. Non-Service Incurred. Any Member with ten (10) years of
Continuous Service who receives .a non-service connected in-
jury, disease or disability, and which injury, disease or
disability, permanently incapacitates or shall in the future
permanently incapacitate him physically or mentally from
regular and continuous duty as a Firefighter or Police Offi-
cer, shall receive in equal monthly installments an amount
equal to two per cent (2%) of his Average Monthly Earnings
for each year of Continuous Service, subject in any event to
Ord. No. 12-74.
a Maximum of fifty per cent (5~/o) of Average Monthly Earnings
at the time of disability. The benefit shall be payable
until the earlier of death or recovery from disability.
c. Determination of Disability. All questions relating to
eligibility for initial payment or continuance of disability
benefits sh'all be determined by the Board of Trustees, taking
into consideration the recommendations of the Medical'Board,
and based upon the methods and procedures established by the
Board of Trustees.
d. Benefit Offsets. The Service Incurred and Non2Service
Incurred disability benefits described herein shall be reduced
or offset by the regular monthly amounts to which the disabled
Member is entitled under Workmen's Compensation and under the
primary, that is non-family, benefit provision of Social
e. Service and Non-Service Disability shall have applicable
to it the same survivorship benefit percentages as for Normal
6. Pre-Retirement Death.
a. Service Incurred. A death benefit shall be payable on
behalf of any Member who dies as a' direct result of an occur-
rence arising in the performance of service. These benefits
are not to be limiting to other benefits available under State
law. The benefits shall be payable as follows:
1. To-the Spouse, until the earlier of death or re-
marriage, a monthly benefit equal to fifty per cent (50%)
of the Member's Average Monthly Earnings plus,
2. For each unmarried child until he or she shall have
reached the age of eighteen (18) years, and for each
unmarried child from age eighteen (18) until age twenty-
two (22) who is a full time student in a fully accredited
high school, college, or university, there shall be paid
in equal monthly installments, an amount equal to five
per cent (5%) of the Average Monthly Earnings subject to
an overall limitation of a total of sixty per cent (6~/o)
of Average Monthly Earnings for the Spouse and children
combined. The non-student child's pension shall terminate
on the earlier of death, marriage or the attainment of age
18; the pension of a child who is a student shall termin-
ate on the earlier of death, marriage, or the attainment
of age 22. Legally adopted children shall be eligible
the same as natural children.
Upon remarriage or death of the spouse, the five per
cent (5%) child allowance shall be increase to ten per
cent (1~/o) for each child, not to exceed a combined total
of thirty-five per cent (35%) of the Member's Average
Monthly Earnings. The trusteeship an~ disbursements of
the pension to any child or children shall be determined
by the Board of Trustees.
Ord. No. 12-74.
b. Non-Service Incurred. If any Member shall die in active
service from causes not attributable to active duty or ser-
vice, a death benefit shall be payable as follows:
1. With less than one (1) year of Continuous Service -
A single sum amount of $2,500.~
2. ·With one (1) but less than five (5) years of Contin-
uous Service - A single, sum amount of $5,000.
3. With five (5) or more years of Continuous Service -
(i) A single sum amount of $5,000 plus
(ii) To the Spouse until remarriage or death in
equal monthly payments, a pension equal to
sixty-five per cent (65%) of such Member's
accrued pension as of date of death, subject
to a minimum of twenty per cent (20%) of
Average MonthlY Earnings, plus
(iii) To the child or children of such deceased
Member, the same benefits as are payable by
reason of Service Incurred Death, subject
however, to a maximum combined limitation
of monthly payments to the Spouse and child-
ren of fifty per cent (50%) of Average
Monthly Earnings and thirty-five per cent
(35%) after remarriage or death of Spouse.
7.. Vestinq. If a Member terminates his employment with the
Police or Fire Departments, either voluntarily or by lawful dis-
charge, and is not eligible for any other benefits under this
System, he shall be entitled to the following:
a. With less than ten (10) years of Continuous Service -
Refund of Member contributions.
