1085 S.W. 15th Avenue nRtntT CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA :etoInsItN KICK LIT I■� owNER The Seneca Group SECTION 20-46-43 21 ""t ADDRESS 1085 S.W. 15th Avenue; D.B. , FL 33444 E NEtCti/TgN: twNER _ - PARK TEN WAREHOUSE ADDRESS 1085 S .W. 15th Avenue MEN ADDNEtt PER#7657 , 6/15/81, Warehouse, $619 ,000 , Checked LEGAL, Per Bldg. Dept. : Lot 21; a portion of Sect. 20, Twp. 46, 43, being a re-plat of a portion of Lot 21. PER#2084-83M, 6/l/83, install interior partitions, $3 , 000 .Checked F. s's Bays 1 & 2) PER#1306-83M, 2/16/83, install office partitions, $2, 000 .Checked CJ•(ZQ-)-000-) O .C.