Small Business SaturdayCITY DF DELRAY BEACH Delray Beach ,ON W 1st AVE-'IJJ!:. ,)E-L >-lAY Bf ACt-l 1- OR DA 3444 ,E,1 24".l ,000 Florida t,0,11 lll·l•rii:a City "'10\.\1..0\I":IINll ,,,,,., PROCLAMATION 1993•2001•2017 WHEREAS, Delray Beach, Florida celebrates local small businesses and the contributions they make through our We• Small Biz year-round campaign; and WHEREAS, small businesses employ 47.3 percent of the employees in the private sector in the United States; and WHEREAS, 94% of consumers in the United States value the contributions small businesses make in their community; and WHEREAS, 96% of consumers who plan to shop on Small Business Saturday said the day inspires them to go to small, independently-owned retailers or restaurants that they have not been to before, or would not have otherwise tried; and WHEREAS, 92% of companies planning promotions on Small Business Saturday said the day helps their business stand out during the busy holiday shopping season; and WHEREAS, 59% of small business owners said Small Business Saturday contributes significantly to their holiday sales each year; and WHEREAS, local business advocacy groups like the Delray Beach Downtown Development Authority, Greater Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce and the Delray Beach Office of Economic Development, as well as public and private organizations across the country, have endorsed the Saturday after Thanksgiving as Small Business Saturday - a new holiday shopping tradition to help local small businesses do more business. NOW, THEREFORE, I, SHELLY PETROLIA, MAYOR, of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on behalf of the City Commission, do hereby proclaim, November 30, 2019, as: SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY and urge the residents and visitors of our community to support local Delray Beach small businesses and merchants on Small Business Saturday and throughout the year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Official Seal of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to be affixed this 19th day of November 2019. fL TROLIA @ !'•1111, 1" Fi v,11 Jl'11>t THE EFFORT AL WAY<; MATTE.RS