With ten (10) or more years of Continuous Service -
1. The pension benefit accrued to his date of termina-
tion, payable commencing at his otherwise earliest
Normal Retirement Date, provided he does not elect
to withdraw his Member contributions
2. Refund of Member contributions.
Any member of this System who, for whatever reason, has his em-
ployment with the City as a Police Officer or Firefighter termin-
ated, but who remains with or was previously employed by the City
in some other capacity so that his total period of employment with
the City is ten (10) years or more, shall have all benefits
accrued under this System preserved, provided he does not elect
to withdraw his Member contributions. Such accrued benefits shall
be payable at his otherwise Normal Retirement Date, in accordance
with the provisions of this System. For purposes of determining
Normal Retirement Dat~ under this Vesting provision, Continuous
Service shall include all continuous employment with the City as
an Employee as .herein defined as well as the period of time sub-
sequent to termination as a Member of this System; provided
further, however, that benefits shall not be payable under this
System during any period of continued employment by the City.
'Ord. No. 12-74.
Each member entitled to a Normal, Early, or Disability Re-
tirement benefit shall have the right at any time prior tO his
actual retirement to elect to have his benefit payable under any
one of the Options hereinafter set forth in lieu of the benefits
otherwise provided herein, and to revoke any such elections and
make a new election at any time prior to actual retirement. The
value of optional benefits shall be actuarially equivalent to the
value of benefits otherwise payable. The Member shall make such
an election by written request to the Board, such request being
retained in the Board's files.
OPTION 1 - Joint and Last Survivor Option.
A retiring Member may elect to receive a retirement
benefit during his lifetime and have such retirement benefit
(or a designated fraction thereof) continued after his death
to and during the lifetime of his Spouse or a relative other
than his Spouse. The election of Option 1 shall be null and
void if the designated Beneficiary dies before the Member's
OPTION 2 - 10 Years Certain and Life Thereafter.
A retiring Member may elect to receive a retirement bene-
fit with 120 monthly payments guaranteed. If, after retiring,
the Member should die before said 120 monthly payments are
made, payments are then continued to his designated Benefi-
ciary until 120 payments in all have been made, at which time
benefits cease. After expiration of the 120 monthly payments
guaranteed, should the retired Member be then alive, payments
shall be continued during his remaining lifetime.
OPTION 3 - Other.
In lieu of the other optional forms enumerated in this
Section, retirement benefits may be paid in any form approved
by the Board so long as actuarial equivalence with the benefits
otherwise payable is maintained.
1. Member Contributions. Members of the Retirement System
shall make regular contributions to the Trust Fund at a rate
equal to Six Per Cent (6%) of their respective annual Earnings.
Eligible Employees, as a condition of membership, shall agree
in writing upon becoming a Member to make the contribution
specified herein. Said Contributions shall be deducted from
said Earnings before the same are paid, until the Member has
completed thirty (30) years of Continuous. Service at which
time payments stop.
2. State Contributions. Any monies received or receivable by
reason of laws of the State of Florida, for the express pur-
pose of funding and paying for retirement benefits for Police
and Firemen of the city shall be deposited in the Trust Fund
comprising part of this System.
Ord. No. 12-74.
3. City Contributions. So long as this System is in effect,
the City shall make an annual contribution to the Trust Fund
in an amount equal to the difference in each year as between
the total of aggregate Member contributions for the year plus
State contributions for the year and the total cost for the
year as shown by the most recent actuarial valuation and
Report for the System. The total cost for any year shall be
defined as the total of ~ormal Cost plus the additional
amount sufficient to amortize the Unfunded Accrued Past Ser-
vice Liability over a forty (40) year period commencing with
the Effective Date of this System.
4. Guaranteed Refund of Member Contributions. All benefits
payable under this System are in lieu of a refund of Member
contributions. In any event, however, each Member shall be
guaranteed the payment of benefits at least equal in total
amount to his accumulated contributions.
