2200 Lake Ida Road � � � DISTRICT
- - - oWNER All American Meat Company _
Vacant qDDRESS 4�0 Ansin Blvd. , Hallandale, FL 33009
DELRAY SHORES 1 Pt. 2 0 Exe„�,�
2200 Lake Ida Road OWNER
Ord. No. 5-88
A portion of Lot 20 in Block 1 of DFLRAY north along the westerly line of said Lot 9 ,
SHORES SIIBDIVISION as recorded in Plat Book 110. OQ fP_.P_.'t, ta a point on the south
24 , Pages 232 and 233 , Palm Beach County right•-c�f-way lir�P of L�ke Ida Road; , thence
Public Records , being in the southeast run due wPst along said right.-of-way 311. 61
quarter of Section 7 , Township 46 South, feet. to a point of curvat.ure of curve to the
Range 43 East, Palm Seach County, Florida, left, havin� a radius of 55. 67 feet; thence
and being more fully described as follows: run southwesterly along aaid curve through a
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 10, central angle of 90 degrees , an arc distance
Block 1 , of said Plat 3f DELRAY SHORSS , run N of 87 . 4�� feet to t•he point of compound
38 degrees 17 ' 12" E, along the Westerly line curvatur�= of a curve to thP left , havin� a
of said Lot 10 , 110. 00 feet to a point; radius oi� 109 . 35 feet; thence run southeast-
thence run N 8 degrees 28 ' 10" E , 142. 80 feet erly alc>r�g said curvP , through a central
to a point being the southwest corner of Lot angle of 44 degrees 15 ' an arc. distance of
9 , Block 1 , DELRAY SHORES , thence �un due 84. 45 f P_.Pt. t•O t.he point of compound curvature
of curvr to thP left• havin� a radius of 1300
feet; t.h�nce run gL�L1tY1P_.f�St,erly alan� said
curve , t.hrough a cent.ral z:ngle �f 9 degrees
30 ' , AIl ��,rc di�ct,ance �f 215. 55 feet to t.he
point of revFrse c.urvat.��re nf a curv� to thP
right. , �-�aving a rR�1t1S of 2490 feet.; thence
run �301_�t.�"IWF_.at.Frly alc�ng said c�_zrvr t.hrc�ugh a
�ent.ral :�ngle �f � d?grees 02 " 1<_ " , an arc
C'���t•FiriCE' �f 106 . 29 fPet• t.o t.h�- point of
beginnin� , c.��nt.air►in� 85 . 9�'3 . 4`� fr?t.
ThP suh,iect. p.ropert.y i� located at the
southea:, �. corner of the intersection of Lake
Ida Roac; and Davis Road.
The ar�c�v•=-desc.ribed parcel c�ntains a 1. 97
acre par��e 1 �f land , more ar less .