900 Bermuda Gardens Lane oisrncr �
SU�DIY151�� �I�CK LOT ����
OWNER Woods & Elizabeth B. McCahill
SECTION 28-46-4 (24C) �""` ADDRESS � a
E:n,� owNEe �0% Menands�. Ro�ad, Albany, N.'Y. 1220�
�EfC�1�T1��: 9OO Bermuda Gardens Lan
B@f�ir�nin� a 'r_ � iryJ1T?L 1I7 � �?I2�_' Fa.ic1�E.'L '=0 �n�i 1 '7QQ owME�
feet Nortrierlv {measured at right a�gles) from the AOD�ESS
East and ti•Test pu��er 5ection line of sai3 Section
28, To��nship �?-6 South, Range 43 East, said point of
beainning being 3G0 feet �;esterly, measur2d along
said parallel 1ine, from the Westerly right-of-��ay
line of State Foad No. AlA; thence continue along
same course G•7esterl�� to the Easterly right-of-way
line of the F]_orida+ Intracoastal Waterway ; thence
�ou:herljJ alor.; said �,�asterly right-of-w�_y 1ir�e,
�1 L,�__ -- � n� r_ i. _ ii.. r,,_�_�i ._ i � � �...
Gl Ul��-Q111.:C VL 1VV 1CCl_� 1-11C111.:C LiQ51..C11Y t.1C�1Q11C1 l-V
the first herei.n described course, a distance of 220
feet; -thence �or_therly, at right ang�es to the pre-
cedi.nc� course, a distance of 100 feet to the point
o£ beginniilg,
Annexed 7/22/74 _