5. Miscellaneous.
a. All monies which have been funded by the Member~ contri-
butions and the City's contributions, and monies from all
outside sources such as private contributions or those con-
tributions made by the State of Florida or any other Firms or
Corporations or Companies invested into any basic or secondary
pension plan for the retirement of any employee who shall be
included in this F~nd, including any interest gathered by
these monies, shall be transferred into this Fund to be known
as "The Delray Beach Police and Firefighters' Retirement Fund".
b. All Beneficiaries and Retired Members presently receiving
benefits under Chapters 175 and 185, F.S.A., shall continue
to receive said benefits under this system.
1. The general administration and responsibility for the proper
operation of the Retirement System and for making effective
the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby vested in a Board
of Trustees consisting of nine (9) persons as follows:
a. The Mayor of the City of Delray Beach.
b. Two public members to be appointed by City Council as
hereinafter provided;
c. The Fire Chief
d. The Police Chief
e. Two members of the Fire Department to be elected as
hereinafter provided; and
f. Two members of the Police Department to be elected as
hereinafter provided.
2. The term of office of each appointed and ~lected Trustee shall
be three (3) years except that the initial terms within each
category above shall be for two and three years. The initial
terms shall commence on the Effective Date of this System.
Initially in each elective category, the Trustee receiving
the most votes shall serve a three (3) year term, the second
most votes a two (2) year term. The City Council shall deter-
mine the term of office of each appointive Trustee.
Ord. No. 12-74.
3. The elective Trustees shall .be elected in the following
manner, to-wit: By vote of all active members of each of
said respective departments who come within' the purview of
this Ordinance at meetings to be held at places designated
.by the City Manager, of which meetings all qualified members
entitled to vote shall be notified in person or by mail ten
days in advance of said meeting. The candidate receiving
the highest number of votes for each office shall be declared
elected and shall take office immediately upon commencement
of the term of office for which elected or as soon thereafter
as he shall qualify therefor. An election shall be held not
more than thirty (30) and not less than ten (10) days prior
to the commencement of the terms for which Trustees are to
.be elected. The City Manager shall establish the election
procedure for the initial election. Thereafter, it shall be
the duty of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees
shall meet, organize, and elect one of their members as
Chairman and one member as Vice Chairman, within ten days
after Trustees are elected and duly qualified.
4. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Trustee, the vacancy
shall .be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner
as the office was previously filled.
5. The Trustees shall serve without compensation, but they may
be reimbursed from the Fund for all necessary expenses which
they may actually expend through service on the Board.
6. Each Trustee shall, within ten (10) days after his appointment
or election, take an oath of office .before the City Clerk of
the City, that so far as it develops upon him he will dili-
gently and honestly administer the affairs of the said Board,
· and that he will not knowingly violate or willingly permit
to .be violated any of the provisions of the law applicable to
the Retirement System. Such oath shall .be subscribed to by
the members making it and certified by the said Clerk and
filed in the office of the City Clerk.
· 7. Each Trustee shall .be entitled to one vote on the Board. Five
affirmative votes shall be necessary for a decision by the
Trustees at any meeting of the Board. The Chairman shall
have the right to one vote only.
8. Subject to the limitations of this Ordinance, the Board of
Trustees shall from time to time establish uniform rules
.and regulations for the administration of funds created by
this Ordinance and for transactions of its business, includin?
provisions for expulsion due to non-attendance of its members
which could result in a vacancy.
9. The Board of Trustees shall by majority vote of its members
appoint a Secretary who may, but need not be, one of its
members. It shall engage such actuarial and other services
as shall .be required to transact the business of the Retire-
ment System. The compensation of all persons engaged by the
Board of Trustees and all other expenses of the Board neces-
sary for the operation of the Retirement System shall be paid
at such rates and in such amounts as the Board of Trustees
shall agree. Funds may be disbursed by the City Finance
Ord. No. 12-74.
Department or other disbursing agent as determined by the
Board, only upon written authorization by the Board of
10. Any Trustee who neglects the duties of his office as deter-
mined by the Board, may be removed by.seven concurring votes
among the Board of Trustees.
