4620-D N.W. 3Rd Court nsrneT CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA �z� p��nt of Delray suilders �wm:ia �ucK ut i■rnw+ HI�ri POINT OF DELRA BLDG. UNIT ew�e. G. Pastolove (5/24/82) """` ADDIIEtS 4620-D N.W. 3rd Court; D.B. , FL 33445 SECTIODI VII 105 D e �ExarT�a: awM¢� ADD�ESf 4620-D N.W. 3rd Court �wrc� A�O�Eff PER #7339, 1/7/81, CBS 4-PLEX, $147, 136, CFiECKED �� /3 �'•.? j�� PER#19206,4/14/'82,encl.porch,$1Q80.Checked ,