211 Awareness WeekDelray Beach Florida hrtriIlAmericaCity Ir.M.nt 'II' 1993·2001·2017 100 N W 1St AVENUE OF LRAY BEACH FLORIDA 33444 3 561/243-7000 PROCLAMATION LITW F DELRAY BERLH 32)heras,2-I-1Helpline is proud to announce it is celebrating .ö0 years of service to our community!And 32)hyeras,over this span of time 2-I-I Helpline has responded to over }million requests for help from people of all walks of life-providing the guidance and support they've needed;2-I-I continued to do so throughout the course of the current pandemic;and 32)h)eras,requests for help more than doubled at periods in response to COVID-1)last year;Caring stall continue to be that beacon of hope providing crisis support,when people are overwhelmed and do not know where to turn...2-I-I is available anytime of day or night;and 3)heras,2-I-1 also has specialized advocacy and support programs that include The Special Needs Helpline,Help Me Grow catching children's developmental delays early,Elder Crisis Outreach;and 329heras,2-1-I's life-saving "Sunshine"Daily Telephone Reassurance calls continue to brighten the lives of local isolated seniors and has expanded to include isolated caregivers;and 32)hyeras,2-I-I's My Florida Veterans provides peer to peer support,&helps veterans to readjust,providing linkage to services-for veterans and their families. $0ot,@herefore,I nor _Shelly Petrolia hereby proclaim February I Ith -17th,2021as: 2-1-1 AWARENESS WEEK in the City of Delray Beach,and urge all citizens to be aware that if they are overwhelmed and in crisis orjust need to talk...21 is available any time of day or night.21I staff can also provide referrals for Mental Health Counseling,Substance Abuse,Health Care,Employment,Food Assistance,Day Care,Support Groups. Volunteering,VITA free income tax preparation and so much more... 3n 3)itness 3hereof,I hereunto set my hand and cause the official seal of the City of Delray Beach,Florida, to he allixed tl1is 1,tl,day of February ~I)L SHELLY PETROLIA MAYOR