11. The duties and responsibilities, of the Board of Trustees
shall include, but not necessarily be limited by, the
fo 1 lowing:
ao To construe the provisions of the System and determine
ail questions arising thereunder.
b. To determine all questions relating to eligibility and
c. To determine and certify amount of all retirement allow-
ances or other benefits hereunder.
d. To establish uniform rules and procedures to be followed
for administrative purposes, benefit applications and
all matters required to administer the System.
e. To distribute at regular intervals to employees, infor-
mation concerning the System.
f. To receive and process all applications for participation
and benefits.
g. To authorize all payments whatsoever from the Fund and
to notify in writing, the disbursing agent of approved
benefit payments and other expenditures arising through
operation of the System and Fund.
h. To have performed actuarial Studies and annual actuarial
valuations, and make recommendations regarding any and
all changes in the provisions of the System.
i. To perform such duties as are specified in this Ordinance.
Establishment and Operation of Fund.
1. As part of the System there is hereby established the Fund,
into which shall be deposited all of the contributions and
assets whatsoever attributable to the System.
2. The actual custody and supervision of the Fund (and assets
thereof) shall be vested in the Board of Trustees. Payment
of benefits and disbursements from the Fund shall be made by
the disbursing agent on authorization from the Board.
3. The Board may hire and appoint such persons, agents or entities
(including.corporate fiduciaries) as in its discretion may be
required or advisable to enable it to perform custodial and
investment duties hereunder; provided further, the Board may
Ord. No. 12-74.
enter into agency, investment advisory and custodial agree-
ments for the purpose of securing investment and custodianship
services for the System and Fund.
4. Ail funds and securities of the System may be commingled in
the Fund, provided that accurate records are maintained at all
times refl%'cting the financial composition of the Fund, in-
cluding accurate current accounts and entries as regards the
a. Current amounts of accumulated contributions of Members
on both an individual and aggregate account basis, and
Receipts and disbursements, and
c. Benefit payments, and
d. Current amounts clearly reflecting all monies, funds and
assets whatsoever attributable to contributions and de-
posits from the City, and
e. Ail interest, dividends and gains (or losses) whatsoever,
f. Such other entries as may be properly required so as to
reflect a clear and complete financial report of the Fund.
An annual report shall be made by the CPA firm performing the
City's annual audit.
5. The Board of Trustees shall have the followinq investment
powers and authority:
a. The Board of Trustees shall be vested with full legal
title to said Fund; subject however and in any event to
the authority and power of the City Council to amend or
terminate this Trust; provided that no amendment or Fund
termination shall ever result in the use of any assets
of this Fund except for the payment of regular expenses
and benefits under this System. All contributions from
time to time paid into the Fund, and the income thereof,
without distinction between principal and income, shall
be held and administered by the Board or its Agent in the
Fund and the Board shall not be required to segregate or
invest separately any portion of the Fund.
The Board of Trustees may invest and reinvest the assets
of the Trust F~und in bonds, stocks or other evidences of
indebtedness issued or guaranteed by a corporation organ-
ized under the laws of the United States, any state or
organized territory of the United States or the District
of Columbia, provided:
1. The corporation is listed on any one or more of the
recognized national stock exchanges and holds a
rating in one of the three highest classifications by
a major rating service;
Ord. No. 12-74.
2. The corporation has paid cash dividends for a period
of seven fiscal years next preceding the date of
3. The corporation fulfills either of the following
standards: Over the period of the seven fiscal years
immediately preceding purchase the corporation must
have earned after federal income taxes, an average
amount per annum, at least equal to two times the
amount of the yearly interest charges upon its bonds,
notes or other evidences of indebtedness of equal or
greater security outstanding at date of purchase, and
earned after federal income taxes, an amount at least
equal to two times the amonnt of such interest charges
in each of the three fiscal years immediately pre-
ceding purchase; or the corporation over the period
of seven fiscal years immediately preceding purchase
must have earned after'federal income taxes, an average
amount per annum at least equal to six per cent (6%)
of the par value of its bonds, notes or other evi-
dences of indebtedness of equal or greater security
outstanding at date of purchase, and earned after
federal income taxes, an amount at least equal to
six per cent (6%) of the par value of such obligation
in each of the three (3) fiscal years immediately
preceding purchase. No investment shall be made under
this paragraph upon which any interest obligation is
in default or which has been in default within the
immediately preceding five (5) year period.
