09-23-18 RegularCouncil Rooms Sept 23 1918
The regular meeting of the Town Council was called to
order by Mayor E.H*Scottfwith the following members
S6H*Allen T.J.1.1illiamison T oh *Oneal.
Minutes of the previous meeting were held over to the
next regular meeting.
The subject of eletrio lights for Sftbets.and Residents
was taken upgand on account of the high price of Fuel
Oil and scaro-astty of the same,it was deBided to conserve
the st&ck on handpand, the following motion was passed.
Motion by S.H*Allen and supporeted by TeJ*Willismson
that the Street Lights be OUT OFF XTERY NIGHT AT 8 O'clock
P.M* and the RESIDENT LIGHTS CUT OFF at 9:30 PeM* every
night ( EXCEPT SATURDAY NIGHTS) * Saturday Nights the
Resident Lights shall burn until 11 O'Clock Be*#
Motion Carried
On account there not being a full Council the other
business on hand was carried over thnd the Council adjourned
to Thursday Evening Sept* 26th.