04-09-18 Adjourned Regular0 E 0 0 co e U Council Rooms April 9 7.918 'The adjourned regular meeting bf the Town Council was called 'to orderby llayor E.H.Scott at 8 P,1:, with the following members present. T.11.OneAl S.H.Allen T.J- Williamson L.L.Barwick Einutes of the previons meeting approved. Clerk called the attention of the Council of an error made in the 1917 Tax Roil of makeing a double assessment against the Cromer Property asking that he be allowed to make the correction . 1lotiob by S.H.Allen and supported by T.Y.Oneal that the ;Clerk be allowed to change the assessment against Lot 14 :Block 100 assessed to J.14.Cromer, from $450.00 to ?80.00 Roll Call T.Y.Oneal yea S.H.Allen yea T.J.Williamson yea L.L.Barwicl; yea►;; Carried The New ordinance of the West Palm Beach Telephone Co 'to replace the old ordinance was taken up and read in full and compared with the first ordinance. IT was found that the telephone to the School was Imited from the New Ordinance and the Clerk was requested to write the Telephone Cc if they would include the School in the telephone service at the same rate as the Clerks Office and the Light Plant, On a Notion by T.J.williamson and supported by T.V.Oneal the ordinance was refered to the Ordinance Committee. Carried Yrs 1ery L.Hisley complained to the City harshal that the public was trespassing oII her property by makeing a road on the East side of Block 45 ; F F] IMotion by L.L.Barwick and supported by T.J.Williamson (That the City Engineer and Marshal Walter locate Bower St jSouth of Atlantic Ave. and report at the next regular ]fleeting. Carried. Iiouncilman Allen reported on the traffic post, stateing G that ]r Grant would� make the Posts for $5.00 each the Town furnish T- I b7 -ra Ce�t, and supported by T.J.Williamson ]potion by L.L.BarwickAthat the Committee be continued and 'look intothe cost of Galvinized iron for the Posts and report at the next meeting, Notion Carried. 0 CA e F: dn_keferaance to placeing a fire Hydren at the plant Mr Bradley reported to the Council that it would cost about $60.00 to put in a Hydren . But he Could make a connection with the Pump that would answer the same purpose for about $15.00 . Notion by T.M.Oneal and supported by L.L.Barwick that the City Engineer make a fire plug connection direct with the Pump at the Water & Light Plant. Roll Call L.L.Barwick yea T.LA.Onval yea S.H.Allen yea T.J.Williamson ya Carried. The matter of a drinking Fountain for Teams was taken up and discussed by the Council,without comming to a definate conclusion as to the proper place to locate a Fountain a ]Action by L.L.Barwick and supported by S.H.Allen that the Mayor and City Engineer be paaointed as a committee to put in a drinking Fountain for Teams. was carried by Roll call. L.L.Barwick yea T.M.ONEAL yea S.H.Allen yea T.J.Williamson yea. C The matter of the J.P.Walker Note given to the Town M C'] P l•7 0 as security for any shortage that might be found and prov- en against him in connection with the Allen he Neilly case was taken up by the council. The said Note was given for $156.38 and deposited in the Bank of Delray as colletral,by the Town of Delray.The present Council not being satisfied that :'this amount of money represented money that had been actually collected,or handQled by J.11.Walker then harshal of the !Town, the following motion was passed. Notion by T.11,.ONeal and supported by T.J.Williamson that the Town refund to the Bank of Delray the Principle of the J.1'.Walker Note of One hundred fifty six dollars ,and 28/V ($156.28) Roll Call L.L.Barwick yea T.M.Oneal yea S.H.Allen yea T.J.Williamaon ya Carried 'The Bills for the past month was taken up and on a motion by E.L.Barwick and supported by T.M.Oneal were r6fered t6 the Finance Committee. The bills were audeted by the finance committee ona Votion by T.11.ONean and supported by T.J. Williamson that the Bills be refered back to the Council and warrants drawn for the game as approved. .L.Barwick yea T.14.0neal yea S.H.Allen yea ea. Carried. The following bills were allowed. Roll Call T.J-Williamson ,a on E 0 n U Town of Delray �Ivarrent 598 Sanitation 107 cans Empt, 10.70 599 " 94 " u 9.40 n" 600 " 1.09 10:90 601 " 94 u n 602 W.A.Brennan Salary forlarch 600GO 605 R.S.Yeomans Retainers Fees Bnk V Town 25.00 B 604 J.lt.Walker J.Y.Walker Salary 60.00 " 605 Refund to Bank of Delray Wklker Note 156.28 " 606 F.F.Walker Draying 4.00 " 607 J.I.Walkor Labor onSt,by GOGGINS 10.50 608 Board of Trade Rent for lurch 10.00 " 609 Stamps 5.17 610 rolice Badge 1.55 " 611 Hudson Wolf & Cason Aty,Faes 10.00 612 Delray Lumber Co 0 " 615 Dep to Bond Trustees Fund . 5005.00 614 Sanitation 108 Cans Empt, 10080 615 Selig Co On Acct (Sanitary Cane) 200.00 616 VOID WATER Z LIGHT DEP garrent 566 R.L.Rice Labor 1.80 567 J.C.Cook Labor 7.20 568 F.E.Gibuon lieter returned 5.00 " 569 P.B.Merctl Co 1.10 570 M.F.Walker Draying 11050 " BUI P.Bradley Salary for lurch 100.00 " 572 Geo Gosslin Hater Returned 5.00 u 575 Delray lffg & Repair Works 8085 There being no further Business a motion to adjourn carried. �i� ! liayor lt ter t Olerk �u t