4. The Board of Trustees shall not invest more than five
per cent (5%) of its assets in the common stock or
capital stock of any one issuing company, nor shall
the aggregate investment in any one issuing company
exceed three per cent (3%) of the outstanding capital
stock of that company; nor shall the aggregate of its
investments under this section at cost exceed fifty
per cent (5~) of the Fund's assets.
Co The Board may retain in cash or unproductive of income
such amount of the Fund as it may deem advisable, having
regard for the cash requirements of the System.
d. Neither the Board nor any person or entity shall be liable
for the making, retention or sale of any investment or
reinvestment made as herein provided, nor for any loss or
diminishment of the Fund, except that due to his or its
own negligence, willful misconduct or lack of good faith.
e. The Board may cause any investment in securities held by
it to be registered in or transferred into its name as
Trustee or into the name of such nominee as it may direct,
or it may retain them unregistered and in form permitting
transferability, but the books and records shall at all
times show that all investments are part of the Fund.
f. The Board is emp'.wered, but is not required, to vote upon
any stocks, bonds, or securities of any corporation,
Ord. No. 12-74.
association, or trust and to give general or specific
proxies or powers of attorney with or without power of
substitution; to participate in mergers, reorganizations,
recapitalizations, consolidations, and similar trans-
actions with respect to such securities; to deposit such
stock or other securities in any voting trust or any
protective or like committee or with the Trustees or with
depositaries designated thereby; to amortize or fail to
amortize any part or all of the premium or discount re-
sulting from the acquisition or disposition of assets;
and generally, to exercise any of the powers of an owner
' with respect to stocks, bonds, or other investments,
comprising the Fund which it may deem to be to the best
interest of the Fund to exercise.
g. The Board shall not be required to make'any inventory or
appraisal or report to any court, nor to secure any order
of court for the exercise of any power herein contained.
h. Where any action which the Board is required to take or
any duty or function which it is required to perform
either under the terms herein or under the general law
applicable to it as Trustee under this Ordinance, can
reasonably be taken or performed only after receipt by it
from a.Member, the City or any other entity of specific
information, certification, direction or instructions,
the Board shalI be free of liability in failing to take
such action or perform such duty or function until such
information, certification, direction or instruction has
been received by it.
i. Any overpayments or underpayments from the Fund to a
Member of Beneficiary caused by errors of computation
shall be adjusted with interest at a rate per annum
approved by the Board. Overpayments shall be charged
against payments next succeeding the correction. Under-
payments shall be made up from the Trust Fund.
j. The Board shall sustain no liability whatsoever for the
sufficiency of the Fund to meet the payments and benefits
herein provided for and shall be under no obligation to
inquire into the sufficiency of the payments made into the
Fund by the City.
k. In any application to or proceeding or action in the
courts, only the City and the Board shall be necessary
parties, and no Member or other person having an interest
in the Fund shall be entitled'to any notice of service or
process. Any judgment entered in such a proceeding or
action shall be conclusive upon all persons.
6. Any of the foregoing powers and functions'reposed in the Board
may be performed or carried out by the Board through duly
authorized Agents, provided that the Board at all times main-
tain continuous supervision over the acts of any such Agent;
provided further, that legal title to said Fund shall always
remain in the Board of Trustees.
7. No change in any of the administrative provisions of the Sy's-
tem shall be made without the approval of a majority of the
Board of Trustees.
Ord. No. 12-74.
1. Medical Board. The Board of Trustees shall designate a
Medical Board to be composed of three (3) physicians who
shall arrange for and pass upon all medical examinations
required under the provisions of this Ordinance, shall investi-
gate all e's'sential statements or certificates made by or on
behalf of a Member in connection with an application for
disability or retirement and shall report in writing to the
Board of Trustees its conclusions and recommendations upon
all matters referred to it. The payment for such services
shall be determined by the Board of Trustees.
2. Discharqed Members. Members entitled to a pension shall not
forfeit the same upon dismissal from the Department, but shall
be retired as herein described.
3. Recovery from Disability. In the event a Member who has been
retired on a disability benefit regains his health and is able
to perform his duties in the Police Department or Fire Depart-
ment, the Board shall require the said Member to resume em-
ployment with the respective Department and discontinue the
pension; provided however, that if such Member shall after re-
suming his position pay into the Fund an amount equal to the
aggregate contributions plus interest at a rate to be deter-
mined by the Board (computed upon his annual Earnings at the
time of his disability retirement) he would have been required
to make hereunder, as determined by the Board, during the
period of his disability retirement had he not been retired,
such Member shall receive creditable service for the period of
such disability retirement. In any event, such Member shall
retain credit for the period of Continuous Service prior to
' the date of disability.
4. Non-Assignability. No benefit provided for herein shall be
assignable or subject to garnishment for debt or for other
legal process.
· 5. Duration of Benefits. Benefits granted to Members shall be
paid to them for life and shall not be revoked nor in any
way diminished except as provided in this Ordinance and the
payments of the Member to this Fund shall cease upon his re-
tirement and acceptance of a benefit or thirty (30) years of
Continuous Service or Termination.
6. Pension Validity. The Board of Trustees shall have the
power to examine into the facts upon which any pension shall
heretofore have been granted under any prior or existing law,
or shall hereafter be granted or obtained erroneously, fraud-
ulently, or illegally for any reason. Said Board is empowered
to purge the pension rolls of any person heretofore granted a
pension under prior or existing .law or hereafter granted under
this Ordinance if the same is found to be erroneous, fraudu-
lent or illegal for any reason; and to reclassify any pensioner
who has heretofore under any prior or existing law, or who
shall hereafter under this Ordinance be erroneously, improperly
or illegally classified.
7. Incompetents. If any Member or Beneficiary is a minor or is,
in the judgment of the Board, otherwise incapable of personally
Ord. No. 12-74.
receiving and giving a valid receipt for any payment due him
under the System, the Board may, unless and until claims
shall have been made by a duly appointed guardian or committee
of such person, make such payment or any part thereof to such
person's SpouSe, children or other person deemed by the Board
to have incurred expenses or assumed responsibility for the
expenses of such person. Any payment so made shall be a
complete discharge of any liability under the System for such
8. Miscellaneous.
a. The Board will furnish the Actuary with all data required
for n~cessary actuarial computations under the Plan.
No payment or any benefit, contribution, or other sum
which would constitute a violation of any applicable wage
control law shall be made hereunder.
c. The benefits for any person who wa~ a member under Chap-
ters 175 and 185, F.S.A., immediately prior to the Effective
Date of this Ordinance shall not be less than those which
he would have received under the Plan prior to the Effective
Date based on his rate of Earnings in effect as of the
Effective Date.
SECTION 3. That upon ~he transfer of the assets and liabilities
from the Trustees of the Municipal Police Officers' Retirement Trust
Fund and the Trustees of the Municipal Firemen's Pension Trust Fund to
the Delray Beach Police and Firefighters' Retirement System, the Board
of Trustees of the Municipal Police Officers' Retirement Trust Fund and
the Board of Trustees of the Municipal Firemen's Pension Trust FUnd are
SECTION 4. Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and
incorporate this Ordinance in the existing Code of Ordinances of the
City of Delray Beach.
SECTION 5. Ail Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict
herwith be and the same are hereby repealed.
SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon
passage on second and final reading.
SECTION 7. That should any section or provision of this Ordinance
or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by
a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not
affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof
other than the part to be declared invalid.
PASSED AND ADOPTED on second and final reading on this the 22nd
day of April , 1974.
' -C~ty Cl~rk- ~
First Reading March 25, 19~4.
Second Reading April 22, /974.
-16- Ord. No. 12-74.